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What are MLA (2013 - 18) candidates' views on the following?

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Various internet web sites have details of MLA candidates like their criminal records, wealth, etc. Nobody however knows what individual candidates stand for, and what their plans are if they get elected. Voters can make better decisions if they know candidates' views on a fixed set of questions, through the following means:

1. Public debates in localities, with all candidates on stage simultaneously.
2. TV discussions, with all candidates on stage simultaneously.
3. Send questions to all candidates, send their responses to the press. If no response from a candidate, mention 'No response'.
4. Print out their responses as posters, put up the posters in respective candidates' localities in prominent places. If no response from a candidate, mention 'No response'.
5. Publish their responses on a web site.

Here is a list questions that MLAs can be asked. They are deliberately open ended, so we get their genuine responses, instead of leading them on:

Influence of business lobbies

What is the primary source of your election funding - individual citizens, or a business lobby ?
What percentage of your election funding is from business lobbies ?
If you are elected, will your actions as an MLA your influenced by the business lobbies funding you ?
If not, how will you prevent the influence ?

Citizens' participation

Will public projects in your constituency be decided by you alone or you in consultation with citizens ?
If in consultation with citizens, how will you consult them ?
When voting on legislation (making new laws, changing laws) in the assembly, will you alone decide or will you do it in consultation with citizens ?
If in consultation with citizens, how will you consult them ?

Vision for Bangalore

Do you think the current model of development in Bangalore is correct ?
If not, what do you think are the problems ?
How will you change this development model in your constituency ?
You will have Rs. 65 Crore of public funds to spend over 5 years (LAD funds, etc.). What percentage will you spend on each of these : Public health, Education, Transportation, Water supply, Power ?

Your plans

What are the key issues in your constituency, and how do you plan to solve them ?
How do you plan to improve Public health, Education, Transportation, Water supply, Power ?

Vision for Karnataka

Do you think the current model of development in Karnakata is correct ?
If not, what do you think are the problems ?
Do you think the allocation of public funds to various regions is correct ?
If not, what are the problems ?
How would you correct the problems ?


Do you think the current Police system is unduly influenced by Politicians ?
What reforms would you suggest ?
Have you heard of various recommendations for police reforms, like the Supreme Court's binding directions on reforms issued in 2006 ?
If elected, how will you push for these police reforms ?


Do you think Lokayukta is doing a good job of controlling corruption ?
If not, how do you think it can be strengthened ?

BMTF (Bangalore Metropolitan Task Force)

Do you feel the BMTF has been doing a good job after Dr Rajveer Singh, IPS, has taken charge of the organisation?
If not, where do you feel the organisation has gone wrong?

Muralidhar Rao

PS: The original list was prepared by Mr Dasrathi (of CyBaNa fame). I have made a few modifications. However, organisations/ groups who wish to pursue the exercise, may add/ subtract from it as it suits them. Whatever, I expect, it will be a worthwhile exercise. comment guidelines

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