NMT CBD Pilot presentation

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NMT CBD Pilot survey presentation to DULT by Praja.in. Next steps is for DULT to constitute a task force with representatives from CiSTUP, BBMP & DULT to prepare detailed plans.


Bicycle markings

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Meanwhile we have fiberglass cycle+double arrow stencils available. We can help with marking cycle lanes in your area.

Synergizing BPS and NMT

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Nice!! Great attention to detail and irreplaceable on-the-ground observations. Good job NMT team!

We do however need to synthesize this with suggestions made in the BPS presentation in zones of overlap (as of now; Richmond & Residency Rds.).



std mutcd size..

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to add to IDS post..the templates are made around Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)  document issued by the US Federal Highway Administration..

The bike marking is approximately 1.2mtsX 2 mts

We do however need to

201 users have liked.

We do however need to synthesize this with suggestions made in the BPS presentation in zones of overlap

Agree, will go thru the BPS V9 and revert.


195 users have liked.

Went thru the BPS report. Since its focussed more on the signal jump, I dont see specific mention of Bicycle integration in the report but the NMT does take care of this as it is intended to connect the bus & train modes in the CBD area. Go thru the NMT report & let me know if you see any discrepancy.

synergies btw NMT & BPS limited..

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since the proposed plan to have dedicated bike tracks in CBD..synergies will mostly be limited to junction treatments, which can be exclusive for bus and bikes..

but there will be an immediate need for sensitizining bmtc drivers to cyclists presense, since its more a raging bull and an ant story now..which needs to change..

Some points to note for

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Some points to note for people who havent seen either reports

1) The bike stops are close to the bus stops in Richmond & Residency rd. so accesiibility from bus stops is not an issue. 

2) The bike track will be on the opp side on Richmond rd (right) whereas it will be on the same side of the bus lane on Residency rd. (left) 

3) On residency rd after Bangalore club there are only 2 stops, 1 near ashirvadam circle & another mayo hall. Bike track/lane at any bus stop need to merge with bus lane or run behind the stop. Bike track will merge into st marks road at cash pharmacy avoiding Bangalore club bus stop. Hayes rd can be used to connect to richmond rd instead.

4) Since jump lanes have been proposed on Dsouza & Vellara jn's in the BPS report both of which are on left side of the on Richmond rd. Bike lane will not be able to use these jump lanes. If jump lanes can be done on residency rd then bike lanes can also use this.

5) Bikes can avoid vellara jn by using castle street & kings street while the current alignment will not need bike track to cross Dsouza circle.


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Bikes can avoid vellara jn by using castle street & kings street...

A longer-term solution might involve purchasing a strip of land on the LHS (i.e. Sacred Hearts and Cathedral's/All Saints Church land) for the QJL so NMT can avoid the detour.

If jump lanes can be done on residency rd then bike lanes can also use this.

But ...based on sb's data for 335E/G1, Residency Rd was not among the top-4 slowdown points in the inner CBD. Having said that, a QJL somewhere (possibly Ashirvadam circle), is definitely worth thinking about.

Bike track/lane at any bus stop need to merge with bus lane or run behind the stop.

How about something like this (figure not to scale)?



TM, IDS - add an annexure on integration in BPS paper

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The BPS concept paper is focused on priority for Buses. We have purposefuly avoided going into other aspects of Bus transit to keep focus. But seems like it would be worth to add an appendix/annexure section on integrations.. We have left a placeholder already (see the very last page of the document), ned to fill in some of these with more detail.

TM/Venu if you read this, lets get going on it then. Lets produce a v10 of the BPS draft this weekend.

BPS paper- NMT only annexure?

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Wilco...However the appendix on 'inter-modal' integration, AFAIU will only touch on NMT. Correct?



Quick update DPR/details

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Quick update

DPR/details study has been commissioned by DULT. Will be completed in about 3 weeks & a presentation will be made to the task force

more reasons for tracks..

192 users have liked.

what are the challenges of cycling in a city like Bangalore? “Fellow motorists need to respect cyclists,” says Rugvedita, adding, “Most Indians feel that cycling doesn’t befit their social status except in smaller towns. Also, there are no cycling lanes.”


more from TOI today here

 The Real Reason Why

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The Real Reason Why Bicycles are the Key to Better Cities

read here

How to Design a...

180 users have liked.

How to Design a Bicycle City

New dedicated bicycle lanes that are somewhat separated and protected from car traffic have dramatically increased ridership by 18-20 percent and brought many new types of riders on the road. “There are now riders heading to metro stops and more women, older folks.”

...“if you put in bike lanes, they will come.”

Read here

DPR's are done..arent they?

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"The City will have a dedicated seven-kilometre cycle lane from M G Road to Baiyappanahalli by the end of this year, if everything goes as planned..

As part of the Rs 64-crore road upgradation project, the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) and Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRCL) will share the costs on a 50:50 basis to upgrade roads, footpaths and provide the cycle lane."

more here

They are again talking of a DPR but thought Tender Sure had already finished  on this route..the funds are in place..its just abt implementation!

Get on guys!