Air Traffic Numbers from AAI for HAL Airport!

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Below given are the official numbers for Air Traffic at HAL prior to BIAL opening in May, 2008. These numbers were provided officially by AAI in response to one of the early RTI applications filed in May, 2008.

Interesting that, a country, a city which provides Software and Information Tech services to the entire world doesn't uses for its own use. Please note that AAI seems to have not maintained the air traffic data in electronic form prior to 2001.

Our GOK departments are no better than GOI offices. This is the same story all across. Recently it was reported that Motor Vehicle department (RTO) offices have not centralized their database, i.e. each office maintains its own DB. We have a long way to go before we make use of the skills we have acquired in past decades.

Here are the excerpts from AAI response to an RTI application:
1.Currently at HAL airport, as of April 30, 2008,

a)How many flights land and take off per hour during peak hours 6am - 10am and 6pm - 8pm?

In a day between – 6am - l0 am
Arrival / Departure / Total Movements - 41 / 37 /78

In a day between - 6Pm - 8 Pm.
Arrival / Departure/ Total Movements - 29 / 22 / 51

b)How many passengers per hour during peak hours 6am - 10am and 6pm - 8pm?

No record for hourly basis movement of passengers is maintained. As such the data is not available.

c)How many flights land and take off per day?
No. of Aircraft per day Arrival / Departure - 165 (Average) / 165 (Average)

d)How many passengers per day?

Arrivals - 15381(Average) / Departure - l2805 (Average)

e)How many flights a year?
Arrival / Departure / Total - 59495 / 42260 / 101755

f)How many passengers per year?

For the period April2OO7 to March 2008 Arrival / Departure / Total 5514065/ 4673825 /10287890 (App.1 0.3 mn)

g)How many tons of cargo per year?
Loaded in tons / unloaded in tons / total 87235 / 87965 / 175200

2.What was the growth on yearly basis for international and domestic traffic w.r.t flights per days, passengers and freight, since 1995?

The yearly passenger traffic growth during 200l-2008 is enclosed. The data before 2001 is not readily available.

3.How much revenue from all sources is earned during the year 2007 (From January to December)?
The revenue earned by AAI during the period April 2007 to March 2008 is Rs.245.90 crores. This includes RNFC/TNLC/PSF and Commercial Revenue only. This does not include landing/parking/ground handling and Cargo Revenue which have been collected by HAL and MSIL. The figures are not known to AAI Bangalore.

4. What is the average revenue earned per passenger from all sources?

No such data available

5.What are the revenues for each year since 1995?

Following information is readily available.
2004- 2005 Rs.97.9 4 crores.
2005- 2006 Rs.153.44 crores.
2006 - 2007 Rs. 2l I .l 5 crores.
2OO7 - 2008 Rs.245.90 crores

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