Better driving for Indians

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We at praja have been discussing a lot of topics related to traffic management and infrastructure. However, all said and done, with all the systems and infrastructure in place, the most critical aspect of road safety is still about everyone on the road driving responsibly. In a world where Indian driving has been notorious and even a matter of ridicule, there are still some folks out there who believe that the future can be improved by developing adequate awareness among the people.

We take pleasure in introducing you to one such commendable effort by Dr. Adhiraj Joglekar who has been developing educational videos on how to drive better and safe.

 Adhiraj has been making and posting vidoes on his personal blog for a while and has been kind enough to repost them here. See the background of his efforts here and go through an FAQ here.

The first of the videos is already up here. Others will be up soon. Navigate through the links at the bottom of each of the posts to see all the videos.

Together we can make Indian roads safe to drive upon.

Note: Adhiraj wants the videos to be as widely circulated as possible and hence is willing to give the rights to distribute the original DVD videos as long as someone wants to do it. If you happen to know individuals and/or organizations who are willing to take this us, please get in touch with Adhiraj.

Blind spots and Mirrors Singal Manoeuvre

425 users have liked.
The first video creates awareness about Blindspots. This awareness is vital during changing lanes and overtaking. अंधेस्थान का ख़याल रखे
PS: Some people have asked me whether setting the wing mirrors wide will eliminate the problem of blind-spots or not? The simple answer is 'NO' - in fact you are likely to end up with two blind spots. This article tells you why the traditional way of setting the wing mirrors is better. Click here to read the article.

Mirrors, Signal and Manoeuvre

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The second video introduces the principle of: Mirrors, Signal and Manoeuvre. The concept is explained within the context of driver actions such as- Moving Off, Pulling Over, Reversing Round the Corner and turning Left or Right.
ड्राइविंग करते समय, लेन या दिशा बदलने के पहले हमेशा ३ चिजो का ख़याल रखे - 1. पहले आयने को परखिए 2. सहि सिग्नल का इस्तमाल कीजिये 3. आख़िर मे अंधेस्थान पर नजर घुमाइए, अगर रास्ता साफ हो तो लेन बदलिये

At Signals Stop behind Stop Lines

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At Signals Stop behind Stop Lines The world wide web has many video's on driving in India. Most show how driver's fail to follow the basic rule of stopping behind the stop line at signals. Following this rule is vital for pedestrian safety. This video, a third in the series providing driver education, hopefully will provide the required role-modelling as well as the evidence of benefits of following this rule.

At red lights, there are NO FREE left turns

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Video 4: At red lights, there are NO FREE left turns Fourth in the series of driver education, this video emphasizes the fact that at red lights there is no FREE Left turn. This short video hopefully will educate and eradicate such mis-conceptions from the minds of the Indian driver's. This is vital as the idea of a free left turn puts pedestrian lives at risk.

The Zebra Belongs To The Pedestrians

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Video 5: The Zebra Belongs To The Pedestrians Indian driver's are known to not follow rules. Worse still,they show no respect to a fellow human - the pedestrian. Most driver's fail to stop at the zebra crossings for the pedestrians. Perhaps this video will encourage the Indian driver's to follow the rules i.e. The Zebra belongs to the pedestrians and bring about a much needed cultural change on Indian roads.

Merging With The Main Road

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Video 7: Merging With The Main Road Driving in India is unique in that hardly anyone gives way at junctions. A typical intersection in smaller cities and towns of India is very chaotc. Whether you are in Patna, Agra, Pune or Banglore - hardly anyone follows road rules. This video demonstrates how disciplined driving helps traffic move smoothly and safely.

Tyres And Tarmac

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Video 6: Tyres And Tarmac (rather than bumber to bumper) One of the common experiences of travelling in India is the bumper to bumper traffic on the roads. This video suggests the need tofollow a different rule - Tyres and Tarmac. The benefits of Tyres and Tarmac rule are also demonstrated.

Leaving The Main Road

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Video 8: Leaving The Main Road A typical intersection in smaller cities and towns of India is very chaotic. Whether you are in Patna, Agra, Pune or Banglore - hardly anyone follows road rules. Leaving the main road to join the side road (off lanes) needs discipline (a virtue lacking on Indian roads). Hopefully this video will not only educate drivers but yet again show how following basic rules ensures smooth and safe running of traffic.

Never Cut Corners

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Video 9: Never Cut Corners This video demonstrates how cutting corners is a bad and dangerous habit all drivers must avoid.

Show Courtesy on roads

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Video 10: Show Courtesy on roads क्या रास्तों पे गांधिगिरी का उपयोग हो सकता है? Thanks to the Bollywood movie Munna bhai laage raho much of India has been preoccupied with Gandhigiri in recent times. But do we see Gandhigiri on Indian roads? My experience suggest that we could do well by being courteous to one another when on the roads. This video shows how it works.

How to deal with roundabouts

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How to deal with roundabouts? राउंड-अबाउट को कैसे ज्हेले? Roundabouts are one of the most cost-effective traffic regulation measures. Unfortunately much like driving on wrong side of the road, often drivers go in front rather than around the roundabout. This short video shows how following five easy rules helps deal with roundabouts effectively.
राउंड-अबाउट के नियम - 1.दाहिने और से आने वाले गाडियों को प्रधान्य दीजिए 2.सिग्नल और लेन नियमों का पालन कीजिये 3.बाए मोड़ने के लिए बायी लेन मे रहे। राउंड-अबाउट कि और आते समय बायी और मुड़ने का सिग्नल दीजिए 4.सीधे जाने के लिए बायी लेन मे रहे। बिना कोइ सिग्नल राउंड-अबाउट कि और चलिये। बाहर जाने का रास्ता लेने के पिछले रस्ते को पार करने पर बायी और का सिग्नल दीजिए। 5.दाहिने मुड़ते वक्त राउंड-अबाउट कि और आते समय दाहिने मुड़ने का सिग्नल दीजिए। बाहर जाने का रास्ता लेने के पिछले रस्ते को पार करने पर बायी और का सिग्नल दीजिए। 6.u turn या उलटी दिशा जाने के लिए राउंड-अबाउट कि और आते समय दाहिने मुड़ने का सिग्नल दीजिए। बाहर जाने का रास्ता लेने के पिछले रस्ते को पार करने पर बायी और का सिग्नल दीजिए। 7.राउंड-अबाउट को मिलते समय अगर २ लेन हो, तो बाये या सीधे जाने के वक्त बायी लेन मे रहे। दाहिने मुड़ने के लिए या उलटी दिशा मे जाने के लिए राउंड-अबाउट कि और दाहिने लेन मे चलिये। अगर राउंड-अबाउट को मिलने के ३ लेन हो, तो बाये या सीधे जाने के वक्त बायी लेन मे रहे। दाहिने मुड़ने के लिए बिच वाली लेन का इस्तमाल करे और उलटी दिशा मे जाने के लिए राउंड-अबाउट कि और दाहिने (सबसे अन्दरूनी) लेन मे चलिये।

Speed limits, stopping distances and 2 second rule

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Video 12: Speed limits, stopping distances and 2 second rule Travelling on Indian roads involves enduring indisciplined traffic. Over and above this, lack of training and information means few if any of the drivers are aware of speed limits, stopping distances and the rather useful 2 seconds rule. This video makes this vital information available to all drivers.

Lane discipline and overtaking

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Video13: Lane discipline and overtaking The driving test in India at best expects learner drivers to manage the clutch and accelerator. Given that there is no theory test, drivers have little understanding of blind-spots, principle of mirrors signal and manoeuvre. Both these concepts are vital to effectively manage changing lanes and overtaking safely. This video hopes to bring these principles to fore.

Low beams or high beams?

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Video 14: Low beams or high beams? कौनसे लाईट को कब इस्तमाल करे? One feature of travelling in India at dusk or later is the lack of understanding amongst drivers on when to use the vehicles headlights. Often drivers don't use any lights even when it is dark, on other hand, some use the high beam even in built up urban areas. This short film hopefully will help create awareness amongst drivers. This is vital as correct use of lights can avert accidents. अनेक लोग शहरों मे तीव्र बत्ती (लाईट) का इस्तमाल करते है। ऐसा करने पर सामने से आने वाले ड्राईवर अक्सर अंधापन म्हेसुस करते है। ईस वजाहा से अक्सिड़ेंट होने की संभावाना बढ जाती है।

Parallel parking

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Video 15: Parallel parking (reverse parking). Indian drivers often park inappropriately. This may be either due to lack of consideration to others or poor training. Presuming its the latter, this video shows how parallel or reverse parking can be as easy as adding 2 + 2. Simply practice the steps explained on the video.

Give Cyclists the Respect

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Video 16: Give Cyclists the Respect of a car Cycling in Indian cities like Pune, Nagupur and others was once an important mode of transport. Considered unsafe amidst increasingly unruly motorised vehicles, cycling is on decline. This video emphasises the need to give the cyclist the respect of a car.

Dealing with in car condensation

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Video 17: Dealing with in car condensation Though weather changes are minimal in India, this does happen in winters and monsoon. Often this causes in-car condensation affecting the windscreen and visibility. Often drivers use a cloth when there are simpler ways. Last in the series, this video ends with some sundry rules all drivers must remember.