402 users have liked.


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406 users have liked.

JNNURM - Glossary of Terms:

A&OE : Administrative and Other Expenses
ACA : Additional Central Assistance
BSUP : Basic Services to the Urban Poor Urban
CDN : Community Development Network
CDP : City Development Plan
CPF : Community Participation Fund

CSMC : Central Sanctioning & Monitoring Committee
DPR : Detailed Project Report
EWS : Economically Weaker Section
EXP : Externally Aided Project
IEC : Information, Education & Communication
IHSDP : Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme
JNNURM : Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
LIG : Low Income Group
MHUPA : Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation
MoA : Memorandum of Understanding
PIU : Project Implementation Units set up at ULB level
PMU : Project Management Units set up at State Level
SHG : Self-Help Groups
SLNA : State Level Nodal Agency
TPIM : Third Party Inspection and Monitoring
UIDSSMT : Urban Infrastructure Development of Small & Medium Towns
UIG : Urban Infrastructure and Governance
ULB : Urban Local Body


JNNURM in Karnataka

347 users have liked.

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JNNURM Projects - Bangalore

417 users have liked.

Following is the status of DPRs for Bangalore as of 19/Feb/2009:

DPRs Submitted : 58
Pending Dispatch to Technical Agency : 5
Returned after Preliminary Screening : 0
Under Appraisal : 5
Seeking Clarification from City : 8
Technically Rejected : 0
Technically Cleared : 38
Pending Submission to Sanctioning Authority : 0
Submitted to Sanctioning Authority : 0
Rejected by Sanctioning Authority : 0
Deferred by Sanctioning Authority : 0
Approved by Sanctioning Authority : 38
Withdrawn by State / City : 2

Source: http://jnnurm.nic.in/DPRStatusPwc.aspx

See attached files for:

> A detailed summary of DPRs

> Current Project Status

Bangalore - 200902 - Summary of DPRs.xls31.5 KB
Bangalore - 200902 - Approved Projects Status.xls49 KB