Bannerghatta Road Alternatives

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Exploring ideas about a radial corridor from BTM layout to points further south. This corridor will act as an alternative to Bannerghatta and Hosur Roads.

Banerghatta Road to Hosur - shortcut?

774 users have liked.
We all know how bad the area round 19th main intersection is. (marker #1 in the map below). So it is not a surprise, that a shortcut to get to Hosur Road is getting pretty popular. I am guessing markers #2 and #3 are it. Or is it a set of roads further south, someone correct or confirm please.
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If a shortcut and alternative road to Electronics City is what people want, why not look at bettering this route? BMIC Peripheral expressway is a bit too south from here, and ORR up north is crowded. This route would sit right in the middle and take some load off ORR. I am guessing that the costs of doing a flyover on ORR at BTM 19th main and augmenting an alternative route like this would be pretty similar.

Let us ask BDA/BBMP?

602 users have liked.

Our long term goal at Praja is to do more than blogs and discussions. For that, we first have to grow into a larger community of like minded concerned residents of this city. While we are not there yet, how about we try this experiment on the subject of alternate routes from Bannerghatta Road to Hosur Road.

What we need is a good connection somewhere between NICE Peripheral Road and Outer Ring Road. For a start, how about we post a suggestion cum question to BDA/BBMP, and do it this way:

- frame one short and precise paragraph on this - find email id or sarkaari website where we could post this - at least 20-30 of us will post this exact query

Then, let us see what we hear back. If 20-30 of us do this exact thing one same day, good chances that we will get replies.

Going down the route of trying to uncover illegal occupation etc is like getting into a conflict with BDA/BBMP guys. That way, we won't see them cooperate. We want an alternate route, thats it. So let us try different ways of reaching those who can do something about it and hear out their answers or excuses.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Please reply with your comments on who to write to or if you would participate in this simple exercise. If you have contacts (like some big guy in BDA, or that area's MLA), even better.

Alternate Road to Bannerghatta Road - Continued

Last week, there was a good post suggesting an alternate route to Bannerghatta Road (see here). Today i am raising the same topic in a little more detailed way. The photo below shows the map from google maps.

The line in green is an existing road, and the green circle at the bottom of the photo is the Vijaya Bank colony. There is a nice double road till the Vijaya Bank colony, but unfortunately that road ends couple of hundred meters past Vijaya Bank colony. Yellow line shows how that road can be connected.

I heard from couple of people that, there was a litigation over a piece of land on which the road was to be constructed. I also heard from people that an un authorized building has been built which is obstructing the path. Because of this land litigation {Or i can say due to foolishness of one of the apartment builder and some BMP officials who have pocketed money}, thousands of people are going to sacrifice their peace, money and petrol to cover couple of extra miles daily to reach Bannergahtta road and once again join back the BTM road (shown in green lines) which touches BTM lake and intersects Hosur road much ahead of BTM petrol bunk.

Can we build a road as shown in the yellow line, may be more diversions are needed.

I will post some more photos of where the road has been ended... watch this column.

Hats off to those who have been a part of this...

--Cheers Bangalorean

Some Photos of Where the Road Ends

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A complete dead end to all the work.
Here are some photos of where the Road really ends. If this would have continued, then it could have been connected to the BTM road which goes just beside the lake. But i feel and if i am not wrong, this road is never going to be continued and we would have to suffer for long time, as lot of buildings have already sprung up and it cannot be demolished. These buildings were not there a couple of years ago.

You can see in the below photo vijaya bank colony in the back, and how the road ends.

You can see in the below photo how buildings and apartments have sprung in past one year, which completely puts an end to this road.

Finally we can see the road ending...

A very sad state of affairs that we are living such a country and still have to spend some 30 years, living in this country. that we are still being exploited ........ in this 21st century ........