[Announcement] Working Groups - our first one

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Public Transport

Okay then. Time now to test ourselves, and the theory, that with a bigger pool (1000+ now) of members, we will have correspondingly bigger numbers for on-ground activities. Let us start our first "working group" (or WG) on Praja. Taking the window of opportunity offered by Mr Tripathy, and well aware that the subject is most popular thus far, the first WG will be on Public Transport. Before forming this group, let us figure out this generic concept of WG:

  • WG's objective - Connect Praja members with happenings on public transport front. Take suggestions or reviews to 'them', get 'their' messages and communications to Praja.
  • Essentially, each WG will be the face of Praja in interactions with organizations relevant to WG's theme.
  • In return for the "privilege" of representing Praja members, WG members will have following responsibilities
    • Transparency - log all work and talking you do. Praja.in website will provide tools so that WG's actions can easily be logged (by WG) and tracked (by rest of the members).
    • Absolutely no ranting or personal attacks. Be either constructive or informative, or keep out.
    • Democratic workings - do what majority wants. First, pick action items popular amongst on the website. Next, from this list, pick majority opinion within WG.
    • No permanent members - Once you stop attending meetings or participating, you should vacate your spot.
    • Last, track related news and developments (keep posting here). But this aspect will need help from all.
  • Size: 10 (just a number to start with, lets see the interest first)
  • How does the WG get formed?
    • Right now: Nominate members based on their level of enthusiasm on the site so far. Long time members, who have been posting constructively on the subject, and have shown inclination for on-ground action, they get the first shot.
    • Later: Some established "experts" via nomination, but rest are picked via an online "election" on the site. Basically, it should be like this - do the opinion building o the site, build your credibility on the site, and then you get nominated or elected to a WG in line with your passion.

We will perfect this WG concept as we go along. But post your comments and feedback to this proposal. Once the members are okay with the proposal on structure and workings of Praja WG, we will get going with organized action on the ground.

And BTW, if there isn't enough interest and commitment, no sweat, and no worries :) We will try this again a bit later once we get bigger and broader. Remember, our motto is "Collaborative Activism", and our strength comes from transparent and democratic setup wherever and as much as possible.