The Joint Commissioner Sri Venkateshappa KAS along with Mr. PM John executive Engineer were held up at Mandur. As a result the meet started an hour late. Mr. A Ravindra Advisor Urban Affairs to CM Karnataka chaired the session along with Sri Ramamurthy Secretary, CCRWA and Sri Venkateshappa.
Mr. Ravindra briefly touched upon the role of the coordinating committee of RWAs which interacts closely with BBMP as facilitator for the resident community of the city. The main points mentioned were
- Roads with potholes and non existent foot paths.
- Commercialization of residential areas
- Media partners like City plus
- Compiled grievances from associations and residents
- Janaagraha and City plus also participated
Mr. Y. M. Chauhan of city plus has been involved with CCRWA since five years. His main contribution is in community relationship.
Mr. SNS Murthy mentioned about the mind boggling list of problematic issues raised by 4 wards extending into a wide area. The raisings hopes of the community showed in the good attendance in the days meeting. Mr. Murthy dwelt on importance of
- Time frames for solutions
- Monthly Review meetings
Problem areas are plenty
- Pot holes
- Missing Man hole covers
- Empty sites
- Street lights
- Choked Storm water drains with dumping
- Blatant Building violations
- Car Parking
From the BBMP side the door to door Garbage collection needs to be streamlined. The problems are
- Non existence of rules / supervision.
- Mixing of segregated Garbage
- Schedule of Garbage collection of wet / dry garbage not / yet to be followed
High court stipulated 1995 Master plan if being violated will attract contempt action. Let not Bangalore become a “Benda Kalu ooru!”
A few residents were given the opportunity to share their experiences. Col Janaki Ram Reddy and some others spoke briefly.
- Unused under pass
- Sign Boards
- Bore well water wasting
- Night Operations
- Etc
Sri Venkateshappa,K.A.S Joint Commissioner, BBMP(East)
Mr. V only talked about Mandur Landfill problem justifiably so. He apparently had a list of priorities. The main worry seemed to be the inadequacy of Mandur Dumping yard. He will be reviewing the situation in 3 months. BBMP is looking forward to Guidance from Ravindra and his team. He also talked about
- Ward level meetings
- Once a month review meetings
- First Monday of every month
- Keep in touch with SMS etc
- Sakala web site info
I could only make out that some developments would be visible in a months time.
Some Pictures of the meet
Picture 1 - SNS Murthy Bangalore city Police Commissioner Rtd Giving his report
On the Dias are Hon Secretary G Ramamurthy , Chief Co ordinater A Ravindra and Venkateshappa Joint Commissioner BBMP
P2. Resident Editor, jagaran ctiy plus, YM Chauhan Giving his lecture.
P3 Mr. Rossario of Waste Wiase Trust
Invite Waste management companies to tackle garbage.
Let our citizens pay for the garbage they generate and hand over these garbage to private parties to handle instead of government.
Private Waste management companies should come forward to help this India to collect and process and recycle and use to generate energy or electricity for our homes.
Also, lets give an opportunity to new Indian minds to startup new companies work towards generating energy from this huge garbage that is generated by our citizens.
I also hope students will make use of this problem into an opportunity to start their research towards waste to green energy.
Waste Management
Most of the Contrators for collecting waste are contractors who have no experience in waste management Just look at the three wheelers that they use to collect waste. They are worst than the waste they collect. Many days they are under repair. The labour who collect waste are not provided with protective uniforms or gloves to handle hazardous waste that they have to handle, neither they are trained for the job. Waste management from collection to disposal in a Metropolitan City like Bangalore with a population of about one crore, should be handed over to Waste management Companies of international repute with provan ability to do the job.
Solid Waste Management
Here is the Ministry of urban development GOI manual which says:-
Click 1 for the full manual
Segregation at source is the key issue recognized as such by the BBMP. However it is not yet functional. With proper segregation and collection schedule in place, the transportation bill will come down drastically. Proper allocation of local space for composting is another stumbling block.
The awarding of contracts is another sour point where corruption may be rampant.