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December 2008

Koramangala: Meeting with DCP Mookherjee

Dear folks, as a follow up of our 'Memorial' meeting on 30 November held at WIPRO Park, we met Mr.Mookherjee (DCP, South  East Division) on 15th to discuss security measures in our area.

Bangalore Traffic - problems & solutions

Presentations linked here were made by Mr Dasrathi (CEO of Cadem, Bangalore, and a member of Hasiru Usiru), who, even with being in his mid-forties, uses a bicycle for over 75% of the trips he makes, including client visits. He has stated that anyone may use these presentations in any way - view online, download, distribute, put them in blogs, whatever, as long as the message spreads.

Commuter rail to E-City may happen soon!

I was at a BCIC meeting this week wherein Devesh had invited Mr Arvind Jadhav (GoK's principal secretary for infrastructure development) over for a talk. Mr Jadhav mentioned some exciting plans, we should hear them soon in mainstream media. Commuter Rail Service was one of them, looks like things are moving, and we may get one or two services pretty soon! Here is a summary of CRS stuff that Mr Jadhav mentioned:

BWSSB - current projects and progress updates

From a BWSSB perspective, I found 3 critical projects that we need to track the progress of:

Para-statal agencies and task forces in Karnataka

20 Dec 2008 09:30
20 Dec 2008 17:00

A One day public consultation on their constitutionality, programs, influence and impact on Democracy
Date: 20 December 2008.  Time: 9.30 AM to 5 PM
Place: Legislator's Home, Vidhana Soudha. Bangalore


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