Roof top Solar for domestic needs @ Bangalore - can I do it today?

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A chance conversation with an acquaintance who works at a Solar Energy firm gave me a picture of the possibilities that await us. Now, I do read Solar Power/Panel Blogs/Forums etc once in a while, and have some idea of developments in the area. But I, like many of you I am sure, don't know much about the exact options available for me to try solar power here in Bangalore as an option to reduce my dependency on the Government's unreliable Power Grid.

What do I want to know? Here is a list.

When I think Solar, either those water heaters come to mind, or the various rural market focused products (lanterns, cookers etc). Why isn't there enough push for urban or regular consumer applications?

Some data points I get are like this

Adding it all up, let us see what is practical or possible right now

Do the numbers above look right?

The two answers I don't have are:

So then, please add and correct if you know more.Won't we really like to explore this emerging environment friendly possibility!?


SB aka Pranav

PS: Image above is sourced from Partha Das Sharma's blog