IRC guidelines on pedestrian facilities - summary

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InfrastructurePedestrian Infrastructure

I will split this in to following parts -

  1. Summary of IRC on above topic
  2. What is missing
  3. What we should do to fill in gaps
  4. Action the above by getting local civic body to ratify document Praja creates after step 3
  5. Forward plan


General: 3 revisions (1980, 82, 87), finalised in 88

Introduction: Walking is an important mode of transport. Significant trips up to 2 km are on foot and every journey starts / ends with a walk. Requirements partly also covered in IRC:70-1977 Guideline on regulation and control of mixed traffic in urban areas and IRC 86-1983 Geometric design standards for urban roads in plains.

General Principles

Footpath / sidewalk

Gaurd rails: This is covered next, but I won't go in to it right now (the aim is to first get footpaths, rails come later). 

Pedestrian Crossings

At grade crossings (crosswalks): Covers both - crossings at intersections and mid-block, can be controlled / uncontrolled by signals. 

Grade separated: subways / foot over bridges - 2.5 meter width and height, but 4-6 meters width is advisable (there are criteria based  on capacity considerations)

What is missing:

  1. No mention of right of way for pedestrians at non signal controlled zebra crossings (though delhi police website says so).
  2. No mention on height of footpaths
  3. No mention on dipped kerbs and gradients
  4. No mention of slip free tiling (needed usually on dipped kerbs)
  5. No mention on pedestrian refuges and types.
  6. Signal phases are mentioned but no guideline on timings
  7. No mention with regards width around street furniture (bus stops, trees, benches, bins, electricity meter boxes, post boxes, signage poles, street lighting, telephone company boxes, etc).

What should we do to fill the gaps? Praja may recollect I had started to create a good practice resource page, many link within that page are relevant. We could (or a WG) study the international practice to enhance and complement IRC norms and then create a draft and get civic body to ratify it (that will be step four).