BIAL RTI Project

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Late in 2008, several Praja members got together to file a series of RTI (Right to Information) applications to get information about Bangalore International Airport project executed by BIAL. The objectives were to find out how some decisions about the airport were made, when they were made, and the changes seen by concession agreement or land use plans. The project created some interest in local media about the past details of BIAL project, and timings of these RTIs happen to coincided with some official government legislatures driven probes into this marquee PPP (Public Private Partnership) project.

Air Traffic Numbers from AAI for HAL Airport!

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Below given are the official numbers for Air Traffic at HAL prior to BIAL opening in May, 2008. These numbers were provided officially by AAI in response to one of the early RTI applications filed in May, 2008.

Interesting that, a country, a city which provides Software and Information Tech services to the entire world doesn't uses for its own use. Please note that AAI seems to have not maintained the air traffic data in electronic form prior to 2001.

Our GOK departments are no better than GOI offices. This is the same story all across. Recently it was reported that Motor Vehicle department (RTO) offices have not centralized their database, i.e. each office maintains its own DB. We have a long way to go before we make use of the skills we have acquired in past decades.

Here are the excerpts from AAI response to an RTI application:
1.Currently at HAL airport, as of April 30, 2008,

a)How many flights land and take off per hour during peak hours 6am - 10am and 6pm - 8pm?

In a day between – 6am - l0 am
Arrival / Departure / Total Movements - 41 / 37 /78

In a day between - 6Pm - 8 Pm.
Arrival / Departure/ Total Movements - 29 / 22 / 51

b)How many passengers per hour during peak hours 6am - 10am and 6pm - 8pm?

No record for hourly basis movement of passengers is maintained. As such the data is not available.

c)How many flights land and take off per day?
No. of Aircraft per day Arrival / Departure - 165 (Average) / 165 (Average)

d)How many passengers per day?

Arrivals - 15381(Average) / Departure - l2805 (Average)

e)How many flights a year?
Arrival / Departure / Total - 59495 / 42260 / 101755

f)How many passengers per year?

For the period April2OO7 to March 2008 Arrival / Departure / Total 5514065/ 4673825 /10287890 (App.1 0.3 mn)

g)How many tons of cargo per year?
Loaded in tons / unloaded in tons / total 87235 / 87965 / 175200

2.What was the growth on yearly basis for international and domestic traffic w.r.t flights per days, passengers and freight, since 1995?

The yearly passenger traffic growth during 200l-2008 is enclosed. The data before 2001 is not readily available.

3.How much revenue from all sources is earned during the year 2007 (From January to December)?
The revenue earned by AAI during the period April 2007 to March 2008 is Rs.245.90 crores. This includes RNFC/TNLC/PSF and Commercial Revenue only. This does not include landing/parking/ground handling and Cargo Revenue which have been collected by HAL and MSIL. The figures are not known to AAI Bangalore.

4. What is the average revenue earned per passenger from all sources?

No such data available

5.What are the revenues for each year since 1995?

Following information is readily available.
2004- 2005 Rs.97.9 4 crores.
2005- 2006 Rs.153.44 crores.
2006 - 2007 Rs. 2l I .l 5 crores.
2OO7 - 2008 Rs.245.90 crores

HAL Traffic - RTI.gif251.19 KB

BIAL Capacity Assesment Report from AAI!

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Praja members,

Another RTI response to share with. A Praja member had filed an RTI application with Ministry of Civil Aviation for obtaining a copy of the Capacity assessment of Bangalore's new International airport(BIAL). The capacity assessment was done by AAI from June 16-18, 2008.

Here is the summary of the AAI's report on BIAL's capacity after its opening in May 2008. Prajagale, please feel free to go thru the summary as well as detailed report and draw your own inferences. We have one request that, you do post your feedback and evlauation of this report.


  Full report


Moc A Response 1
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Exec-Summary_Page_2.GIF163.88 KB

BIAL RTI - Airport Development Overview

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Following is the overview of the airport development history.

Praja thanks Mr Nagesh, DyGM KSIIDC for having taken the pains to write this document exclusively for us.

Airport Development Overview
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BIAL RTI - MOU between AAI & KSIIDC and Land Lease Agreement

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In response to the RTI applications filled with KSIIDC, there was a meeting between Mr Nagaraj, DGM, KSIIDC and a couple of Praja members. The meeting was a very cordial one and Mr Nagesh apart from giving us the requested documents also shared with us his views on the development of BIAL. He also shared with us his view about Hyderabad airport in comparison with BIAL (he had just returned from a tour of Hyderabad airport).

Following is a copy of the MOU signed between AAI and GOK on 3rd May, 1999 and the Land Lease agreement. A few other pending documents will be dispatched by KSIIDC this week.

The Land Lease agreement does provide some supporting evidence to the article published by Devesh regarding forest land being part of the airport area.

Copy of the MOU between AAI and GOK
Memorandum Of Understanding
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Copy of the Land Lease Agreement
Land Lease Agreement
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BIAL RTI - State Support Agreement

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Govt of Karnataka State Support Agreement for the Bengaluru International Airport.

The following documents were requested from the Office of The Chief Secretary, Government of Karnataka. The request was forwarded to KSIIDC which is the nodal agency for all BIAL related issues. The document was collected from KIIDC on 29th Nov, 2008.

Following is the copy of the State Support Agreement signed between GOK and BIAL on 20th January 2005

BIAL State Support Agreement
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Following is the copy of the Amendment to the State Support agreement signed on 2nd June, 2005 between GoK and BIAL

Amendment To State Support Agreement
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BIAL RTI - Steering Committee Meeting Proceedings

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The Steering committee proceedings documents were provided by KSIIDC after the meeting between Praja members and Mr. Nagesh DyGM, KSIIDC on 13th Dec 2008.  The documents were obtained from KSIIDC on the 2nd of January.

Steering Committee Proceedings (Meetings 01-10)

Steering 01 10
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Steering Committee Proceedings (Meetings 11-17)

Steering 11 17
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A note on the development of Bangalore Airport prepared by Mr Nagesh and original RPF document will posted shortly.

BIAL RTI Update from AAI !

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One of our Praja community member had filed couple of RTI's with AAI requesting below listed information:

  1. Current Status of HAL airport following the opening of BIAL
  2. Basis and approval details for Closure of the HAL airport.

Even after 3 months of filing this application, AAI did not respond to the request. Subsequently, the member followed up with the AAI, basically reminding AAI that they need to respond. In response to this reminder, AAI finally sent the below given letters with a excuse that due to the shortage of manpower they could not process the request on time. As per the letter, they have promised to provide the information ASAP.

 It has been little disappointing but sometimes we don't have any alternative except for patience.



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RTI application to AAI about HIAL

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Below is the content of an RTI application which I would be submitting to AAI for the information on process / facts on ATC operationalization at HIAL. That would give an idea whether BIAL lived upto the requirements or not. Also I would be submitting a separate application for BIAL.

Please feel free to use as is.


To: Shri P. Premnath,

General Manager and PIO (RTI)

Corporate Headquarter

Airport Authority of India

Room # 331, 3rd Floor,

R G Bahwan

Safdarjung Airport

New Delhi - 110003

Date: March 212008

Sub: Information regarding the clearance and operation of ATC at new international airport of Hyderabad at Shamshabad location.

Dear Sir,

In few days, the new international airport at Hyderabad city is going to be functional commercially. It is indeed a good news and beginning of a new chapter in civil aviation in India. It has come to my attention thru the news media that there are discrepancies in requirements that were applied for operationalising of the Air Traffic Control centers at new airport in Hyderabad. In this respect, I would like to use the Right to Information Act to ascertain the following w.r.t New International Airport in Hyerdabad at Shamshabad location:

  1. What is the shareholding percentage of the AAI in new airport project of Hyderabad?
  2. What is the role of AAI in the new airport?
  3. Who will man the ATC in terms of AAI employees or private contractors?
  4. What was involvement of AAI in design, construction and approval of ATC buildings and infrastructure?
  5. Are there any standards and requirements for ATC facilities in terms of square footage, Lifts/elevators, No. of toilets, dormitory etc?
  6. If yes, did the new airport comply with all the standards and requirements?
  7. How many times did the AAI inspect the new airport facilities including ATC buildings during and after completion of construction?
  8. Did AAI give any written approval to the new airport indicating that the facilities confirm to the AAI requirements?
  9. When did the project executor GMR hand over the ATC building to AAI?
  10. Who was responsible for procurement, installation, testing, calibration and final approval for commercial use of ATC equipments and accessories?
  11. When were the orders for ATC equipment placed and when were they received at the site?
  12. Who was involved in the installation of above said equipment?
  13. When did the installation of above said equipment start and when was it completed?
  14. Does the new airport have enough controllers who are “rated”? How many?
  15. When did the ATC controllers get recruited/transferred to new airport location?
  16. When did they start training and when did all of them get “Rated” at the new airport?
  17. In absence of air traffic at Shamshabad airport, how did the ATC controllers get trained? Did they use any simulators?
  18. If answer to the above question is yes, how many hours/days did they they get trained on the simulator before they were certified/rated for operation.
  19. Are there any standards and requirements for training on simulators in terms of minimum hours / days for the ATC controllers?
  20. Are there any standards and requirements for “Hot-Standby” process for Communication, Navigation and Surveillance-Air Traffic Management (ATM-CNS) system? If so what are they?
  21. When did the process of “Hot-Standby” for ATM-CNS system period get started at new airport?
  22. When did the above said process get completed?
  23. When did the ATM-CNS get fully operationalised?

A detailed answer to each of the question would be highly appreciated and would help ordinary people like me to discount any fears or apprehension of any compromises in Aviation security and safety of airline passengers by AAI.

I request you to kindly look into this matter. Thank you in advance for your co-operation.

Thanking you and I remain,

Yours Sincerely,

<Your Name>

<Your Address>