Tax Sops to encourage use of Public transport (BMTC) ?

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Public Transport

About the above discussion on Poor response BMTC I have following suggestion where in a common man is encouraged to use Public transport by giving Tax sops to him by Governament.

Most of the private companies issue food coupons on the monthly basis to their employees. With these coupons employees are forced to do purhcases in the outlets even though they are not comfortable with it. In the similar lines BMTC/Govt should issue monthly BMTC prepaid vouchers/passes where in the bearer of such voucher/passes is entitled for a ride using this transport. The passes should be compulsarily issued by all by the employers in exchange of travel allowance. And there is a income tax benifit out of it as well, which will make employees to use it.

This will enforce many people who has the habit of going to MG Rd/Commercial st/To Office using their private vehicles, use this facility(public transport).

The govt can also think of converting Rs. 800/- pm given towards transportation allowance to the employees to these BMTC vouchers. I think this is perhaps the the good way to handle laziness of people.

Please put in your views,
Srinivas Rao. M