Below are the extracts from a brochure circulated by Ipsos MORI, a leading UK research company, on behalf of the National Health Scheme of North West London, seeking the citizen's views on the proposed service changes.
No decisions have yet been made on service change. We are now consulting on our proposals for service change to make sure that everyone in NW London has the chance to give their views and comments. We want to hear from as many people as possible about what you think of our vision and the changes proposed.
Alongside the series of roadshows that we are holding we have also produced a comprehensive consultation document on the proposed changes. This is available in local GP surgeries, hospitals and libraries and a summary version of the document has been distributed in local papers throughout the NHS NW London area and the three neighbouring boroughs of Camden, Richmond and Wandsworth.
The consultation document and response form
We want to make sure that everyone in NW London has the chance to let us know what they think about the proposals. We are asking as many people as possible to give us their views by reading the consultation document and then completing the response form.
You can download a copy of the consultation document here and then answer the online response form by going to the following link: www.ipsos-mori.com/shapin.... Alternatively you can also request a full copy of the consultation document and the accompanying response form (which asks specific questions on each of the changes that we are proposing) by:
- Emailing: consultation@nw.london.nhs.uk
- Calling: 0800 881 5209 (freephone)
- Writing to: FREEPOST SHAPING A HEALTHIER FUTURE CONSULTATION (This must be written in capital letters and on one line. You will not need a stamp.)
The consultation will run from 2 July to 8 October 2012. We will then spend some time assessing people's views before making a further report in early 2013.
August 20 12.14 PM
As compared to this, in Namma Bengaluru, even projects of the "Rs 130 cr Sarjapur road signal-free corridor" size (check here), affecting large sections of the public, are thrust upon us as a fait accompli. Isn't it time then that we demanded that our government agencies too went about making changes after having citizen consultations in the above fashion?
Muralidhar Rao
It is better to debate a question without settling it, than to settle a question without debating it - Joseph Joubert, French moralist
PS: The above was forwarded by Sri T Vidyadhar, an active member of the CAF, while on his visit to the UK.