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April 2008

UP: a transport regulatory body to end monopoly of USPRTC

I am sure Mr Murali Rao would have read this with great interest. UP goverment is going to setup a Transport Regulatory body, thus ending the monopoly of US state road transport corporation over 460 routes that were recently de-nationalized.

Upcoming elections

Elections, Voter ID FAQ

Instead of duplicating similar material here, just wanted to point over to some resources over Internet (and phone):

Business placards and hoardings neglecting/insulting Kannada

There are several instances in Bengaluru nowadays wherein placards and huge hoardings put up by business establishments to advertise their product or shop are insulting the local language - Kannada - by printing Kannada characters on a miniscule scale, whereas English (sometimes even Hindi) characters rule the canvas and are larger than life itself.


Replace Indica with Nano for Call Centre and Office Drop off Vehicles

Call Centre and IT companies pickup and drop off vehicle's menance are increasing day by day. Most of the companies use Inidicab for pickup and drop off of their staff. Inicab which is India is a very powerful vehicle, although safe for insiders,if not handled safely will lead to fatal accidents of 2 wheelers and pedestrains. 

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