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The Bellandur Lake Photo Stream

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 Bellandur Lake is a lake on the shores of which Bellandur village is situated. Bellandur is a prominent junction on the outer ring road of the city of Bangalore. It is about 2 km away from the Sarjapur road junction on the Koramangala Belandur outer ring road section. A dozen Shoba apartments have come up near Bellandur. These Shoba Properties are almost extending till the Bellandur Lake. It is really a huge community at the opposite end of the Old Bangalore airport.

The Belandur Lake as seen from Shoba May Flower apartment 2705, gets a view of aircrafts taking off HAL Bangalore airport:-


A Temple at Bellandur Lake next to the Shoba Estate :-



This Temple is hidden behind the first shot central building covering the lake. Picture 3 is taken with a 180 degree turn from the previous picture angle of view, now  pointing towards the HAL airport Building (Same View angle as that of Picture No 1, except that I have now moved to the lake side Temple area, which is just out side the Shoba Estate). :-


A Final Full view from the water front:-



Note : Please click on the picture to examine biger sizes, for a more detailed view.



Srivatsava's picture

Where's the froth here?

201 users have liked.

Sir, we talked about the white froth 'all over' the lake. Strangely, this lake looks like any other Bangalore lake with just some weeds. Are there any industial effluents there, which used form the froth?

-Srivatsava V

-Srivatsava V

psaram42's picture

There is no froth because the water is still

179 users have liked.


There is no froth because the water is still. The froth is seen at the exit end of the Bellandur Lake where there is a small water fall, because of which the froth is generated. This is similar to water with soap produces the froth only on stirring violently while washing cloths. I have yet to upload the pictures showing profuse froth which I mentioned at the exit portion of the lake water. I have also some important pictures where big chunks of lake area are being filled up to claim some real estate, at the cost of the lake. Please see this link, which gives some idea of the polutents being dumped in to the Belandur lake.


psaram42's picture

Near the shore line of the lake

197 users have liked.

These are some of the photos taken on a digital camera by my grand daughters. (I was shy of handling my son’s camera). I find that on the ring road side near Shoba apartments,  the land is with private owners which extends to almost the  shore of the lake.

DSC01431DSC01413 DSC01412DSC01415DSC01420

There is a big stone building on the right side of the first picture below. One can see the gate of the compund of the house (see the large size picture in the Flicker All sizes option). I have not taken the shot of the house yet. I intend to take it shortly and add here later if required. This first picture below shows that water cynth is spread all over the lake at this spot. The second is a hut perhaps an encroachment.


 End of the session.

I had taken some more pictures on my wifes mobile, earlier. I am still strugling to upload the same, as it happened to be a new mobile, acquired recently. There the pictures showing the copious froth in the lake water at the exit end of the lake is available.



psaram42's picture

Pictures Taken from the Lake Bund Road

188 users have liked.

Finally down loaded the Nokia 5130c-2 software from Nokia Product Installation Website and sucessfully Transfered the pictures from Mobile to the computer.

Picture # 1:- The water discharge from the Bellandur lake going to Varture lake. Please see the large size picture by clicking on the first frame below. 

Picture # 2:- This shows a road newly built on the Lake by land fill. This road is going towards Intel on the outer ring road.

Picture # 3:- Lake water fully covered by green weeds.


Picture # 4:- Same as in 3 but a diffrent location/angle shot.

Picture # 5:- Land fill claiming precious Real estate. 

Picture # 6:- Another bigger land fill Claimimg yet another real estate.

Picture # 7:- The second Cascading water flow Towards Varture lake

In This and prevous comment I have covered one strech of the lake on the Eastern side. The western side is looking attractve. This will involve another day or twos work. Will do shortly.

Note : Please click on the picture to examine biger sizes, for a more detailed view.

psaram42's picture

Some more

185 users have liked.


I am contemplating to add some more pictures.  Please Click on the IISC report which has very good pictures of 3 inlets, to the Bellandur Lake:-

1.       Indiranagar side

2.       Agara Lake side

3.       HAL airport side

 I have seen some very busy on going apartment constructions on the HAL airport side of the lake. There are some big coconut groves visible too. SB, I am planning a photo session on this side of the Lake in the near future, if you are listening.

Some more picture:- 1. Outlet to Varture lake side 2. 3. and 4 some more near the same location.


Please click on the picture to examine biger sizes, for a more detailed view.




psaram42's picture

Some Pictures of Bellandur lake Inlet from HAL Airport road side

186 users have liked.

Sunday June 14 2009

Wanted to scout the lake from HAL airport side. We drove along the road going to NAL Wind tunnel from NAL Kodihalli. The Storm water comming from Indiranagar Drain passes below the HAL airport runway to discharge the water into the Bellandure lake. Three views are as shown below. Click on and explore the pictures in Large size, one by one to take the tour:-


The two shots below are of the same inlet taken from the lake edge. We  had to park the car and venture on foot into the actual lake area leaving the tarred road:- 



Again the familiar Bridge for going to wards Bellandure Village and sobha Mayflower on the outer ringroad side:-


I have selected these pictures from a total of about 25 shots. Please click on the picture to examine biger sizes, for a more detailed view.

sanjayv's picture

Is there a sewage treatment plant on that side?

197 users have liked.

Google earth views appear to indicate that there is.  Did you see one sir?



psaram42's picture

Yes There is a sewage water treatment plant

180 users have liked.

I was told that there is one. I am planning to visit it to day. Will be posting some more pictures. 

psaram42's picture

Bellandur Lake - Belur Nagasandra side

207 users have liked.

16 June 2009

 We visited the BWSSB Koramangala Challaghatta (KC) water treatment Plant. Please see my separate blog entry for details.

We see a huge Earth filled embankment on both side of the Indiranagar Inlet stream. The road on the RHS embankment starts at the Belur NAL road which goes parallel to the HAL airport landing strip.

16June2009-1-Inlet    2 16June2009-Village Sites for sale    3 16June2009-1-7-7-Hal Airport side Inlet     4 16June2009-1-7-6-Site office    

16June2009-1-7-416June2009-1-7-2     716June2009-1-6-Layout formation near Lake Boundary    8  16June2009-1-5-From top of built up inlet bund      


Please click on the picture to examine biger sizes, for a more detailed view. Pictures 3,4 and 9 are not responding. 


  1. Please see the large size to get the real feel. This picture was taken from the right filled up embankment. Please Observe the freshness of the Land filling executed. The lush green seen right in front is big size grass often harvested by Indiranagar cow herds men. Observe the background buildings NAL and other HAL etc.
  2. no response
  3. Not again
  4. This is the new building sites lay out being made and marked. Is currently under litigation.
  5. Observe the KEB power line drawn from Koramangala in the back ground. See in large size. The land fill is highlighted.
  6. Observe the background showing the NAL Village. The land fill too.
  7. The Sites lay out boundary wall under dispute?
  8. Evidence of land fills under progress.
  9. Not responding to show the all size option




megabytes's picture

Want to volunteer for help in restoring the lake

189 users have liked.

I stay in an apt complex overlooking the lake and am heart broken looking at how callously we have been treating this beautiful water body :( I am willing to extend help whatever way I can to help in getting attention to the health risk posed by the unceremonious dumping of industrial effluents, solid watse and sewerage. Please let me know how.

RKCHARI's picture

The sad story of Bellandur Lake

183 users have liked.

The pictures above and the cry for help submitted by megabyte is truly heart rending. While it may sound as if I am trying to promote my commercial interests, I truly believe some companies abroad have excellent solution that will make lakes like Bellandur look like paradise! We Indians believe anything from abroad is expensive. No one really does a cost benefit analysis in such matters. It is time we "stood firm on our ground, but opened all windows to let the best of wind blow through us without us being uprooted from our base" (as the Gurudev would say).

Anyone interested in knowing more about turning Bangalore lakes into Taihiti like lagoons, please let me know and I shall try to give you all a presentation. The collective wisdom of all Praja members can then take it up with the appropriate authorities. As I said, monetary consideration should not inhibit us from getting what one Praja member described as what we DESERVE - and we deserve the best.



megabytes's picture

Reply to RKCHARI

191 users have liked.

When and where would you be giving such a presentation? Can you make a online copy and share it on slideshare etc?

On a side note, what is being actively done to save these lakes? I have heard of Hasiru Usiru being active in this regard. Its better to join a strength group than start from scratch here.. if anybody is aware of such a group already exisisting, please leave a reply here or comment on my blog post on the Bellandur Lake:
RKCHARI's picture

Bellandur Lake

192 users have liked.
Dear Megabytes,

Have just been taking to another Praja Member. As restoration of Lakes and solution for storm water issues are likely to be of interest to only some of the Praja members, I suggest I make copies of my presentation on CDs and hand them over to whoever is interested. Doing a full fledged presentation in an hour long meeting on Saturday's event is likely to make some members feel one issue is hijacking the agenda. Hence this suggestion of my coming on Saturday 20th, meeting those present anmd handing over CD copies to those who might want it. After seeing the CDs, if anyone amongst you all are interested in knowing more, I would be more than happy to give special group presentations or even visiting each of you individually to explain the modus operandi of what we have on offer.

I am unable to upload the presentation slides as they are too large in size to be even zipped and sent by email. The best solution is for me to distribute CDs which I will gladly do to whoever is interested in our holistic approach to water management per se.

I am basically interested in making as many Bangaloreans aware of what is available as a solution. Hence my interest in this forum. I am not using it to promote either my company products or use the plank as a 'voice' to talk to Government. As we are an extremely ethical company, frankly speaking I would stay far away from Government related business opportunities!



idontspam's picture

As long as you are neutral...

188 users have liked.

 As I said, monetary consideration should not inhibit us from getting what one Praja member described as what we DESERVE - and we deserve the best.

Appreciate you quoting me and I personally wouldnt mind taking a CD and understanding what you have on offer. We have all attended monorail meetings from Scomi etc. But you should be open to an objective evaluation and other opinions which will be posted on this platform about what you bring to the table. I have observed Admins have deleted any blatant promotion of products as it creates spam. As long as solutions to problems are vendor neutral it is appreciated as it avoids conflict of interest.

§§§ Tweetenator

psaram42's picture

Your Help will be invaluable

187 users have liked.

 Dear Megabytes

 Your offer of help is appreciated very much. I and my wife have gone round the Bellandur Lake in our Maruti 800 a dozen times in hot sun to take the pictures. Your offer of help was really heartening.

Please see my post on the BWSSB Sewage Water Treatment plant at Belur Nagasandra which we visited. Please click  here.

Do you have any Pictures of the Lake which you can Kindly share on PRAJA?  Madam please do if you can.



mandayamr's picture

One more BWSSB Sewage Treatment Plant is downstream of Bellandur

186 users have liked.
1. 3 major inlets - all carrying sewage and industrial waste
2. 1 sewage plant upstream of the lake, and 1 downstream - you can the one downstream from the Outer Ring Road, and also on Google Maps

It is BWSSB that has to put up sewage treatment plants before all the major inlets into the lake.  Any attempt to "treat" the water in the lake after it is polluted is a sheer waste of money.  I have personally seen the Lake Development Authority attempting that, and then deciding to give it up pretty fast.   Also, expecting that reviving a dead lake can be a citizen initiative w/o Govt. involvement  - in particular BWSSB - may be unrealistic.

As an aside:
Are Praja members aware that the lake as it stands today is likely to be giving some of us unwanted chemicals and minerals in our milk/milk products?  Every day, there are people who get into this lake to harvest water grass (do not know the correct technical term), bundle it, and take it to feed their cattle.  This is done using scooters or small autos.  There is no one to prevent this.  It is not as if these people are not aware that the lake is polluted.  It is just that they are not bothered about the impact of their actions.  It is freely harvested, and looks fresh too!  The one time, I tried to explain the hazard to a guy, he told me in no uncertain terms to mind my own business (all in colourful Kannada).
megabytes's picture

Snaps of Bellandur Lake

177 users have liked.
I can post snaps of Bellandur Lake as I live right across from it. Also the exit end of the Lake is a mere 10 mins drive away from my place. Let me know if the snaps have to capture anything specific. I have several beautiful snaps of sunset over the lake but dont know if that is what you are loooking for.
psaram42's picture

Any pictures of general interest

195 users have liked.

 Any pictures of general interest connected to the lake area will be welcome. The choice is yours.

psaram42's picture

Sarjapur Road and Ring road side

186 users have liked.

The Agara Lake is Fenced and well maintained. You can click any picture to see in all sizes as available.

Picture # 1 Walk Path Picture # 2 View of the lake

1Agara Lake-2 walk Path     2Agara Lake-1  

This one is an Inlet from HSR Layout side going towards Bellandur Lake:-

Picture # 3 Storm Water Drain carrying Sewage water -  Flowing towards the lake (side view)

Picture # 4 Storm Water Drain carrying Sewage water - View looking at the Bridge on Sarjapur Road. Notice that the water  is crossing below the Sarjapur road bridge.

Picture # 5 Storm Water Drain carrying Sewage water - View standing on the bridge


3Sarjapur Road Inlet-3  4Sarjapur Road Inlet-1  5Sarjapur Road Inlet-2
This is the Iblur Lake.
Picture # 6 and 7 Another Small lake, adjascent to Sobha Apartment complex, on the ring Road. 


6Sarjapur Rd Ring Road small Lake-3 7Sarjapur Rd Ring Road small Lake-2 Note : Please click on the picture to examine biger sizes, for a more detailed view.

psaram42's picture

Koramangala Inlet Storm Water Drain

201 users have liked.

 Picture 1

The SWD at Koramangala appearing in this post is on LHS of a road going towards Sarjapur road, in Koramangala. The first Picture shows a view Taken in the direction of the flow of water, showing a bridge at the far end. This shot was taken from the road side mentioned above.

Picture 2

For the second picture I moved over to the opposite side of the SWD crossing a private bridge available. This view captures a temple existing at the other bridge location

Picture 3

The location of camera in this picture was again at the road but at a different location so that a perpendicular view was possible. 



Please click on the picture to examine biger sizes, for a more detailed view.

psaram42's picture

Lake bed Bellandur, reach-1

190 users have liked.


While driving from Indiranagar towards Koramangala on the Inner ring road, one has to turn left at EG pura junction at Shinivagalu bus stop. This village road is narrow with traffic in both directions. A circuitous route leads to an apartment’s agglomeration which includes mantry classic, wild grass and esteem royal apartments .

Wild grass apartments sit on the tip of the Bellandur lake catchment area, currently held by the army.

Picture -1

There is a storm water drain right at the entrance of the Wild Grass apartments. Though there was no rain previous day of our visit, we could see copious flow of sewage water flowing into the catchment grass land of the lake. This grass land is in the possession of the Army.


Picture – 2

We went into the apartment right up to an annex under construction, with a view of the army enclave under construction.

Picture – 3

From here we crossed over and into the army land leading to a Shiva temple.

Picture – 4

The temple is in a dilapidated condition. However it is still under service. The army has out sourced grass cutting to the villagers who tread the grass land in gum boots. The Bellandure Lake water front is a well over a kilometer away from this point. We returned to the gate to meet a curious watch man. We had a discussion about the sewage water flow right at the apartment entrance. Next we went in search of other Storm water drains near by

Picture – 5

After visting the temple, we returned to the Wilde grass entrance where the curious gaurd showed interest in what we were up to. We explained that purpose of our recki. After a nice chat we proceeded to our next destination of a major storm Wtaer drain

Picture – 6

After this we returned to Mantry classic. Muralidhar Rao was kind enough to take me to the teresse of Mantri classic-B tower showing a panaromic view of the Bellandure Lake far away. 

Picture – 7

Finally on the right hand side we have a view of the Lorven projects Ltd, Koramangala Land in the map. Hyderabad, Vacant land. This is about 60 acres in 3 bits as seen partially. See also old report

Picture - 8


psaram42's picture

Bellandur Lake WIKIMAPIA

191 users have liked.

Bellandur Lake : It receives water/sewage from Ulsoor Lake, Chellaghatta Valley, Hulimavu, Doddbegur drain, Madivaala Lake, Tavarrrakere, Bellandur Lake and overflows into Varthur Lake. Bellandur Lake water is used for agriculture purpose. The morphometric features of the lake is as below:
Lake area

-361.3 hectare

- 3.6 KM

- 1.4 KM
Shore line

- 2.7 KM
Water depth - 6 feet


psaram42's picture

Reach-1 some more pictures

206 users have liked.



While we were on our way to Wild-grass apartments, we stopped at the Nirguna Mandir to take some pictures of a temple of the area.

Picture 1 shows a board marking the Lorven Projects site on our way to Wild Grass apts. The land belonging to Jagan Reddy of Andhra Pradesh is about 60 acres big.

Picture 2 Shows the Center of Vedic Vision, Swami Sukhabodhananda. Kindly point at the central square which marks the Mandir on the Wikimapia map. Also observe the Esteem Royal apartment complex approach road continues to the lake grass land. We missed exploring this aspect. Perhaps one more mission desreves to be under taken.

Picture 3 shows a road from ST Bed area going in to army land. This road is the current entry point in to the army residential construction project site for the contractor.

Picture 4 is a photograph giving a panoramic view from top of the Mantri classic building. The empty plots, about 60 acres belong to Jagan Reddy of Hyderabad.

psaram42's picture

October, 16 2011 Reach - 1 Pictures

190 users have liked.


Sudhakar and another colleague were just coming out of the Strom water drain right at the gates of the Wild Grass Apartments. They obliged me for a quick tour of the area of interest [Lake grass land] which was not easily accessible from this point. We had to pass through the workers hutments. The access to these hutments is though a makeshift bridge over the storm water drain right in front of the Wild grass apartments.

[P1] Storm water drain full of sewage water right at the front gate of Wild grass apartments with a foot bridge. You have to carefully look for the foot bridge in this picture. I consider myself lucky to get Sudhakar of Somwarpet, Kodagu, one of the supervisors of the Lorven projects to guide me on this tour.

[P2] Sudhakar the Lorven project supervisor.


After passing the workers hamlet we were at the back side of the Esteem Royal apartment complex.

[P3] Back side view of the Esteem Royal Apartments.


The bullock cart track passing through the back of this apartment goes along the Bellandur lake grass land.

[P4] Both the supervisors walking ahead of me are seen in this picture.

[P5] The army grass land with a far off dense forested area can be seen in this view. 

[P6] A big Storm Water Drain with loads of sewage flowing though the Bellandur lake grass land. We were at the Protos Jain heights building level but at the opposite side of the Storm Water drain carrying sewage water. We saw White ducks near the a white patch with full of birds, but at a concderable distance.

[P7] A path in a dence vegetation going into Army portion of the Bellandur grass land.

[P8] A view towards outer ring road

[P9] One more view towards outer ring road

17Oct2011 3186 reads

psaram42's picture

06Dec2011 Reach-2 Pictures

190 users have liked.


To day While at Shobha Mayflower in the morning I had some time for exploring the Lake shore from as close quarters as possible. I started from the Coconut grove next to the Temple.

P1. The starting of the trail in the coconut grove.

P2. A view of the Lake. Observe the Fencing, in place

P3. Continuation of the trail towards the exit.

P3. Entry into the Lake area. A Panel of the Fence has been cut open for access. This Location is marked as Bangala Deshi refugi camp in Wikimapia.

P4. The water front.

P5. A view towards the Cauvery Temple on the far away side of the lake shore. 

P6.  Raju of Iblur Village. He is a matriculate.

P7. A close view of the Hemispherical raft used for riding / crossing the lake shores

3351 Reads 07Dec2011


psaram42's picture

Kaveramma Temple

185 users have liked.


The Embassy Pristine Project site touching the Bellandur Lake is behind the Sun City on Outer Ring Road. The recently constructed Bellandur Lake Fence is the common boundary.

P1. The Embassy Pristine Project site Board.

There is a good road going round the project site leading to the Bellandur Lake Fence gate for the Kaveramma Temple.


P2 The Kaveramma Temple.

This is a small temple with the newly built Fence on one side and the lake on the other side. There is a big grazing Pasteur where lot of sheep were seen grazing


P3. The Sheep heard with the supervisor 


P4. A small structure with the lake in the Back ground.


P5. Back side view of the Kaveramma Temple.


P6. The Fence on the Ring road Side


P7 Exit Gate of the temple showing the Embassy Pristine Land fill under progress.


P8 Full view of the Embassy Pristine Land fill under progress

psaram42's picture

Ayyappa Temple Agara

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Ayyappa Temple on Sarjapur Road in Agara sits on edge of the Bellandur Lake bed. The dual Agara Junction Fly over starting at the temple location encloses the continuation road coming from Inner ring road.

psaram42's picture

Some More Pictures Ayyappa Temple

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The Ayyappa Temple is well developed and maintained by the trustees with the help of generous donors.

P1. The well maintained Premises.The left side door was open at the time of our visit around 12 noon.  You can see the well planed cobbled walk paths and big trees.This picture of the temple court yard shows the out side Sarjapur road


P2. This picture shows a view of the Huge Bellandur Lake Land area looking in the direction of inner ring road. Notice the couple walking along well worn foot trails. These foot trails lead to the temple at the Sterling property side.

P3 A view of the temple from Sarjapur road side.


psaram42's picture

Land adjacent / behind Ayyappa Temple Sarjapur road

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The Sterling Apartment Plot is in the vicinity. It has a compound wall around the entire plot. However the apartment is only on the drawing board of sri Varun Kumar the engineer I was told.


P1. The Sterling Apartments Plot Wall


P2. Out side Ayyappa Temple


P3 Walk Paths comment guidelines

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