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April 2009

Alternative to Tree 'Cutting'

We see a lot of discussion these days about this tree 'choping' business. If us, and our beloved civic agencies are really that concerned about them, why can't we look at the alternatives. How about 'moving / relocating' them instead?

Praja meet to plan pedestrianization project

23 Apr 2009 16:00
23 Apr 2009 17:00

Thursday, Lalbagh West Gate, 4 pm

Let us make use of election day holiday to plan next steps on pedestrianization project. Refer back to recent discussions on pedestrianization possibilities for Commercial Street and Brigade Road stretch. Looks like there is enough interest and enough legs available to take this forward from mere discussion.

Electronic Voting Machine - better know how it works

Dear All

Most of us know how Electronic Voting Machine works and how we vote - Still it will be better if we could just recollect how it works so that this knowledge may be disseminated to others also:

EVM has two units -


-Control unit and a Ballotting unit - cable wires connected



First the commercial establishments on CMH Road raised their voices, then on Raj Kumar Road. Most of the residents in Vijayanagar were mute and raised no voice. Avenue Road does not like the idea. It will soon be Vidhana Soudha, High Court and Minsk Square that will get altered. KSCA, though unhappy is not worried much since it is quite sometime that they stopped promoting c

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