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April 2009

Sign online petition to save Lalbagh from Metro

Dear all

For your kind information and necessary action from -

Pictures of the protests are on flickr:

BMTC Survey Questions (Draft) for review !


In coming days we would be doing a online survey to get reasons for people using or not using the BMTC bus service, in particular Volvo/BIG-10/KS. Here is the list of questions that forms the survey:

Metro, Lalbagh, Nanda Road

The irony of the whole Metro-Nanda Road issue is this paragraph that is proudly displayed on the Bangalore Metro website. (

Save 1,800 trees in Lalbagh from Bangalore Metro - Petition

On 16 March 2009, the Hon'ble High Court of Karnataka issued a direction to all agencies involved in management and implementation of urban projects that they would "strictly follow" the provisions of the Karnataka Town and Country Planning Act and Karnataka Preservation of Trees Act (in WP No. 7107/2008, Environment Support and ors., vs State of Karnataka).

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