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December 2008

Help - Lets track JNNURM in Karnataka

Want to get deeper into Praja and beyond discussions? Here is your chance. We are looking for some people to join hands in tracking JNNURM reforms and projects at Karnataka. If you didn't know, JNNURM is a reforms-linked investment scheme to help states on urban infrastructure. States get a big fund to tap into, but with a catch - they must commit to implementing some urban governance reforms.

Safe Passage: Minutes of 28 Dec meeting

During the two hour meeting the following was discussed:

Law panel for continuation of English in higher judiciary

The Law Commission of India has stated that it is not feasible to introduce Hindi as a compulsory language in the Supreme Court.

Bangalore and Ribbon Development

Ribbon Development

Classic definition of Ribbon Development is building houses and businesses along the roads radiating from a town. Dictionary definition of the term is "building complex in a continuous row along a road". The term comes from observations in the west in early 20th century when personal automobiles made it possible for people to live far from the city, and many chose to build houses next to the radial highways leading in to the city.

Bangalore context

In Bangalore's context, the Ribbon Development phenomena is see in similar and different ways.

State Level Reforms linked to Security issues

As important as fixing the security issues, are the fixing of certain key issues pertaining to governance, the deficiencies around which are the actual cause of the precarious security environment prevailing. A few of the more important ones are listed below.

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