LA Metro had appointed an Ad Agency and created various ads to promote the use of public transport. As part of Bus Day campaign, can we have similar such ads in local TV and News Paper.
LA Metro: Promoting Mass Transit from EMBARQ Network on Vimeo.
LA Metro had appointed an Ad Agency and created various ads to promote the use of public transport. As part of Bus Day campaign, can we have similar such ads in local TV and News Paper.
LA Metro: Promoting Mass Transit from EMBARQ Network on Vimeo.
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I.Design Features
The design should coform to Norms/Standards such as Indian Roads Congress Norms as applicable.
1. The shelter should be designed for the utility and convenience of the users/bus commuters
2. The design should protect the users from sun & rain. So the height and roof/ceiling should be
made to suit the angle of the sun light and showers. The height should not be too much.
3. The name of the bus stop should be written on all three sides.
4. The name should be written in both Kannada and English.
5. The letter size should be large enough to be read from a distance.
6. The writing should be at eye level of passengers sitting inside the bus.
7. The board should be lighted suitably for easy reading at night.
8. Inside the shelter bus route information including the destinations and time schedules should be provided.
9. In case any advertisements are allowed, the space for such ads should not exceed 50% of the total available
space so that priority is given to the required information.
10.The level of the floor of the platform should at the same level of the bus floor/ steps for easy boarding and
alighting of commuters, esp. senior citizens and disabled.
II. Location of Shelter
1. The location should be decided in consultation with the commuters through Commuters Forum/ Residents
Association of the area.
2. The Traffic Police, BMTC and BBMP should be involved in deciding the location.
3. In general the distance between two bus stops should be approx. 500 meters.
4. The shelter should not be located too clse to the traffic signal as it creates traffic jam esp.
at peak hours and the buses cannot approach the stops easily.
5. Sufficient distance should be provided between the signal and the bus stop. The shelter should be preferably
after the signal, not before.
6. Wherever there is more bus traffic more than one shelter should beprovided and the buses should be
bifurcated according to the destinations.
7. No overtaking of buses should be allowed at bus stops.
8. To ensure that the buses stop properly humps should provided at proper locations.
9. Wherever sufficient space is available suitable approach bays should be provide so that the buses stop
close to the platform without obstructing other traffic.
III. Other requirements
1. At every bus stop pedestrian crossing (zebra marking with raised level) should be provided.
2. Wherever there are one-ways the reverse route should not be more than 500 meters from the forward
route. If there is no such road available the one-way should be eliminated.9:00 PM 4/20/2010