CycleDay Coverage / Publicity
Submitted by Ravi_D on 9 October 2013 - 8:58am
379 users have liked.
Thread for coverage and publicity. Watch out for media links. Publicity Material.
First step - Announcing the Logo!!!
Update 15/Oct: New CycleDay Logo
Update 23/Oct: New new logo! with background
Updated Poster (22/Oct): English/Kannada Versions (Note updated timing for the rides)
Come join hands. Let us make a difference.
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/blrcycleday
Facebook Events Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/346953122108476/?source=1
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CycleDay has a dedicated facebook page. Like. Share. Comment. Spread the word around.
220+ likes and counting in less than two days!
Times of India, 21/Sept
Early days of the campaign. More to come.
Deccan Herald, 7/Oct
Coverage has a tinge of 'yet another attempt' type feel, but is coverage none the less. Tagline below the header sums up the feel: "Despite hurdles, Bengaluru Cycle Day hopes to revive pedalling".
397 likes at the time of this post!!!!!
Quoting a cyclist:
560 likes on facebook
560 likes on facebook already!
Indian Express - 16/Oct
Link: http://newindianexpress.com/cities/bangalore/Cyclists-run-in-with-walkers/2013/10/16/article1837174.ece
New CycleDay logo announced!
Updated the first post too... Come join hands. Make a difference.
Edit 23/Oct - See original post above for the latest copy.
Facebook Event hits the century mark!
100 have confirmed 'going' to the facebook event. What are you waiting for?
Participate. Bring your family and friends. Spread the word around. Like and share on social media. Pitch in with your ideas and suggestions. Volunteer. Make your event successful by helping any way you can. Together let us make a difference.
Good going
This is making good progress!!
I think once BMTC & metro permit bicycles, there will be lot more who will start using them.
BMTC has taken the first step
BMTC has taken the first step. They are allowing cycles inside any volvo service during the event. Great first start. Regualr services unfortunately do not have enough space for cycles to go inside, so wasn't practical.
It is left to us to make good use of the facility during the CycleDay and show the demand. Remember to bring your friends, family, kids, and their cycles to the park on the day! Take the bus. Ride the cycle. Have fun :)
Deccan Herald, 17/Oct
More media coverage. Good to see enthusiasm building around.
Cubbon park not a private park
Regarding the irresponsible & selfish comment from the cubbon park walkers association in the indian express that cyclists are not important & that they need to go to other parks, let me remind them cubbon park is not their private property. They travel in cars & walk for 2kms in the park & claim it as their backyard.
This is the same group that felt pegions cause disease & that dogs should be banned in the park. If they really werent showing off they would walk on real streets to carry out daily activities & ask BBMP to lay proper sidewalks to protect real walkers. Not these fancy strollers forming association.
This is the same walkers which claimed warm ups by women runners in the park is indecent & they should go home to warm up. I think these so called walkers are just a bunch of lazy old people wanting the park all to themselves. They dont have any visions of a sustainability for the rest of us.
They are even threatning the deputy director of the park, for allowing people other than their group to do any activities. I think there may be some goings on betweeen the park authorities and them or just goondagardi by the so called lawer who heads this group. If it is so then he is showing what lawers are truly made of.
The title by Indian Express is unnecessarily sensational. If they really wanted to stir the pot the report should have come back to us for a clarification ont the comment.
If you are printing T-Shirts I suggest the following phrase on the back ` You are NOT STUCK in traffic - you ARE traffic.'
Of course it is not original - but it seems appropriate for Bangalore. I'm not sure if its copyrighted though.
cycling at a new high in New York City
Click on the link below to see how Janette Sadik-Khan, Transportation commissioner, New York City, has taken cycling to a new high
Cycel Day Poster in Kannada!
I have added the 'Cycel Day' Poster to the main post. Feel free to use it for publicity.
Thanks to Kishore Chandra for the creating this poster in Kannada.
Does DULT has the courage to experiment?
Murali Sir,
Thank you for sharing the video on Changing scenraio of New York City streets. It's all about willingness of bureacrats to try different things, not sit there and count days for plum postings.
My favorite line from that video is -
This is what Praja-RAAG has been campaigning for last 3 years. Go for the low hanging fruits.
Only 6 more days for the first CycleDay event
Mark your calendars. Join hands. Bring your friends, family and kids. Enjoy the city at its early morning best. Don't forget to bring your suggestions/ideas too, let us fill in the IdeaBox to its brim!
27/Oct is the Inaugural CycleDay event. 7-10am.
BMTC volvos allow your cycles to be carried inside between 6 & 11am.
Don't have a cycle? Come with an ID, rent a cycle at the park. Around 40 cycles will be available for rent during the event, on a first-come-first-served basis.
Thanks Syed / Kishore Chandra
...for your efforts with the Kannada version. We had one in the works, and here is the latest from that effort.
Edit 23/Oct - See Original Post for the latest poster...
@Kishore Chandra
Love your edit on the Logo! :)
nvironment. Sunita Narain injured after being hit by speed car
Environmentalist Sunita Narain suffered critical injuries on Sunday after a speeding car hit her from behind while she was riding a bicycle in the national capital, police said.
52-year-old Narain, the director of Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) and resident of South Delhi's Green Park area, was heading towards Lodhi Garden area on a bicycle when an unidentified car hit her from behind around 6.00 am.
The car driver fled from the accident site. Ms Narain, was rushed to AIIMS where doctors said that her both arms have been fractured and she suffered grievous injuries in her chest.
Bangalore citizens who direv their perosnnal vechiles should give respect to cyclists and make safe city for the cyclists in Garden / IT city.
Cycle Day
Any options of utilizing this cycle day for a Cause. I am sure we will have lot of Cycle enthusiasts on 27th joining the party. If we could add a Theme say - "Honking Menance Reduction in Bangalore", we will be cycling for a cause. I agree cycling itself is a cause in itself. Additionally, we can have hang have posters on back of all cyclicts depicting quotes to reduce Honking.
... please come (with your friends, family and kids). Do not forget to pitch in with your ideas (there will be a IdeaBox waiting to capture these). It is a monthly campaign, and the team is looking for such ideas / suggestions for future events. Let us make a change happen together.
What are you waiting for?
Another milestone. Just the facebook events page has more than 200 confirmed "going". 60+ "maybe"s waiting to convert. Hundreads more not counted (familes, kids, friends that haven't yet seen this one yet).
Facebook campaign page has 730+ likes at the time of this update.
Hundreads more participants waiting to hear about this one. And we have 6 more days to go. What are you waiting for? Come join the change. Spread the word around.
100% Credit goes to Kishore!
Full credit for Kannada version of the flier goes to Kishore. Though he is based in H'bad, he has been helping us with translating many of the documents lately.
Kishore, thank you so much and we will look forward to your continued support.
I am only a messenger :)
824 likes. 269 confirmed
824 likes. 269 confirmed "going". 80 "maybe"s. 12k plus page visits. CycleDay page on facebook has to be the most happening thing in the city right now! :)
Facebook events page
Facebook campaign page
Event Update
While event time 7-10am remains the same, there is a small update on the Inaugural & Heritage ride start times.
After enjoying the early morning beauty of Cubbon Park and sorroundings on what promises to be a fabulous day weatherwise, join us at the Hudson Circle for the inagural ride at 8:05am. Continue onto the ~5km long leisurely heritage ride around and inside the park starting at 8:35am.
Overnight, the facebook counts have gone to 850 likes, and 281 "going"! Catch the bug. Enjoy the ride. Have fun. Volunteer. Share your thoughts. And help Bengaluru go green and clean!
CycleDay's most popular initiative yet
BMTC's announcement that Volvo services allow you to carry your cycles inside during the event on 27/Oct is a big hit on the facebook campaign page. Some 33000 people of seen it, 420+ people have shared it and love it!
Some comments from facebook:
"This is so much win."
"We should start something like this in Pune too!"
"Awesome! Now I can really go places with my cycle."
"Isn't this damn cool? I am doing it for sure."
"Bloody neat and about time! Finally, Bangalore goes truly green."
"Cycling | Why Bangalore is the BEST! Will Calcutta please take cue!"
"This is truly awesome - can change urban mobility completely!"
"this is indeed a great initiative ...........my heart felt congratulations to BMTC !!!!!!"
"I Love this.. Jai bolo BMTC!"
"And that's why no other city in India would ever be as cool as Bangalore!"
"A day for the cyclists. Very nice!"
So, here are the stickers you can expect to see on the volvos!
Excellent Response
I'm sure you've read/heard the news already. A massive turnout of cyclists at the Cubbon Park for the inaugural CycleDay event included few months old babies to 81 years old veteran cyclist. All the 110 cycles available on rent was out on the streets even before clock hit 8AM. Thank you cycle enthusiasts for such a massive support for the cause.
Below are some links from today's media pages for your reading pleasure.... Enjoy, and don't forget to mark your calendars - last Sunday of every month is your CycleDay.
Email your thoughts, suggestions, ideas for future CycleDay monthly events to: blrcycleday@praja.in
News Paper Links:
Good to see excellent response
I think the bicycle campaign must include carriage of bicycles on metro for additional fee as also on volvo buses to start with & all buses later. This will galvanize the whole city towards bicycle use rather than confine bicycle usage to select streets & areas, also demands from public for bicycle lanes on all streets will increase.