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What ails us?

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IDS put up a link recently about the trust deficit in Indians...more here

This deficit is found everywhere around..take it corruption at high places to simple things as dropping garbage on the street or violating road rules. We do it with elan and expect others to behave better and also sometimes go great lenghts condemning inappropriate behaviour.

We see and appreciate movies which depict social upliftment..but get back into the drain once we are in the real world..

Anna Hazare went to Delhi asking for lokpal..but why do we really need that..Policing is one thing..but dicipline is another!

Was hearing Dr Saleem our Traffic ACP on radio on Sunday, Mr Balram was asking him the same question on how we compare on road behaviour with other western countries..his answer was that we should not compare with them as they are more diciplined and we are not...he instead suggested that we compare ourselves with Pakistan and Bangladesh !

How to instill values and self dicipline in the masses so that everyone feels most uncomfortable even with the slightest wrong doing?

What would be the best place to start ? and how can we contribute?


Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

You recall, I was/am tired of

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You recall, I was/am tired of blaming others hence started with lane driving self descipline. Descipline is very complex in cause. After studying myself, I can tell you, all you mentioned namely lack of descipline, corruption, cheating nature, living in past(just being proud of history) etc has already mutated our genes. 

Best way to implement for large masses again lies with hands of government unfortunately. 


1. Make NCC mandatory for *all* classes (except challenged people)

2. Make army service mandatory for one year for every youth who completed 18 years be educated or not educated.

I cant see any other way as of now :( 

" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
srinidhi's picture


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SOmetimes wonder we will need something like the BHARAT stg 4 type of pollution control norms in place to handle the trust deficit illness..

Atleast all the new versions(future population) is conditioned well and the current generation will undergo controls like lokpal (emission test) keep pollution under check!

So think schools will also be the best place to instill values which will help the cause! comment guidelines

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