BIAL Official Updates November 2007

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BIAL began construction of the new Bangalore International Airport on 2 July 2005. The construction is progressing on schedule and BIAL will open the airport for commercial operation in April 2008.

Construction progress update for November 2007

Trial runs will begin at the new Bangalore International airport in December 2007. These trials to be held in three stages i.e. basic, advanced and integrated will finally conclude closer to the airport opening date on March 30, 2008.

The construction and infrastructure advancements at the airport project site continued and are now in the concluding stage. The commissioning of various equipments continued i.e. all the airfield lights at the runway and taxiway, passenger boarding bridges, the baggage handling system and the escalators at the terminal building.

The commissioning phase also commenced at the Air Traffic Control (ATC) block. Other commissioning work included the street lights, cable checks at the airside service road and the secondary access roads.

The Terminal Building
- The finishing works in the terminal building continued with the installation of the internal glass partitions, handrails and the external aluminium panel cladding (ACP). Other work within the terminal building included the construction of the duty free areas, cabling work at all the CUTE (common user terminal equipment) check-in counters, the installation of the public addressing system, the CCTV cameras, the antennas and the light luminaries.
- The construction of the car park opposite the terminal building is in progress. Lying of the paver blocks and landscaping in this area continued.

Airside Works
The major concreting works in the airside administration building are completed. The landside and airside landscaping works are now in progress.

Other buildings and Infrastructure
The construction of the airside perimeter road and the main access road till the trumpet interchange is in progress. The grading and road construction works around buildings and various installations are in progress.