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Dr. Vivek M: Scavenger's Tale

"One of the most pressing problems of urban living is the disposal of garbage. Although much is being debated about the methods of disposal in view of global warming, a small section of the poor who depend on these large dump yards as the sole means of livelihood seldom gets attention. These workers collect scrap iron, plastic, glass bottles and sell them to dealers through whom it reaches recycling plants. Their daily earnings are between Rs. 150-250 (US $ 3-5) a day." Dr Vivek M's captures of the life of some of Bangalore's scavengers. Scavenger's Tale through Dr. Vivek M's lens more amazing images at his flickr page...


tsubba's picture


they also literally put their health and lives at risk without things like shoes, gloves and face masks. "She burnt her feet accidentally when she stepped into a pile of garbage which had a dormant fire underneath, 6 months ago."
Naveen's picture

Scavengers - An Important Function

We see them each day, but ignore them as nothing more than the country's urban poor, but they perform such an important role. Apart from assisting in recycling various used objects, they also indirectly help the environment by reducing consumption of raw materials & resources that are becoming more & more scarce with each passing day. comment guidelines

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