Public Meeting on Jayamahal/ Bellary Road widening
Saturday, 20 Nov, 3PM
Venue: Raman Research Institute, C V Raman Road
Despite the strong and widespread public opposition and the questionable benefits of road widening projects, BBMP is planning to widen both Bellary Road (from Mekhri circle to Cauvery theatre) and Jayamahal Main Road (Mekhri circle to Cantontment Jn), without public consultation, impact assessments or considering alternative solutions. Widening the road will not reduce congestion as the number of vehicles only keep growing, crossing wider roads become more difficult, for all pedestrians especially for the disabled, elderly and children. More over, 856 trees, many of that decades old, are going to be axed for this project, making the neighborhoods that much poorer in greenery, shade, fresh air etc.
Residents of the affected areas along with Wild Forever Foundation and Hasiru Usiru are organizing a public meeting. Shri Ravindra, Chairman, BBMP standing committee for Major Works, has kindly agreed to attend the meeting, along with Engineers from the BBMP Major Roads Division. Shri Nagaraj, Chairman, BBMP standing committee for Town planning may also join, but his participation is pending confirmation. BBMP Engineers and others will talk about the project and alternatives will be discussed
We request you to join the meeting and participate in the discussion to help shape our city and its neighborhoods. Please circulate widely and get your friends and neighbors to join as well.
Venue: Lecture Hall (above Library), Raman Research Institute, C V Raman Road (close to Mekhri Circle)
Time & Date: 3 PM, Saturday, 20 Nov
For more information, contact Vinay (9880595032) or Bhakti (9886067477)
Warm Regards,
Residents of Jayamahal, Wild Forever Foundation & Hasiru Usiru