Roof Top Solar PV System for residences - my experience

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I noticed some discussions on Roof Top Solar PV System for residences. I would like to share my experience and assumptions.

I have installed a SPV system on my roof top as a back up to grid supply 4 years ago, and is functioning satisfactorily although some improvements in the overall operation of the system is desirable and achievable.

Assumptions first:

  1. Renewable energy sources are the future; and solar power has the most advantages;
  2. Conventional power sources are fast depleting and getting costlier; social and environmental cocerns with these sources are huge and cannot be ignored any longer. Their real cost to the society is much more than what we see now as electricity prices.
  3. In order to make use of SPV systems work effectively, the electricity demand has to be managed carefully.  Usage of heavy duty appliances such as fridges, ACs, washing machines, water pumping, electric iron box, etc should be avoided as far as possible OR carefully managed. My requirement was only for lighting, PC, TV, and cell phone recharging.
  4. Some financial risk taking is involved for individuals if we want to hasten the wider use of these renewable energy sources.
  5. Living in a village a decent backup for the grid power was necessary for me to be able to use my PC at any time.
  6. Also I wanted to demonstrate to otheres (especially the authorities: I demonstrated my SPV system to the state energy minister in 2009) the efficacy of these systems.

