I'm proposing a few options for last mile connectivity. If BMTC cannot operate shuttle service, then it makes sense for BMTC to buy the vehicles and ask private players to operate on designated route and frequency. This is model followed by delhi metro to run its feeder buses. BMTC needs to innovate in this space try a few models to see if it makes sense. Since BMTC has full control over the roures and frequency, the shuttles can feed in to the trunk routes. The vehicles used for feeder should not be too big.. It be should something like tata magic or tata winger. Only the capital cost has to be borne by BMTC, the operational and maintainence cost will be borne by the operator and also pay a fixed sum every month to BMTC. This will definitley provide competition to the autos, which is lacking. This way the autodrivers hold on last mile connectivity can be broken and provide a people a few more incentives to use PT. The charges to use shuttle should be 5, 10 etc And on displaying this shuttle ticket when boarding the trunk route buses of BMTC, the commuter should be eligible for discount on the trunk route fare.
Good idea but difficult to implement
Good idea. But the auto drivers union/cartel (which is very powerful) will not allow it to let it happen. This is similar to the share-auto concept which has been effectively killed by the Auto drivers.
btw, the Delhi Metro feeder services are pathetic... not a good example here :-)
Last Mile Suggestion
Your idea is for the state (BMTC) to buy mini buses & allow them to be run by private parties. As this does not call for any capital investments, it will bring in a flood of operaters to function legally with state-owned mini-buses, since it will be an easy way to make money - fair enough, since they might be an answer to last mile issues.
1) How will they be prevented from operating out of their jurisdictions to maximize their incomes & pick up passengers from wherever they wish, neglecting their primary obligations ?
2) What is to stop them from waiting at the beginning of a route, at bus stops or some intermediate points, waiting for their mini-buses to fill up in order to increase their fare collections & save on fuel costs ?
3) What incentives will be in place to get them to maintain frequent schedules, irrespective of how many passengers ride on the mini-buses ?
4) How will other illegal /low grade operators be prevented from stepping in & running a parallel service, at even lower fares ?
Unless all these issues are addressed & safeguards put in place, it might not work.
Also, see this thread for a discussion on possible open-market proposals.