BIAL Official Updates 2007

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Official Updates For 2007

BIAL Official Updates July 2007

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Construction progress during June 2007

Work at the new Bangalore Airport has now reached 77% completion. This month marks the completion of two years since the construction work started at the site in June 2005. During this time, the area has been completely transformed and all the airport facilities are clearly visible. Following is the construction, engineering and procurement update as of June 2007

Terminal Building
At the terminal building the roof, front and back glass facade and the side walls have been completed. Granite flooring work is in progress. The granite cladding for 34 out of 70 columns has been finished. Installation of 7 out of the 8 fixed link bridges connecting the terminal building and the apron are done. 14 out of 16 escalators have been placed. The structural support fixtures for all the eight glass elevators are in progress. The installation of the baggage handling system in the departure area is nearing completion. The work at the car park area is in front of the terminal building is in progress. The base pavement layer is 80% complete.

Airside Works
The 4KM runway paving has been completed. On the taxiway, laying of the top asphalt layer is nearing completion. At the apron area, laying of the concrete layer has been completed for 47% out of 381,000sqm (including the isolation bay). Installation of the airfield lights continued. The airfield ground lighting (AFL) cabling is completed for 70kms out of 90 Kms. Currently the cabling work is in progress for the taxiway circuits. In the apron area, 6 out of 27 apron masts are erected. Airside wall illumination is in progress.

Other buildings & infrastructure
At the ATC tower, the fabrication of the top dome at a height of 60m is complete. The structural finishing of the dome is in progress. The installation of 1 elevator in the ATC tower and 3 elevators in the administration block is underway.

Concessionaire works
At the fuel farm, fabrication of all the 3 tanks to the full height is completed. The construction of other facilities within the fuel farm continues. Ongoing work includes the installation of various sectional testing and laying of the hydrant fuel lines in the apron. At the two cargo plots and the flight catering plots the concreting works above ground are in progress.


BIAL Official Updates August 2007

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Official Updates of Construction during July 2007
The construction of new Bangalore Airport has now reached the 26th month starting August 2007. The total project progress is now approximately 80%.


The new Bangalore airport received electricity this month for future airport operations. Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited (KPTCL) provided power from the Begur substation to activate the 66/11kv BIAL switchyard on 17th July’07. This switchyard will provide dedicated power to the new Bangalore airport.

The Terminal building

Most works are now at various stages of completion. Completed works include the roof, the front and back glass façade and the side walls. Additionally, within the terminal building the installation of the escalators, structural supports for the glass elevators, structural steel works for the retail and duty free concessionaires, structural works for the baggage handling (departure area) and the installation of the three carousel structural supports is complete.

Activities in progress include the granite flooring works, the granite cladding of the columns, installation of boarding bridges, installation of the fixed link bridge connecting the terminal building, installation of the fire alarm detectors and the light fittings.

Airside Works

The runway is entirely complete as of April 2007 and the Air field lighting cabling works are nearing completion. The paving works at the taxiway is now complete. On the apron area, laying of the concrete layer is completed for 52% out of 381,000sqm, this includes the isolation bay.

Other buildings & infrastructure

* At the Air Traffic Control tower, the structural works are completed. The top cabin aluminum frame works are in the progress. The cabin cladding works will now commence.
* The earthworks for the main access road are nearing completion. The construction of the underpass continued.
* At the car park, base pavement layer is completed. Installation of the paver blocks has commenced.
* The laying of the external water pipeline network is completed for 25kms out 27kms. The sewage line laying works is completed for 6500m out of 7000m. The installation of the pumps and other equipment in the sewage treatment plant continued.
* Nav - Aid (navigation aid) buildings: At the Radar Tx building, the roof slab concreting is nearing completion. The civil works for the DVOR building is completed. The finishing works in the two localizer buildings are in progress. The foundation works for the two non frangible glide path buildings is completed. The foundation works for the frangible glide path structure also completed.

Concessionaire works update

* At the fuel farm, the construction of all the buildings is completed and the finishing works are in progress. Installation of the electrical and mechanical system equipment continued. The laying of the feeder line connecting the fuel farm and the apron are in progress. At the apron, installation of the hydrant pipelines continued.
* At the two cargo plots and the flight catering plots the structural concreting works are progressing.



BIAL Official Updates September 2007

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New! Oct 2007 Images Of BIAL!!

New! Oct 2007 BIAL Airport City, Plans & Renders!!

Construction progress update for September 2007

The opening of the new Bangalore International Airport draws closer with just 6 more months to go. Progress on the project is now approximately 85%. In addition to the runway being complete, the taxiway has also been completed. At the terminal building, all the civil works are now done and finishing works are in progress.

The Terminal Building

- The installation of the eight fixed link bridges connecting the terminal building and the apron is now complete. Additionally, in the baggage handling areas, the electrical and instrumentation works are nearing completion. The commissioning activities for these areas are due to begin shortly.

- Installation work of the glass elevators, escalators, the automatic doors for entry and exit into the terminal building is now being carried out. Work on the installation of fire alarm detectors and the light fittings continued.

- At the duty free area, the site handover to the food and beverage concessionaire was achieved this month. Other construction work for the retail shops continued.

- At the car park area in front of the terminal building the final paver block installations are progressing. The landscaping works within this area continued.

- The installation of the light poles along the main access road and the car park is in progress. 60% of the light poles have been installed.

Airside Works

- The installation of the approach lights and the flash lights on the east and the west side of the runway are completed and the installation of taxiway lights is now in progress. Work on the airside wall illumination is progressing at a good pace; currently 310 light poles out of the total 323 poles have been installed. Cabling works are now in progress. On the Apron area, laying of the final concrete layer is nearing completion.

Other buildings and Infrastructure

- The earthwork for the main access road outside the boundary wall is nearing completion.

- Construction of the trumpet interchange connecting NH7 to the airport is in progress. The earthwork, foundation concreting work, column concreting work and the pre-cast retaining wall work is ongoing.

- At the Air Traffic Control (ATC) tower, the aluminium composite panel (ACP) cladding and glass fixing works are nearing completion.

- The elevator installation works in the ATC tower and the ATC block are nearing completion.

- The installation of the pumps and other equipment in the sewage treatment plant and the pump houses continued.

- Nav- Aid (navigation aid) buildings: At the Radar Tx building, the final finishing and electrical works are in progress. All the other Nav-aid facilities such as the localizer buildings, the DVOR building, the frangible and the non-frangible buildings are completed and are ready for inspection.

BIAL Official Updates October 2007

Construction progress update for October 2007 The highlight this month included the commissioning of passenger boarding bridges, transformers, CCTV cameras, fire alarm system in the terminal building. Elevators were commissioned at both, the terminal building as well as the Air Traffic Control building. Airfield lights commissioning continued at the airside. The Terminal building The external painting of the west wall of the building continued. The works within the terminal building including the flooring, glass cladding of the columns, glass façade installations are nearing completion. The glass cladding for the 8 fixed links are in progress Installation work on other facilities like the elevators and escalators, automatic doors, check in counter, baggage handling system are continuing. The work within the duty free and food and beverage area on the first floor of the terminal building is gaining momentum. Airside Works The approach light work having been concluded at the runway, the work on the taxiway lights instillations is now nearing completion. In addition, the instillation of light poles for the airside wall illumination is nearing completion. Cabling works for these are now in progress. On the Apron area, laying of the final concrete layer is nearing completion. Other buildings & infrastructure -At the ATC tower, the aluminium composite panel (ACP) cladding and glass fixing works are nearing completion. -The earthworks for the main access road outside the boundary wall of the airport are nearing completion. Landscaping works along the main access road have now commenced. -Nav-Aid (navigation aid) buildings: All the Nav-Aid buildings are nearly completed and are ready to be handed over to the Airports Authority of India.

BIAL Official Updates November 2007

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BIAL began construction of the new Bangalore International Airport on 2 July 2005. The construction is progressing on schedule and BIAL will open the airport for commercial operation in April 2008.

Construction progress update for November 2007

Trial runs will begin at the new Bangalore International airport in December 2007. These trials to be held in three stages i.e. basic, advanced and integrated will finally conclude closer to the airport opening date on March 30, 2008.

The construction and infrastructure advancements at the airport project site continued and are now in the concluding stage. The commissioning of various equipments continued i.e. all the airfield lights at the runway and taxiway, passenger boarding bridges, the baggage handling system and the escalators at the terminal building.

The commissioning phase also commenced at the Air Traffic Control (ATC) block. Other commissioning work included the street lights, cable checks at the airside service road and the secondary access roads.

The Terminal Building
- The finishing works in the terminal building continued with the installation of the internal glass partitions, handrails and the external aluminium panel cladding (ACP). Other work within the terminal building included the construction of the duty free areas, cabling work at all the CUTE (common user terminal equipment) check-in counters, the installation of the public addressing system, the CCTV cameras, the antennas and the light luminaries.
- The construction of the car park opposite the terminal building is in progress. Lying of the paver blocks and landscaping in this area continued.

Airside Works
The major concreting works in the airside administration building are completed. The landside and airside landscaping works are now in progress.

Other buildings and Infrastructure
The construction of the airside perimeter road and the main access road till the trumpet interchange is in progress. The grading and road construction works around buildings and various installations are in progress.

BIAL Official Updates December 2007

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Construction progress update for December 2007
As the new Bangalore International Airport nears opening date on March 30, 2008, trials began in December 2007. Designated Airport Readiness Experts (AREXs) are testing basic processes post which, the basic trials will begin on January 15, 2008. During the trial phases facilities, procedures, systems and trained staff will be tested.

A number of “Train the trainer programmes” have been completed successfully and trainers are preparing their training sessions for airport owned equipment and systems for the various trial phases. Facilities are operational, information(rules/regulations) is specified, systems are available and human resources have been employed and trained.  In addition, the elementary processes are established and signed off.

The Terminal Building

All the check-in counters are installed. Installation of the Universal Flight Information System (UFIS), Flight Information Display System (FIDS) monitors, speakers, terminal building lights, CCTV cameras, etc are in progress. Installation of all elevators and escalators is complete and installation of furniture in the terminal building has commenced.

Airside Works

The concreting of the pavement layer in the apron, the construction of the airside perimeter road and the painting of the markings on the runway, taxiways and the apron is nearing completion.

Airport Rescue & Fire Fighting

The airport rescue and fire fighting team has reached a high degree of airport readiness and is ready to participate in the basic trials. The four heavy duty crash fire tenders arrived at the project site.

Other Buildings & Infrastructure

The grading and road construction works around buildings, pavement layers, duct banks and cable trenches are in progress. The finishing works, mechanical and electrical works in the landside office building are in progress.