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Mumbai - is it time?

194 users have liked.

Who is not stunned? Writing more about the incident from terrorism angle will lead to needless rambling. I have only one question to ask, from the angle of law and order. Isn't it time for Police Reforms, and overhaul of our internal security systems?

Till when will we wait? Till when will we keep getting distracted into Hindu Muslim Naxalism Conversion Jobs-for-locals this-movie-is-wrong whatever whatever angles and just ingore the basic thread that is common to all - how tight, modern and ready is our law and order system to prevent these boiling points? Whether a stick or a gun, leaving the domain of peaceful protests is crossing the line of law. Am I being too mechanical in looking at law and order infrastructure of our country in isolation?

I am just lost for words.

[PS: no hate comments please, go to media sites if you want to indulge in those discussions]


idontspam's picture

Playing catch up

147 users have liked.
SB These were the exact first thoughts that went thru my mind too last night.

"Civic and Govt authorities are not prepared to deal with crises of this century. They are living in 1947 with equipment from 1947 while everything around them is in the next century"

In secutiry, law and order, infrastructure etc. Infrastructure isnt about building new apartments, security isnt about putting an extra scanner or 2, mordenizing police force isnt about giving them blackberries while they still sport a baton. Intelligence isnt about people sitting in office pushing files.

Arent we all on Praja essentially communicating this message in various blogs and forums? We are not moving in governance while the rest of the country is moving ahead.
Naveen's picture


123 users have liked.

Bomb blasts, shooting sprees, vendetta killings, murders, rapes, dacoities, chain snatchings, burglaries, cheatings - you name it - Reports of these & all other possible crimes fill up almost every newspaper or TV news channels almost everyday.

Is it not time that the law & order machinery, need to be shaken up thoroughly ?
This is much more of a necessity with intelligence units to prevent acts of terrorism that take away large no. of lives, such as train blasts in mumbai, or hyderabad blasts, etc, not to forget the ones in bangalore as well.

I beleive this has been long overdue.

idontspam's picture

Chaos in the name of Democracy

137 users have liked.
There is rampant abuse of democracy. There has to be more control on citizens exerted by authorities on everything. How did we allow so many guns to get into these hands? What happened to the boast we have less guns on the street than the US? Do we even know accurately who are the people living in our cities?

Nandan Nilekani promotes in his book Imagining India the necessity to have a national ID and how it helps deliver better service. This can be used to track our population and keep antisocial elements out. These are basics we should not be dreaming about. When are we going to make these happen?

We realize these things take time but we are still thinking about them. I think its time we put a stop to the fantasy that we are a superpower or are becoming one. We have no control on our own cities.
narayan82's picture

Its quit sad to see what the

149 users have liked.
Its quit sad to see what the policeman have to defend thier own cizitizens. Compare the ill equipped policeman to the NSG or the MARCOS - its a huge gap. I think we need to equip are police much better in terms of infrastructure and heirarchy/order to handle such situations.
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
Nitinjhanwar's picture

Extent of Media Coverage: Two Questions.

137 users have liked.
  • First Event:

The blasting of the so called "Mother Ship" of the Somali Pirates by the Indian Navy,on 19,NOV.2008

As of today the Indian Government has acknowldged that the ship was infact a Thai Fishing Trawler  but was hijacked by the Somali Pirates. The Indian Navy maintains that it not breach the International Maritime Law by attacking that trawler.

Version one  : By Commondore Bhaskar of IN.

1.0 The Navy was within the right to self defend as it was fired upon.

2.0 Techically the trawler was no longer in the Thai possesion as it was hijacked.

3.0 From the flames on the ship after the attack it is clear that there was ammunition

Version Two : By Kaccharan owner of the Thai Trawler.

1.0 The hijacking was reported in the morning so why did the Indian Navy not know of it, as it was given to every ship.

2.0 Who fired first is one side of the  story.

Third version: Foreign minister if India " We experss our deep condolances for the death of the crew but we did not violate any International Law."


What would have been us Indians reaction if the STOLT Tanker -which was carrying Indian Crew and was hijacked for 64 days- would have been blown to bits as per the Ineternational Maritime Law?

  • Second event :
The Terrorists strike in Mumbai has resulted in killing of the ATS Chief Mr Karkare.
He was killed minutes after he wore the bullet proof jacket and helmet and was shown on CNN-IBN.
The terrorists were watching or been given the  visuals of news channels.
  • Did the terrorist locate Mr Karekare because he was covered by CNN-IBN live?




Vasanth's picture

Remembering the 'SPEED' movie

159 users have liked.
Seeing the above comment, I am remembering the SPEED movie where the attacker will be keeping track of the bomb installed bus through media and the cops uses the same to fool him.
idontspam's picture

Context please

156 users have liked.
I dont get what the pirate story has to do with the Mumbai incidents.
Nitinjhanwar's picture

Indian Navy is the Common Factor.

158 users have liked.
The Indian Navy did not let go of a Fishing Trawler in International Waters
but they let the Terrorists pass in the Indian Waters, to come to Mumbai!!!

Mr Vasanth,you are not thinking that the Media and the Cops have just
leaked the death of Mr Karkare. He is still alive. In bollywood this does not happen.

Whatever his track record he had the GUTS to put in light a complete different face of 
religiuos fanatism, corruption and patriotism- which everybody knew but no body acknowledged.




silkboard's picture

Back to the topic

144 users have liked.

Getting back from media coverage to policing, protection for policemen etc, think about our internal security setup:

  • Coordination between state, central and international intelligence agencies
  • Local intelligence gathering (do the common people like to work with police in any way at all?)
  • Identification mechanism
  • Rampant bribery - remember, the truck that brought in the bombs for Mumbai blast was slipped in via a bribe at the checkpost

Look beyond these extreme acts of terrorism. Law has got to be blind to contexts. Beating people, breaking glass panes, burning public property - no matter what the justification, its all crime after all.

When we let those supposedly petty crimes happen without serious checks or punitive intent, only because we debate the justification etc, and let these happen as long as nobody loses life - how do you expect to even work on these extreme cases where you are dealing with smart, brainwashed and 100 times more driven set of individuals?

  • Police Reforms are long due.
  • National identity system is long due
  • Overhaul of intelligence systems (cutting over-reliance on technology) is due
  • Blind dealing with law and order issues (beating or killing, no justification should do)
  • Modernization of police forces, adjusting their pay and working conditions is long due
  • Disaster management systems need to be in place

I for one seriously hope that last night's incidents will spark some deeper reforms instead of the usual side track into terrorism and religio-political issues.

Look at it this way

  • People say - Police target innocents. Well that means -  If they do get to wrong people a lot of times, police have weak information and intelligence systems.
  • People say - Police cause atrocities. Well - perhaps people have no real way of complaining against the police, so media fills in, or police has bad PR systems.
  • People say - Police targets communities, one in one state, another in another. Well, that means - free them from state control so that they focus on law and order and stay blind to all else.

Okay, I must stop, or else this will get too long and I will lose my logical progression.

narayan82's picture

Mr Patil?

145 users have liked.
I would really like to question the "progress" made by Shivraj Patil and his Ministry.

After all these bombings, we are so ill prepared. So Ill prepared that innocent, policeman's lives are lost. Mr Karkare's death, is a grave shame and loss for us. Was he given enough infrastructure and support to go in and handle the terrorists armed with Grenades and AK 47s? Was he pressurized to go in as it was ATS's duty?

To me this is shameful, the way our home ministry has treated and trained our police officials. How can we expect Lathi holding policeman, some with Pistols to take on such people. IMO we need a much more advanced task force. Army was called in too late. NSG was called in too late. Till this morning, Army was on standby!

Look at the state of Emergency Vehicles. Some super old antique peices. Not one Hi-Tech Ambulance, Paramedic or Fire fighting machine could be seen. Sometimes its scary how many onlookers can get soo close to the action!

Lastly, such incidents cant be prevented by checking peoples bags, we have to nail the route of the cause. Where do such terrorists get armed to the teeth with fully automatic weapons and grenades?

What is most shameful, is that we see soo much corruption and money laundering around us, that at times like this really shows how we are being swindelled, in the name of development!
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
idontspam's picture

Slackness everywhere

147 users have liked.
We need to wait till the details are out but I would agree with NJ in his assessment of what Indian Navy did not do. Gateway of India can be quite a crowded area with lot of tourist boats etc but how come they let such heavily armed men get thru without being noticed? They are patrolling our borders.

This goes back to looseness in enforcement SB is mentioning. In the name of democracy everything has been let loose. Cops and checkpost inspectors take bribes to let in RDX, Drugs, Guns. RTO inspector let loose killer lorries on nthe roads. What do these bribe takers think they are doing? Helping the economy by allowing these things? These will ultimately be used to harm their very families.

Agree with Narayan, What were they standing by for? For Men with batons to go in and pull out the terrorists? How did experienced officers go out so unprotected in the line of fire? See images of how casually people are milling around the danger area?

Lastly I am waiting for Mr Patil's standard statement in a new dress. He doesnt even want to give up his job even if people have given up their lives.
idontspam's picture

India's Antiterror Errors

170 users have liked.

Years of caving to militants has made the problem worse

The reflexive Indian response to most every act of terrorism is to apportion blame rather than to seek a solution that will prevent, or at least minimize, its recurrence. Even Indonesia -- a still-poor Muslim-majority nation where sympathy for militants runs deeper than it does in India -- has done an infinitely better job of recognizing that the protection of citizens' lives is any government's first responsibility. A superbly trained federal antiterrorism force called Detachment 88 has ensured that country has not suffered a terrorist attack in more than three years.

By contrast, India's leaders -- who invariably swan around with armed guards paid for by the taxpayer -- can't even agree on a legal framework to keep the country safe.
kbsyed61's picture

PR totally missing !

161 users have liked.
First of all my deepest condolences to the families who have lost their loved ones. I salute the ATS chief and other police men/women who were killed in the line of duty. My heart goes out to their family members.

Thanks to Internet and WWW, since yesterday I am almost hooked onto newscast from India. The incidents have taken out my breadth. After following the happenings for almost 30 hours, one thing it comes to my mind that there is something very important aspect "PR" is missing from Mumbai.

On hand I must applaud the efforts from security forces in dealing with the situation, but on other hand I see that the PR efforts has been totally ignored. In absence of official PR and press conferences, it is free for all situation. Everything is said and murmured, but nothing with any amount of authority. One thing Indian needs to understand is that situations like this need a PR aspect from administration which keeps its people aware of what is happening. That is, done by administration by giving out information at regular intervals about the incidents, current cations that are taking place and also words of hope and public confidence. Such efforts boost public confidence, arrests spread of rumors and also gives indication to other govt agencies that people are in charge and taking care of situation. This is totally missing in the big picture. I hope somebody would look into this ASAP.

As somebody said, Security is not just having a latest fire arm, but also winning the mind game also.

From Mumbai's experience, I have been asking myself, is Bangalore better prepared for such incidents. Is police, security forces, hospitals, para-medics and public ready for any untoward situation like this? I know this is not the time to start pointing fingers, but I am asking the question from a prospective of, as ordinary citizen, can I do something? Can Praja being a people's platform do something that can compliment the administration efforts?

navshot's picture

Top-down approach

149 users have liked.
Policing issue is a system problem. It starts from top with political interference. Why is the police department a state controlled entity? First of all, it should be controlled by center. Even that won't suffice as it would still be prone to political interference.

How about completely isolating it from political system and make it a part of military? Military would have two organizations - internal security (covers current police dept, anti-terrorism unit, etc) and external security (Army, Navy, Air force, etc).

I know how difficult it is to amend laws to do some such drastic change. But, would any milder reform work given the current levels decay in the system?

-- navshot
-- navshot
Naveen's picture

IDS - Did they come via GOI ?

150 users have liked.
IDS - You mentioned that they came ashore via Gateway of India - I have been trying yo find out, but could'nt see any reports in TOI /TV News channels.

I think only the Taj Hotel & CST group may have come via GOI, & the Nariman (Oberoi Hotel) group may have come from the opposite shore (near Backbay - Marine Lines).

Despite the obvious delay in quickly responding to the crisis, the NSG now appears to be doing a fine job & the govt seems to have already ruled out any negotiations for hostages - they had yielded initially only to buy more time (?) - anyway, it's a good tactic. This is the right way to deal with terrorism, as American experiences with it's many hostage situations have shown us.
narayan82's picture


142 users have liked.
Naveen There are many reports floating around in the media that the vietname regd ship - M V Alpha, dropped the terrosists off near the coast, and then they took a rubber dingy and landed at Cuff Parade (i think). there even was an image of the boats they used. One news channel also stated, that the terrorists had boarded the vessel at Karachi! How these waters are patrolled, and how strictly, I am not sure.
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
Naveen's picture

Rubber Dinghy/s - How Many ? Were did they land ?

142 users have liked.

I am aware of these reports - what I was referring to was the rubber dinghy/s - some reports state that there were two, some only one. Some say cuffe parade (which is the bacbay reclamation area, near Oberoi hotel), whilst IDS stated Gateway of India - this is on the other side. No news report that I came across mentioned this, & hence my query.
narayan82's picture


150 users have liked.
Sorry, I am not sure on that one too. But yes, I heard Cuff Parade more often than Gateway of India. I still dont see enough damage control by the centre. This is certainly not good for them, I would have imagined they would be a lot more pro active in getting this mess resolved ina quicker manner. Yet Mr Patil hasnt spoken a word. PM hasn't spoken too much and the rest of the ministry is silent. Is this becuase they know they have lost or is it that they have some key cards in hand?
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
Nitinjhanwar's picture

Forien Minister's comments

147 users have liked.
The FM of India said that there was an agreement between Pakistan and India that Pakistan will not allow terrorists activities from any part of land under its ownership.

Does this make Karachi not in Pakistan?

So if the terrorists have come in rubber dingies or landed at the GOI or the airport, does it matter?

They have murdered +100 pepole and it is laxity of the Armed forces, be it the the Indian Navy,
Coast Guard, BSF,CISF,Intelligence agencies etc..... Politicians too have agreed not play the blame game on this issue.

I think the members of Praja will also like to adhere to the same irrespective of their background.

Luckily we have not captured a well known terrorist or else from six months down the lane we would have had to flow him to relaese with the representative of GOI escorting him. Just for visualisation lwt us imagine that a high profile ( The Prime Minister) Indian would have had to be released by the terrorists  in the plane and Osama Bin Ladin would have had to escort him to New-Delhi. What would the fidhayen pilot have done?

HE WOULD HAVE CRASHED HIS PLANE . Bin Laden or no bin laden.

On seconds thoughts we should have

1.0 A federal agency.

2.0 A law making compulsary for a territorial army like in Israel. This will ensure  a unformity in  civilians and the man in uniform.One important lesson t o learn will be "The Boss is NOT always right". There is a brain for reasoning and not following.




idontspam's picture

GOI Vs Cuffe parade

166 users have liked.
Naveen, I am not sure which way they came. I quoted TV reports that they may have come via GOI to the Taj. THe only thing I know again from the press is that they did use the sea route. We have to wait for official confirmation.
narayan82's picture

We need to be better prepared...

145 users have liked.

We have learnt, that our Intelligence wing is in shambles. They always tell us about the attacks after it happens! We can't trust them....we need to be prepared.

By prepared I don't mean check everyone's bags 100 times. But we need a much better counter attack force than can be deployed within the golden hour.

Can you imagine how this scene would be, if NSG moved in 30 mins into the attack? The biggest loss to human life is because, we didn't have enough well armed personal to counter attack the well armed terrorists.

I like Navshot's idea of separating the police from the home ministry - and having all security forces under one corruption free politician free unit.

It took us almost 6 -7 hours to realize that this could not be handled by Mumbai police. Its rather annoying to see the apathy played by the central govt. directly leading to inefficiency.

Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
idontspam's picture

More NSG units

142 users have liked.
We will need smaller NSG units deployed with the local police as SWAT teams. They should continue to be governed by central NSG. The last thing you would want is to put them under control of state govt. Police need to start sporting pistols and we need new laws on what situations and where they need to be used. Constables need to start having tasers with laws introduced on what situations and where to use them.
Naveen's picture

State SWAT Units - Way to go

136 users have liked.
The centrally controlled NSG has severe restrictions since they are trained /located at Delhi & valuable time is lost in bringing them across, before which the terrorists would have consolidated their positions & taken many a hostage, besides creating havoc.

Each state must have it's own SWAT team, located, say in the capital city for that state, liasing with the central unit. This way, they will be able to repsond much quicker & can be moved to a neighbouring state much faster, in case of urgent needs.

This incident has clearly shown that valuable time was lost before their arrival to tackle the situation.

One wonders why, at least in Mumbai a team was not available when it had already been targeted by terrorists several times previously.
idontspam's picture

Out with Patil, party wants PC or Pranab

150 users have liked.
Recent cabinet meetings have seen colleagues repeatedly interrupt the home minister during crisis briefings. Yesterday, Patil left other ministers dissatisfied with what they privately said was a “sketchy” briefing, during which he apparently couldn’t name the attack sites.

Nitinjhanwar's picture

We need elite forces or the Hotel Staff will do?

151 users have liked.

The recent rescue by the elite of Indian Forces e.g. NSG,MARCOS,Commandos of various uniforms was a delight who favours all the flavours. It was like the saying " Shut yr eyes and shoot- somebody is going to be hit"

What was common in them and the Home Minister Of India?

They too did not change dresses while adrressing press conferences !!

This is a shame when the the Navies MARCOS team was displayed as if on fashion show even before the operation was a success. It is not a success even after the shootout has finished. You have +175 persons murdered and top police officers marteyred.

The MARCOS it is said do not disclose their identity to their spouses also.   But the leader was going to the press conference with binoculars and mask and talking sheepishly that the terrorists had the upper hand beacuse we were:

1.0 We were shooting and been shot at in the Dark.As if the terrorists were performing the magician act of disapperaing from one floor to another. 

2.0  We did not  have the layout- the hotel staff showed us the way. You don't have to have a map to know the layout of locations of stairs, lifts and ducts. These are the exit and entry points.

3.0 They were very well trained.

Wonderfull, these are the exact situation why you are trained and allowed to keep a beard in a clean shaved Army.

Just as an after thought!

Something is fishy, our forces are not that commical or inept, I mean they don't have the time to see credit cards and identity cards in total darkness when shot at.





s_yajaman's picture

Nitin - Beg to differ

137 users have liked.
Nitin, While you have the right to your opinions, I beg to differ. I personally think you have just taken a very cheap shot at people who risk their lives to keep us safe - please don't compare them with Shivraj Patil.

While we can question why the Marcos had a press conference, etc, the reason they wear that sort of dress is to not reveal their identities. Even in Israel, the sappers (bomb squad) never reveal their identity, they don't allow photographs to be taken of them for good reason. I wonder what you would have to say if they had come in jeans and t-shirts!!!

This is the first time that the Marcos have been asked to do this. When they jumped into the fray they did not have maps with them. It took 24 hrs before the Taj could get them maps (have you ever been to the Taj and seen what a maze that place is?). There are many staircases, toilets, lifts.

This is also assymetrical warfare. The terrorists (like some of our motorists) don't care if they or others die. The Marcos don't have that luxury. Just shooting blindly in the dark does not work.

While it is all very well to sit back and criticize them, I would wonder what the colour of your pants would be if you were face to face with a gunman in the dark.


Drive safe.  It is not just the car maker which can recall its product.

s_yajaman's picture

Do we deserve statesmen in our country??

143 users have liked.
At the risk of sounding jingoistic, hats off to the NSG and the others who did an outstanding job of the job they were given. yes - there will always be some criticism (Israel apparently thinks they moved too fast - this only because some of their's was in that building.), but given the assymetric nature of this battle, they did a splendid job.

Some painful things that I saw

a. Our politicians and their grandstanding. Initially our great "statesmanlike" opposition leader said that he would not exploit this and we must remain united, etc etc. He could not keep his promise for 12 hrs. What business did Modi have to come and make announcements in Bombay? How would he like it if Karunanidhi went to Gujarat and promised relief to people?

b. Our Finance Minister and Commerce Minister were quick to point out that "growth" would not get affected and investments will continue. Is this all they can think of? Sadly what they say is true. Businessmen smell money just like politicians smell votes. The company I used to work for ran its business in Lebanon during the civil war there, it has a factory in Saudi Arabia and has operations in Pakistan. And it is a US multinational.

They can do this because the shareholders and the people-that-matter don't have to risk their lives anywhere. If they did they would ask the government to get its act together before they invested. And because money talks, governments would listen.

c. Mr. Tata said that the government needs to have a crisis infrastructure in place. And his own hotel took 24 hrs to provide maps of the interior. Apparently the government asked the commercial establishments to beef up their security but this was not done - why spend money on things that might never be needed. The Taj employed two of the group without checking their backgrounds, etc.

All this begs the question - Do we as a nation really deserve statesmen. We cannot look beyond our own noses and still expect our representatives to have "vision". We cannot keep the footpath in front of our houses clean. Some of our industries don't want to pay taxes but want subsidized land. Look at the road outside UB City. Vijay Mallya can lobby the government for 4% ST on ATF, but can't get the BBMP to put a decent footpath and a proper road in front of his landmark building.

In a way it is good that this round of violence hit the rich and the famous (I just wish no one had died and I don;t condone terrorism) and not the common man in buses and trains. Once rubbish lands in Mr.Tata's and Mr. Oberoi's backyard, they will force the government to clean up. Let's see what the media does; they want this not to be forgotten - yet they will be the first to move on to the next sound bite. They let 1993 be forgotten as well.

Sorry to write such a pessimistic note. But I really wonder why people like Mr.Karkare give up their lives for an ungrateful people.


Drive safe.  It is not just the car maker which can recall its product.

Nitinjhanwar's picture

Nothing to beg or brag about.

156 users have liked.
Srivatha, I was expecting this so no need for me to clarify. You can go through:

I had just tried to do it " Johr ka jatka dheree se lage style". You how it is with children when a sweet dream is shattered. How can we salute a force who is responsible for 200 deaths.? You would say the deaths would have been more. I say the deaths would have been nil if were vigilant and the people at Nariman House had reported the irregulars to the police.

Regarding the Israle's their record in Hostage Crisis is very dismal. They have a long list of
hostages killed. 

Regarding my pants color, I am one of those who is not a fool and do not pretend to be a man of steel. I am affraid. 

Just for afterthought:

You remember,even before the commando operation the first force to reach the Hotel (Taj) were the fire fighters and they rescued people from the balcony windows without any arms!!!!!!!!!!




idontspam's picture

NSG and security costs

138 users have liked.
NJ, I have the bad habit of thanking the rescuers and killers of the terrorists however bad they were in execution. So I will thank the NSG for killing the terrorists before they could do further damage. The other choices they had was to mope around doing nothing. Efficiency can always be improved but it is better to do that with constructive criticism than derision. That said it is your opinion and you have the right to have it.

Sri, security costs for corporations will increase going forward. It is a shared responsibility. Multiple levels of security is needed and it is not just corporates alone. There has to be clear specifications of minimum security requirement of establishments also. I think the staff of Taj did a good job given the situation. Even the survivors tell the good tale.
narayan82's picture

If this happens in Bangalore...

145 users have liked.
Are we as a city learning from such incidents and bieng prepared?
  • Can we atleast realise, that our khaki policeman, perhaps need a bit more training, slimming and co-ordination?
  • Dont we need some kind of emergency system where Bowring and Voctoria Hospitals are the last places victims will go to, and instead Mallay, Hosmat, Manipal and such places will offer full support?
  • Is that joke of a fire engine, really gonna reach more than 4 floors?
  • And how, on planet earth are we going to control our already clogged streets to make way for special vehicles? I am sure it will take 24 hours for the army to reach the core, through the traffic jams!
  • Can we have maps available at each high rise building, with emergence exits etc etc.?
The problem with all our attacks I have noticed is the that after doing some immideate damage control, the govt. goes back to sleep. What did Mr Patil do after the previous round of attacks? Did any ONE thing change for mumbai police? Mr Patil has let the country down and is not capable of being a home minister. I am sure if he continues he will loose the election for congress.
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
Naveen's picture

Sitting Target ?

156 users have liked.
I cant help but feel that bangalore, if exposed to similar attacks with terrorists holed up somewhere, will suffer even more damage since our local enforcement is very lapse - we see it on our streets each day, to mention one example.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I think NSG & Marcos did a reasonably good job given that they had no idea of the ground realities & had to start work almost from scratch - they only had the benefit of good training & the necessary skills. Also, they were larger in nos., but the enemies were formidable, die-hard trigger-happy fanatics.

I think the very large no. of casualties & deaths were due to delay in getting them to the various spots late - this was vital. Over-reaction is always better than under reaction, in any emergency. The state & central govts MUST ALWAYS prepare for the worst at start itself. Those six-seven hours could have saved many, many lives, surely.

An operation that might have taken them say, 24 hrs has now taken well over 65 hrs & many more people had to die as a result.
narayan82's picture


129 users have liked.
Nitin... I too wondered why it was so difficult for the NSG and MARCOS to hunt out the terrorists. But then I lietteraly imagined the situation, in my mind.

If you have seen any of the floors in Taj or Trident, they are narrow, long and have tons of rooms and doors on both sides. Now when you are in a narrow corridor, and a terrorist on the other side, it is very hard to dig through the corridor, as only a certain no. can go at a time. And at the same time the terrorists are returning fire.

Its a bit like the move "300"  - where the persians are channeled into a narrow entrance and then attacked one by one.

Also, there are civilians and guests around (some as hostages), shooting isn't the first option, you have to first try and get them out alive. Each floor has many entrances and exits, and is very complicated in layout. I have got lost a while back in a star hotel.

MARCOS, if you asked me were still very quiet about thier operation. Unlikes the NSG, they seemed to come and done thier job very queitly. What we see in the media is a very small bit of them, what happened behind the scenes we have NO idea.  How much control were they given? Did marcos have to join hads with NSG, and what did they really do - we wont know.

I dont belive any other country could have done better in such situations. I only feel that the time taken to deploy elite forces was far too long. And this can really make a difference.

I also belive that the local police, were ill equipped to event "manage" the situation untill the NSG and MARCOS came into the picture.

A bit like in road accidents, such instances too have a Golden Hour, and if not dealt with properly can lead to complications.

As far as clothing is concerened, I still feel bad for NSG - they don't seem to have great helmets, boots and jackets. What is inspring is that yet, they do not crib and get straight to work at any such place.
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
seenivisesh's picture

guarding the coast or terrorists

173 users have liked.
it seems our coast guard did not perform the duty expected of them duly as a has gone against the nation further it went on guard the terrorists to safe landing in mumbai even the small nations like singapore and srilanka are able to guard the coast efficiently why not we. the doubt arising naturally is that it is only vested interest by politicians in joint venture with smugglers resulting in unguarding the coast on a regular basis. otherwise would the terrorists have been emboldened to safe landing in mumbai coast? i also suppose there was an inland agency in mumbai offering logistical support to these terrorists. so the enemy is within us. yes the unpatriotic thugs.we have to identify them in every area and isolate them for safe least hereafter it should be the endeavour of every bangalorean in this direction. whatever happens in mumbai follows in Bangalore also.let us all circuspetive to avoid any likely calamities and let us watch the movements of every suspective person to report to the authorities.after all the police or any other authorities will have to seek the assistance from public only and they can only enforce the law. we have to help them in achieving it.i have a doubt a considerable number of terrorists might be living in let us all be cautious in the name of balaji
in the name of balaji
Nitinjhanwar's picture

Was ISRO and NRSA busy on the Moon?

142 users have liked.

If one goes through the capable satellites of ISRO and National Remote Sensing Agency at:

one realises that ISRO has the capability in the form of remote sensing sattellites of the CARTOSAT series.These satellites give a resolution of 2.50 meters. In addtion to this you have satellites with USA and France for 1.0 meter resolution.

One remembers when Bill Clinton paid a visit to India as President, the hotel - as per reports- room's wall was inserted with technology that one could get a shadow and sound from the other side. This is capturing the ground truth in the remote sense.

Why was this not used?? No time? Well, the NSG had the time   in its hand :They were late at the least by two hrs.

1.0 They had a slow plane.

2.0 They took off late.

So what was briefed to them on the plane? 

Any body know that the Heritaze structures have a database of digital maps? I mean they are not found at the reception of a hotel but can be transfered in soft form.

The National Security Agency should have had that database ready. From Tajmahal to parliament to prominent buildings. The Oberoi and Nariman House are not prominent but the Tal Hotel is. Even Rahul Gandhi's Back-ops Company is right adjacent.

So ultimately it is kudos to the firemen and hotel staff for least casualties as the NSG chief says that everybody was killed before we arrived. We only killed the  terrorists like encounter specialists and santized the place.

When is the Holy river immerssion?

Nitin Jhanwar



psaram42's picture


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psaram42's picture


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psaram42's picture


157 users have liked.
narayan82's picture

NSG's delay...

153 users have liked.
To me excuses that the govt is giving for the delay in bring NSGs to Bombay is lame.

Firstly, why did it take 2 hours for VRD (CM of Maharastra) to call Home ministry.

Secondly, how can it take 1 hour for them to get to the aiport at 11 PM - did they run out of deisel? Can't traffic police clear traffic, cant they use choppers - its delhi for gods sake!

Now, if an IL 76 is stuck in chandigar, why does it have to be the only option? Delhi I am sure has billions of planes sitting on the tarmac. Why not use 2 of Indian's  A320s which are faster and quicker than the IL 76s?

Lastly, at 5 am in the morning, how can it take 1 hour to get to Taj from the airport?

The govt. showcased it apathy, ineffiecnt and typical "araam-se" attitude.  That is what is annoying, disgusting and painful to see.

Learning from this I would like to see the following steps:

Setting up a NSG unit in every major city. Setting up a dedicated emergency plan, where problems like finding a plane doesnt arise. And conducting regular mock drills, to ensure that these plans do not fail.

Lastly, stop using NSGs to give Z class security to "VIPs" Its absurd. While a few men/women enjoy machines guns, we have to rely on underpaid, over weight, unarmed guards!
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
psaram42's picture


141 users have liked.
Aparna Muralidhar's picture

I am responsible

136 users have liked. much as those who committed the crime, for what happened in Mumbai; as a nation we are the most apathetic citizenry - I raise my hand first in confession; the only time I become a concerned patriot is when I get space and air time to tell other people how they can do their jobs better; till such time, my paticipation in governance is virtually nil - a trip to the ballot box every 5 years is my idea of a model citizen; Walt Kelly said it best "We have met the enemy and they is us" - that's right - they is certainly us.
narayan82's picture

Have we forgotten what we are fighting for?

150 users have liked.
Sometimes, I wonder if terrorism has become so common, that we've forgotten what the terrorists are attacking for. Has it evolved to a stage, where we are fighitng each other, because its the way we decided to live?

What did we do, for them to hate us so much? Why does one human, feel alienated enough to murder a hundred others. Why would a man want to spend his life in such hatred and distain? 

Has it become a political battle, where we have forgotten days wihtout terrorsim as threat to daily life? And lastly, why is there no end to this solution?

Whilst, we are breeding a force that puts its lives in front of others (Call them SPG, MARCOS..NSG whatever), ever question why they are doing so - and have we ever though of maybe attacking this problem from other directions too?

How do we solve this problem - by countering a heavier force, which we keep adding to coz so are the attackers. Or can we try a multidimensional approach, where we build a strong force but also try to dig to the root of the problem.

I wonder what Gandhi would have commented on these times.
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
ebi.schubert's picture

Politicians are opportunists

157 users have liked.
Politicians are opportunists everywhere. It is upto the citizens of the country to demand what they want from their politicians. If we had good media that was willing to keep terrorism in focus after the bomb blasts they would have gotten better. I think we need to focus on finding what we as citizens of India and bangalore can do to let our politicians know what we want from them. I think we can start by doing the following: 1. A security plan for each company. Probably mock drills on how the security system will work, etc. 2. A security plan for each of the apartment complexes and schools, etc. 3. Work with police force on some training, etc on how to be vigilant and be on the watch. 4. Put pressure on the local MLC, etc. to come out with a neighborhood security plan. This can be done in addition to demanding the police force to be trained to handle these things. -ebi
psaram42's picture


140 users have liked.
idontspam's picture

Ill equipped police

142 users have liked.
The police sent to confront the terrorists had ordinary handguns while the terrorists were better armed. You need to spend whatever money necessary to give your police the right tools so they can deal with all kinds of situations effectively. A well-known police chief of New York City -- William Bratton – says all terrorism is local because ultimately, when it happens, it’s local. It’s on your shores. The police are the first line of deterrence rather than the last. But the police in India are almost like a marginal factor in counter terrorism. It’s the police who know the locals and the neighborhoods and there has to be some level of effective local intelligence.

Time to put Pak on notice: US security expert
Nitinjhanwar's picture

Live Terrorist caught by MP.

124 users have liked.
Well, the police force has to be upgraded with arms and technology and training
but the fact of this incident is that  the only live terrorist caught was by the 
Maharastra Police -Read- Mumbai Police.

It was starlight and street lights so they had the advantage over MARCOS et al with respect to
visibility, I guess. Lucky fellows, could see the bullets blazing out from the AK-47, so they side stepped?




murali772's picture

terrorism knows no religion

144 users have liked.
I just happened to go through the list of the dead in each of the Mumbai hospitals, published in the TOI. What was striking was the percentage of Muslim names - easily 30 to 40%. Though there was talk of Americans, Britishers, and Jews being targeted, eventually, it was the Indian Muslim who paid the highest price. Can we at least hope that he wouldn't in addition be victimised by misguided backlash. Muralidhar Rao
Muralidhar Rao
Naveen's picture

Why Blame ISRO /NRSA ?

145 users have liked.

I think it would be somewhat unfair to hold ISRO & NRSA for any lapses. We do not even know if their services had been requested in this matter (I have not come across any report suggesting that such a request had been made).
I feel that the NSA should have used database/s that were already available & also requested ISRO /NRSA's assistance since they have the capability to track an area with their satellites with high resolution & accuracy.
The Police forces in most countries (USA, France, UK included) do not carry machine guns with them, but ordinary pistols. They usually maintain some heavier guns for emergencies, but even these were not enough as the enemy had far more firepower. When the enemy is well trained & has a wide choice of arsenal at his disposal, the police cannot be expected to take them on, & a superior force is needed.

Such a force was unavailable nearby & again, we are back to the same question that we keep asking - why was there so much delay in their coming ?
As Narayan rightly mentioned, in such very urgent situations, any fast /available civilian aircraft could have been used to get them to mumbai from delhi, but this was not done.

All this again emphasizes the same thing - Our preparedness was extremely poor, & therefore, our response was belated.
idontspam's picture

Pistols not enough?

134 users have liked.
I agree with Naveen, Pistols would not have matched what the terrorists were carrying, MP7 machine guns, which use steel tipped bullets to penetrate bullet proof vests which can prevent the brass tipped ones fired from sub machine guns and pistols. Anti terror squads and SWAT teams outside India carry PN90 similar to MP7. AK47 is also too bulky for close range ops. THe new Karnataka ATF carries the AK47. The terrorist who was captured alive was captured by a cop without weapon who held the firearm with his hand thru the car window to prevent the terrorist from firing and in the process getting the bullets himself while allowing the other to take him in.

Regardless of all these brave examples, phsycological impact is minimal if you see a cop with a baton or a .303 bolt action. You cant even put up a fight of prevention till help arrives. You cant even hurt the terrorists. Assume smaller cases where you have single terrorist in a hostage situation where a pistol would help. Not all incidents need to be calamities or need NSG flying in. You may be able to some damage in the golden hour. In fact you arent doing the cop any favour to his confidence by giving him a baton and asking him to prevent any kind of incident beyond a lathi charge or firing in the air. You have to give the people the tools to do the job and then hold them accountable.
Nitinjhanwar's picture

The boss is NOT always right

139 users have liked.

Holding ISRO and NRSA not responsible because their expertise in the form of government employees and organisation was not called for is absurd.

Its like saying that the IAF is NOT responsible for the debacle of Kargil Martyr's because the Army did not want it. They wanted to prove that the Bofors is a capable gun.

Or like what the Home Minister did " Vilas rao asked for 200 NSGs so I will send 200, not one more or less" Its called red tape to save ones ass. Also its what the children play " follow the leader"!  

What you are saying is more illiogical than what the politicians are doling out.

Their is always a "Manual for Emergencies" in every set up,including in terrorist and heritaze emergencies.ISRO and NRSA too are part of the setup.

Strategic setup and are responsible to the Crisis Management Group of GOI-read Government of India. I will leave it at that.

Nitin Jhanwar



Naveen's picture

ISRO /NRSA's Involvement

151 users have liked.

First of all, I am not sure who you referred to as "boss" in the title ? I hope it was the home minister or the defense minister. If you are referring to one of us here, I think that would be incorrect as we are all civilians & have the same resources to derive ideas from for our comments - just as you or anyone else !

I am also unsure what you meant when you stated "Holding ISRO and NRSA not responsible because their expertise in the form of government employees and organisation was not called for is absurd" - I had not  mentioned that their services were "not called for". What I had stated was that their services may not have been requested, & hence, it would be unfair if we held them responsible.

As far as I know, during an emergency such as this, the state (home ministry) requests resources from the central govt since only they (state authorities) would be in a position to gauge the magnitude or scale of the event, at least at the beginning. Even in cases of natural calamities, the first appeal usually comes from the local authorities, following which the central govt responds. I may be wrong, but news reports usually suggest this as the chain of command that is generally followed during emergencies.

Once things are better known of course, the central govt (home ministry) takes charge & uses resources available as needed. If ISRO /NRSA were not contacted & their services never requested, then effectively, they would not have jurisdiction & might even be held responsible for interference since their services were never requested in the first place.

In any event (including war), there has to be a command structure that decides what resources to use based on availability, the ground situation, & of course diplomacy & international relations, etc.. This command center appears to have been non-existent & valuable time was lost.

I will try to clarify further with yr example of IAF. If the army did not want air force on the field, their request will go up to the chief of the armed forces & then he would take a decision with the defense minister's consent as the ministry has to decide this - this procedure is the same in most countries.

Another example - During the Chinese incursion in 1962, the air force was not allowed action by the politicians at that time since they did not want the war to escalate beyond control, & also because they were ill-prepared, & knew the superiority of the Chinese air force.

It may be true that ISRO /NRSA has a "Manual for Emergencies" & also, that they are part of the setup, but it may be worth checking what the manual actually states - Are they required to respond directly without being called in by the command center, or if such a command center does not exist, are they mandated to act without anyone calling them in or authorizing them ?
If so, then yes, they can also be held accountable. If the manual does not state this, then I dont think we can apportion blame on them, can we ?
Nitinjhanwar's picture

Where was google maps?

151 users have liked.
I think I will leave it at this for everybody else to ponder and opinonize.

The Gate of India and Heritaze structures fall in the Central Goverenment Department. No department acts diretly.e,g,  ISRO and NRSA  reports to the Department of Science and Technology or Space. Their representative is there in the crisis mangement group of GOI. Also there is something called delegation of power.

Its another matter that after Mr Karekare was felled everybody got their act together. Too late.

By the type of command structure you are describing NRSA must have got the go ahead after the
episode was over, if at all. The height of irony would be that NRSA is going ahead with providing the images because it has a written mandate?




Naveen's picture

ISRO, NRSA & Google

142 users have liked.
There is just one other thing ---

I am not sure how necessary or how useful surface mapping would have been once the terrorists had holed up within those three buildings. I dont think they have capabilities to scan within buildings from space satellites - the CCTVs would have been the best, & were used in Taj, to some extent.

What may have been useful were floor plans from ASI, but again, the delay /confusion in the response activities did not bring these to the site in ample time, if ever they were.

If contingency response mechanisms had been in place & had worked well, printed copies of such plans would have been ready at site even before NSG had arrived there, & this may have greatly assisted their response.
Nitinjhanwar's picture

Natural Resources

132 users have liked.
What technology the departments that find natural resources in sea and earth use?

Its called remote sensing (interpretation of mageries from space) and the rays that get reflected (Spectograph) are analysed for their properties. The human body,arms and ammunition also reflects a particular wavelengh back.CCTV can be used when the power is turned off?

Do you know what is the Crisis Management Group consist of? Right from the PMO to the Secretaries of major ministries. In which ministry does ASI or GSI fall?

I also remember that here in Jaipur the Army had particularly taken interest in the Urban Scenario because they are building a GIS platform based map of the city to monitor/act in case of emergencies. Mumbai must also have it.

Its surprising why  defend the governements so called confusion or knee jerk reaction?

A spade is a spade.




Nitinjhanwar's picture


143 users have liked.




idontspam's picture

Citizen protection in Bangalore

140 users have liked.
One of the first acts towards better protection was taken by the govt of Karnataka. Do you know what they did? Deployed ATF to protect Vidhan Soudha. I guess we all live in that building now.

I have choice words which i will not use on this forum.
psaram42's picture

Lack of political will

150 users have liked.

People of Mumbai are threatening to stop paying taxes as a means of expressing their bitterness, over the issue of inadequate protection.

It is very clear that the verdict of people of India is that government has failed due to lack of commitment on their (Governments) part, in stemming terrorism. Political will is absent due to corruption. The current drive coxing the increasing Indian professional fraternity to vote by organizations like Janagraha, Votede India etc is a sad commentary on the elite failing to vote. For democracy to succeed the elite should vote in good numbers.

There seems to be lot of brain storming in the Praja platform on how the NSG operations could have been done better. My 5paise on a suggestion is why the NSG could not have tried to catch the terrorists alive, by using tear gas instead of bullets?

Of course the NSG is utilized solely for the protection of our beloved politicians in power.

idontspam's picture

Canine curses vs Isreli honour

126 users have liked.
Here is the other thing... Isreal has already awarded the nanny of the isreli baby with the countrys highest honour. We on the other hand shower the family of the martyr with canine curses.

How did we vote these people to power?
narayan82's picture

IDS, The recent squabbles

152 users have liked.
IDS, The recent squabbles by politicians is a apt showcase of what they want to achive - publicity. They dont care two hoots about the martyrs or the survivors. If they can get them selves on the front page, its mission accomplished!

Yes, its a feeling of shame, when we see such people elected to power. But honestly, do we have a choice?...

Now in the upcoming elections, who can we really vote for, who will make a difference?.....Looks like we have no-one!...what if NO-body turns up to vote? Will see Cong & BJP being thrown out of the elections?...will we see someone else enter?....We need change - and we need some one younger, energetic and corruption-free to lead this country.
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
idontspam's picture

Feeling of shame

135 users have liked.
It is more than who we vote. Its what expectations we have set for them before they get voted. They believe they are kings and are there to enjoy a better life, instead of to serve the people. Next time we vote these same people we need to set the right expectations. They have to respect the fact that they are servant leaders. We cant afford to wait for an entire generational shift. We need change now.
narayan82's picture

These guys will never deliver

144 users have liked.
The reason why I suggest a generation shift, is coz, these guys (the present over 50 politicians) are so single minded in what they can do, will do and should do that whatever the promise you before the election can easily be avoided after!

These guys are NEVER going to change. Look at them - right now, when the WHOLE country is looking for change they have the most laid back attitude.

After 9/11, bush did that whole drama of picking up a megaphone and yelling - it boosted his image, people felt good. What did Dr M Singh - do? Nothing. His address to the nation was more like a bed time story!

The diplomacy, the apathy and the ineffieceny is embedded in thier systems. We need change - we need change NOW and these guys are NOT going to give it. Nor do I belive BJP will do anything better. We need someone new, someone young and someone with a sense of achievement not in terms of corruption!
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
idontspam's picture

Another reason for no-war

147 users have liked.


ISLAMABAD: A hoax call that was made to Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari last week by a man who pretended he was Minister for External Affairs Pranab Mukherjee and who spoke in a “threatening” tone, fuelled anxiety on Saturday about the potential for an accidental nuclear war in the region in such a situation.

The next day, ISI chief Lt. General Shuja Pasha told journalists at a briefing that at the first sign of military aggression from India, the Pakistan Army would withdraw forces from its western border and redeploy them in the east.

Ms. Rehman did not explicitly deny that the call was a hoax, but said in her statement that the “so-called hoax” was traced to a phone number in the Ministry of External Affairs in New Delhi.

The Indian side believes the caller identification particulars were “manipulated” by the use of sophisticated technology as “no call was made from India” to the Pakistan Presidency that day.


Now we know why we should not go to war with Pakistan. Pakistan is stuck with a lame duck govt and a proxy called democracy. The politicians dont count for anything in that country and are basically impotent. ISI Wants the war desperately and are trying their best to get the war started. They are trying every stunt in their book (including hoax calls) to weasel their way out of the beating they are getting on the western front from both the US and fundamentalists. The fundamentalists are threatning to pull the plug on ISI and army if they cant stop the US pummelling. ISI needs a diversion and counted on their old friends, LeT. We now have pakistan by the balls no need to go for the kill just squeeze when needed for maximum effect. 

idontspam's picture

At last we are getting smart

128 users have liked.
While refusing to comment on the claim, the thinking within the Indian Foreign Office is that such disinformation stories could only mean that the Inter-Services Intelligence’s dirty tricks department is very much at work. The ISI and the Army are trying to divert internal and external attention from their complicity in Mumbai terror and thereby clawing their way into public acceptability in Pakistan.

New Delhi is aware that the ISI will continue to make attempts to sow misinformation to bring about a situation in which western countries would lose sight of the main issue at hand — bringing to book the culprits responsible for the Mumbai blasts and dissuading elements from planning terror attacks — in favour of an approach that says, “Okay little boys stop fighting.”


At last we are able to use our brains to outwit them. I hope we staff our strategic affairs department with more intelligent people instead of dimwits whose only response everytime is to pump up the testoserone. 
murali772's picture

war - a dumb option

157 users have liked.
IDS - Interesting analysis

Narayan - You have stipulated 50 as the age limit for politicians. Well, that counts me out then, sigh :))). Well, I'll limit myself to dispensing gyaan. There's no age limit for that, right?

I liked these two articles which appeared in TOI, and decided to open two separate forum topics based on them. Perhaps you would like to take a look.

Muralidhar Rao
Muralidhar Rao
blrsri's picture

not real war..

130 users have liked.
high time we start working with US and get some credible reco operations done..maybe real time and use the information to carpet bomb the training camps..

similar to what is shown in the opening of 'clear and present danger' where a drug lords home is completely destroyed by precision bombing..from a out of sight f-16

They use tech to target innocent people..why cant the govts give them a taste of their own medicine!

Then if pak govt protests..we can say 'please provide solid proof'

kbsyed61's picture

All options on Table !

155 users have liked.
After news analysis from various media houses and listening to TV channels, seems we are not looking things from 16000 feet perspective but from a small hilltop.

War on terror should be multi-dimensional rather than just either a security or administration/governance issue. Also in the discussions either it is pro-war sentiments or anti-war sentiments. Each one has its own merits and consequences. We are discussing things in isolation rather discussing in totality.

I have not heard a middle ground on war issue. I think we should grow up a little bit and feel mature enough to discuss and take a decision on issues like war. If I were to formulate a public opinion or build a public  opinion I would direct the discussions with following questions:
  1. Do we need a war to keep terror attacks at bay?
  2. How fast we can draw up the list of risks and consequences?
  3. Can we bring all the political colors to be unanimous in our military response?
  4. Can we be sure of directed results?
  5. In the event of deciding to go for a war, are we ready for a war?
  6. Can we quickly fix our internal rapairs and new additions in our security apparatus?
Going to war should be our sovereign decision not anybody's else. Also we should not be fighting other countries agendas. Even if we join, it should be in India's own strategic Interest.

idontspam's picture

Can we avoid armed conflict?

144 users have liked.
Now it is almost impossible for Pak govt to do anything substantial on this. They will find it extremenly difficult to do anything more than symbolic gestures without any effect. The next few days will prove how ineffective they really are. We will be left with just one other attempt at UN. After that no option other than taking on almost emptied camps via firepower to signal intent. If we show inaction we will be the spineless jokers in this world.

Meanwhile, I agree with Syed on internal security apparatus. It is definitely not world class and it needs to be beefed up. A lot of anger in the country today is to get this sorted out. We cant ignore this in the war against terrorists who want to destabilize the country and create divide. I also agree we should not fight other countries agenda. We never went to war because 9/11 happened but 26/11 has hurt citizens of our country. They have come home and taken on our families. It is important this is kept in mind when taking any action.

Intrestingly a lot of supporting actors in these attacks are inside India. Wonder what their motivation is. I would think it is the same poverty and money that draws them to get involved in these.
Nitinjhanwar's picture

Another phone call?

159 users have liked.
The option left is another hoax of a phone call.

This will result in building up of the Paki army near Indian border and since the -show the world-offensive is going on the terrorists will think the Paki army is coming for them.

We can see a civil war in Pak.That what we want, no?

Being civilians ourselfs.




Nitinjhanwar's picture


132 users have liked.
I just remembered the movie Lakshya.

Its a movie based on the Kargil "war" .

Amitabh Bachan's unit is entrusted to retake the Tiger Hill. He is playing an Army col.He instructs his unit -headed by Ritick (?) Roashan playing a captain or major- to scale the tiger hill. The Col. says that he will give divertory fire from the opposite side of the Hill upto 4.00 o'clock. By this time the boys should start climbing. But due to some reason the boys are ON TOP of the Hill by 4.00 o'clock. (They were supposed to be CLIMBING).

The Paki insurgent (No regular paki army fought) noticed that the cover shelling had stopped at 4.00o'clock. He reasoned quite correctly that the attack must be coming from the other side. So IF the captain and his team were climbing at that time they would have been masacred. But since they were already on top of the hill it was a close win.

So " The boss is NOT always right" .

Even there were reports of the army of both nations colluding.

That doen't mean that one presses the nuclear button without the consent of The President but a stray airforce plane could have bombed the Tiger Hill. Anyways Migs are crashing for technical snags.

Similarly in the sixty hours of Mumbai holocast the MARCOS could have gone to Karachi, I mean they have the beards.




idontspam's picture

I told you so

133 users have liked.
Here is the I-told-you-so news

Pakistan on Monday rejected India's demand to hand over three terrorists and criminals, including underworld don Dawood Ibrahim, saying that action would be taken against individuals found involved in terrorist activities under Pakistani law.

Nitinjhanwar's picture

Is there a category more tha Z+ for security?

145 users have liked.
Please watch this visual aired on one of the Arab channels and appreciate the courage.




idontspam's picture

Impressive video

149 users have liked.
I like her arguments, very rational and the very essence of what the rest of the world is saying. I like the way she concludes about the contribution to human kind and the resulting respect.
seenivisesh's picture

mere legislation is not enough.we want dedicated action

135 users have liked.
mr.chidambaram was witty enough in tabling a foolproof(apparently) law for capturing the terrorists.will the governments soft corners towards minority allow the authorities to punish the criminals,if at all booked and convicted by law or will the punishmnet drag on like the Afzal guru case of Parliament attack long the government was advocating that the existing laws were enough to punish the culprits.even though the culprit is punished by the law why the government is allowing him to take shelter under various pretexts No action from the side of the govermnment to prevent him taking shelter under the loopholes of the existing laws).does it think fit that afzal guru can be let free before the NIA is brought into force. narayanan in the name of balaji
in the name of balaji
idontspam's picture


147 users have liked.
We are getting closer to action. We may have to strike soon. Not only is Pakistan billigerent as usual they are becoming unreasonable. They dont understand what they are getting themselves into. It is not too far way now when the squeezing stops working... comment guidelines

Posting Guidelines apply for comments as well. No foul language, hate mongering or personal attacks. If criticizing third person or an authority, you must be fact based, as constructive as possible, and use gentle words. Avoid going off-topic no matter how nice your comment is. Moderators reserve the right to either edit or simply delete comments that don't meet these guidelines. If you are nice enough to realize you violated the guidelines, please save Moderators some time by editing and fixing yourself. Thanks!

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