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Praja Campaign Supporting "AADHAR" !

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According to today's newspapers, the unique identity "AADHAR" is going to be issued in Bengaluru in coming days.

Deccan Herald -

The Hindu carried a news item with the list of post office where these UIDs will be issued.

It looks like it will be daunting task for people to make use of the facilities in obtaining their UIDs.

I am looking at PRAJA to take up the campaign and help UIDAI, basically the people to obtain their UIDs. In that pursuit, we may start with:

1. Talking to UIDAI officials and figure out the whole process of issuing the UIDs.

2. Preparing a FAQs on obtaining an UID.

3. Talk to respective post offices and prepare guidance for the people not to rush or get overwhelmed with the process.

4. Run some exclusive campaign pages on Praja site

5. Help Advertise via SMS, emails to all the corporates etc.

Suggestions, comments are most welcome.

Any volunteers?




kbsyed61's picture

71-yr-old woman is first off the UID mark

226 users have liked.

"...On Saturday, even as it was still dawning on most Bangaloreans that the much-awaited date to enrol for the Unique Identification Card (UID) or Aadhaar had finally arrived, 71-year-old Lata Idnani was already making her way to HAL II Stage post office. In the event, she became the first Bangalorean to complete Aadhar formalities..."

"..At the post office, mother and son were very impressed by the way things were run, and said they had never seen government employees who were so helpful and did their jobs with so much interest. “Those people were already in place by 7.30 am. After filling up the form, we had to get back in the queue once again to get the scans done. I am old and I had trouble with the scanning machine. The lady at the counter helped me,” Lata explained..."

Courtesy - Bangalore Mirror

kbsyed61's picture

Required documents for getting an Aadhar (UID)!

229 users have liked.

Looking at the email reply from UIDAI, one needs to carry 2 docs (one for Identity and one for address proof) to the post office.

"...Dear Mr. Khader,

Thank you for writing to Aadhaar helpdesk.

First of we would like to clarify that Aadhaar number will not be issued in the form of a card for various reasons like potential misuse, loss, theft etc. Aadhaar number will be issued as a 12 digit number which will be delivered to you via speed-post. Apart from the unique number, it will also contain your full name, year of birth, photo, gender & place of residence.

Please find the attached list for proof of address and proof of identity accepted by UIDAI to issue the Aadhaar number to the resident of India. With the attached list of documents you can enroll in any part of the country and get your Aadhaar number to the address mention. .."



MaheshK's picture

Forms Availability

216 users have liked.

There is an article in DH regarding availability of forms. TV channels also are carrying the news. Have the POs have run out of forms? Some are distributing 50-60 forms only. Is that enough for the city of Bengaluru? We cant downlaod from the site as they are not accepted per the POs.  

Researching and designing the system can be done easily. Implementing it is a whole different ballgame. This is where the problem starts. Where are the concerned officials? 

abidpqa's picture

It is not time for UID

224 users have liked.

 1. The UID act is not passed by parliament. The act to protect privacy has not been passed.

2. People got the identity because they have land, house, etc. Is it correct to use this as a reason to force people to have UID.

3. Even if UID is introduced, it should only for government use, for health care, welfare etc. It should not be allowed to be used by the private sector. When the private sector creates a database with UID, what will be the need for centralized database. Every citizen should have the right to refuse to give out UID.

4. The process of obtaining UID itself is a violation of privacy. Iris scan is a big invasion of privacy.


It could be considered as a case study of private sector involvement in governance. I think they have been insensitive to the concerns of the citizens.

kbsyed61's picture

UID is just not a number and privacy matter!

236 users have liked.

The concerns of privacy with regard to UID could be genuine and needs to be answered to satisfy the academic interests and general public.

But to lump it as undesirable just exposes our paranoia and insecurity in harnessing modern means of identity and securing privacy.

Apart from UID as means of identification for purposes of any govt/institutional services, it is also a means for government to plan its social services to the people at the bottom of our economic pyramid.

Now we are loathing it withe very possible excuse - not passed in Parliament, not secure etc. Didn't we availed EID (Election id card), PAN cards to secure our benefits? Then why this hallabolla?

We have no qualms when we avail of such identity mechanisms when we work and live in developed countries. Why work, these days, we have no problem in providing fingerprints and IRIS scans to foreign embassies. But we are dead against when our national govt tries to implement a system. It is nothing but pure case of hypocrisy.

I wish the intelligentsia instead of creating situation of panic and paranoia, should come out with alternate solutions that addresses the holes and gaps in the UIDAI plans.

Let us question UIDAI the real questions and issues. Let us not create hysteria among people just because individuals have concerns.


kbsyed61's picture

UID for managing subsidies in PDS and other social services!

242 users have liked.

Source - The Hindu

"PM's opening remarks at the interaction with newspaper editors"

"...We need system reforms. If the project Nandan Nilankani has promised to design, if the UIDAI can give unique ID numbers to all our residents we would have discovered a new pathway to eliminate the scope for corruption and leakages in the management and distribution of various subsidies to which our people are entitled..."

Public Agenda's picture

The constitution is just another convenient document

238 users have liked.

the UIDAI constituted under the Planning commission so then why does it need a law to back it ? and why the Chairman UIDAI outsourced this law making process to Amarchand Mangaldas (the richest and most famous Corportate law firm) in 2010 and why did the MPs of the standing comittee on Finance question the very need for a law after over 3000 crs have been spent ?

The constitution is not a matter of mere convenience but one of Soveriegnity. Can we say whether the outsourcing of tenders to L1 identity systems ( whose board is manned by ex-CIA and ex-FBI types) impacts our sovereignity. and are you ok with all this dadat being handled by L1 systems with all the hacking of Google, Sony, IMF CIA, Us senate etc going on? I certainly hope not.

the planning commission itself might not have the power to grant the soveriegn (we the people) an Identity which the state govts have. and so does the CEC which has legal or statutory backing . And dont just criticise without studying the law itself ( the NIA Bill 2010)

and techie paranoia/ hysteria about those opposing such dangerous projects on the grounds of consitutionality is extremely reactionary and anti-development . if 15 ID cards already provided and the 100s of crores spent is not enough then a 'modern- high tech' one can do the job?

Pl see the article Pinstripewallah Partner by Neelabh Misra

in the current outlook and stop calling people ideolgical names -(its HARAKIRI)

Its not paranoia to prevent an (e-) surveillance state from happening. This is what the constitution provides for us the people.  and also bigger MAI BAAP government for the corporates. SOCIALISM for the CORPORATEs and CAPITALISM for the hungry starving poor

The future is not inevitable and tomorrow will be cancelled due to lack of interest because of such lazy knee jerk responses .......

kbsyed61's picture

@publicagenda - confusing!

242 users have liked.


Even after reading your comments multiple times, I am still not clear about your position. In one paragraph you say

"...Can we say whether the outsourcing of tenders to L1 identity systems ( whose board is manned by ex-CIA and ex-FBI types) impacts our sovereignity. and are you ok with all this dadat being handled by L1 systems with all the hacking of Google, Sony, IMF CIA, Us senate etc going on? I certainly hope not."

In another paragraph, you say

"...And dont just criticise without studying the law itself ( the NIA Bill 2010) and techie paranoia/ hysteria about those opposing such dangerous projects on the grounds of consitutionality is extremely reactionary and anti-development ...".

A clarification from your side would help. Also pls do provide the necessary sources and references for the allegations of CIA, FBI links.


Public Agenda's picture

L1, UID and other stories.....

245 users have liked.

I am opposed to Union govt issued UID with data in a centralised database which will be cross linked to NATGRID and PII and National Population Register (NPR) where the citizen can be penalised for not giving the data required.

So it is not one off about the UID. This is really a question of security/ privacy / autonomy and sovereignity of the citizen. While the Govt is opaque to the citizen the citizen will be visible to the Govt, for tracking / surveillance and sharing personal data with the private sector banks, credit card, and consumer companies.

Leave aside the fact that it is unconstitutional, bypassing parliament and then violative of the  RTI act which allows for input from citizens before any  program / scheme is launched ( see first few sections in the RTI act after preamble)

The irony is that to register you can produce any of the 15 IDs listed .....

Hope u read the Outlook article Pinstripewallah Partner......

Your crticism falls into the attack on ideological grounds and tech modernity, but as you can see there are a host of other concerns .....

L1 (formerly Viisage) and the former heads of CIA, FBI DHS e-passports etc etc .....

AMONG THE names associated with L-1 Identity Solutions are Louis Freeh (former Director of the FBI),  former CIA director George Tenet and former Homeland Security deputy secretary Adm James Loy, (link is given here) also on the board of Lockheed Martin. The company’s links with the US military establishment is underscored by the fact that its board of directors include former Army Technology Science Board member BG Beck, former chairperson for the Secretary of the Army’s National Science Centre Advisory Board Milton Cooper. Some of them were members at the launch (wheen L3 and identix merged) and subsequently left

Some parts of L1 have been sold to the British BAE systems in March 2011 and other parts to SAFRAN a french company where the former US Homeland Security secretary Michael Chertoff who retd in 2009 is now an advisor from 2010. This is where there is a real revolving door. but its international.....

kbsyed61's picture

Should paranoia prevail?

244 users have liked.


I have read the Outlook article by Pinstripewallah Partner. To me it was more of ideological herrings than any rational dissection of the subject. Sounded like Left's opposition to everything the PM does. Also I read the Outlook column "The Walls Have Ears" by Saikata Dutta. Was very interesting to read some sane words from CIC Satyendra Mishra along with opposing views from Usha Ramanathan. Answer to your question of Citizen Privacy lies in discussing the proposed privacy bill dispassionately and providing the necessary safeguards in the final bill.

These days it is not uncommon to hear dissenting and different voices on every issue. Be it Posco, Vaidanta, Waqf Board, Neeraj Grover murder judgement, My Name is Khan and the list can go on. But question is should we stop doing our jobs just because some of us have concerns, fear and are afraid of untoward consequences?

Believe me if this had been the situation post 1947 in 5-Year plans era, none of the Hydro Electric dams and Public Sector units would have been built. Rest assured, our friends from left would not have made their careers in worker's union and public agitations.

Times have changed, people's morals have changed and so has our needs, requirements.

My humble view is that issues relating to UID that you have raised should be seen and discussed in 3 different categories.

  1. Issue of unique ID to all citizens - Its technology, enrollment, delivery systems, addition/update of records on deaths and births.
  2. Privacy Issue - Access and sharing data by govt agencies, financial institutes
  3. Role of UIDAI in awarding the contracts to Vendors - National Security, Transparency, Fairness, Honesty.

For the sake of focused debate let us create separate discussion posts and exchange comments. Even if we do not agree with each other's views, we can always agree to disagree.


Public Agenda's picture

debate agenda is faulty

221 users have liked.

question is should we stop doing our jobs just because some of us have concerns, fear and are afraid of untoward consequences?

Is the job to see through the smooth conduct of registrations without a debate after all the supporting campaign blog has seen many oppositions

I would rather debate with UIDAI officials and some of the UPA MPs who seem to be confusedly implemeting a project rejected both in the US (real ID) and the UK (National ID-  but implemented in Pakistan Please go into why the LSE in a detailed study  concluded that the UK national id project cost was too high and it was unviable

and why the new coalition govt then scrapped the project, and destroyed the data from May 2010 onwards

There are many people who are willing guinea pigs in such an experiment but they are not citizens

UID in my opinion is less about tech but more about fortune / profit at the bottom of the pyramid

kbsyed61's picture

PA, it is outrageous!

227 users have liked.


your statement  "There are many people who are willing guinea pigs in such an experiment but they are not citizens" is outrageous.

You may think strongly against UID, to call somebody "not citizen" is certainly out of line and disgusting.

I am taking strong offense to this statement of yours and demand an apology from you. Apology not to me, but apology to whole Praja community.


silkboard's picture

what were the goals of the project?

256 users have liked.

Dear anonymous PA, what are the goals for the UID project? Were the goals valid inthe first place? If yes, then what are the alternate solutions on your mind?

Public Agenda's picture

correction and apology

225 users have liked.

Sorry I apologise that since there was a power cut here  it was garbled. The line shd read as

they are not treated as citizens by the UIDAI

but it is no surprise that the cover story of magazine is titled Pied Piper of technology  ( Its disgusting that this imagery is being used in the 21st century by a magazine claiming inclusion.....

The objective SB  is to be a gamechanger!
but literally speaking can you tell me what game is being changed? with the partners of the UID programme being the World Bank, L1 identity solutions and Wipro (which was recently de-blacklisted by the WB after 4 years)  and the MS OS being  preferred it is evident that the game is PATBOTP ( Dr C K Prahlads Profit at the Bottom...) and these objectives are incorrect  ab initio and the alternatives is of course clear

give people a choice to have more control over their lives in addition to employment, health care pensions, food security and education......

dont be a tech or urban evangelist saying you know all the answers to poverty alleviation so now that after 20 years of NEP (July 1991 M Singhs NEP budget) trickle down has not worked we shd now try PATBOTP.

(PS i could not attach the image from the mag

kbsyed61's picture

Need for UID, What is UID?

240 users have liked.

This is a article written in 2009 but has useful information on Security Challenges and Privacy issues.

Courtesy - Infosecurity

UID Project – Security Challenges and Privacy Issues

Some Excerpts from this column.

Need for UID

In India, we have different methods of identifying and verifying individuals; it is either done through a PAN card, passport, driving licence, ration card, voters’ ID card, LIC policy or even a letter from the Gram Panchayat or corporator. Any of these identification documents could also have varying information, which then leads to irregularity. The lack of a standardised method of identification is apparent. Hence, there is a need for unique identification of every individual. It is being created in such a manner that it is applicable across all sectors, and is recognised as a standard proof of identity. It is being designed to be unique so that nobody is able to duplicate or misuse it.

What is UID?

To put it simply, UID is a unique 16 digit number that is assigned to each individual in our billion-plus population, which will be used to identify the person for all interactions he or she will have with any public body, regulatory authority or law-enforcement agency. It will work much like social security numbers do in the United States, except that UID will be more wide-ranging. The UID along with the biometric data, will serve as a conclusive proof of identity across India, making it unnecessary for any citizen to carry multiple documentation from a variety of government agencies. It can be used while traveling, opening a bank account, getting a telephone connection, voting in elections and so on.

For more Read Here

A very well articulated and covers all aspects of UID specially the security and privacy issues. Most importantly it also suggests the safegaurds to be employed for each of the concerns.

As author points out " ...The concerns mentioned in this article do not necessarily mean that India’s planned UID program is not heading in the proper direction. But they signal a need for oversight to protect the privacy and equality rights of India’s citizens from the inherent security risks of a national database containing sensitive personal and biometric information..."

This is how  we need to address the issues without having to get influenced by ideological differences. Definitely not by getting hysterical and paranoid.

murali772's picture

Target practice

211 users have liked.

To remove an anti-poor or anti-rural bias, any subsidy reform cannot escape a discussion of targeting efficacy. For most activists, targeting is anathema. Others have also opposed targeting on the grounds that costs exceed benefits. If almost 400 million people are either below or near the poverty line, why bother identifying them for subsidies? The finance minister has promised to keep subsidy below 2 per cent of GDP next year, which roughly is Rs.2 trillion. The fact is that if Rs.2 trillion is simply distributed to 400 million people as cash, that would lift most of them out of poverty. Even this cash distribution would need an identifying mechanism. Hence, reduction of subsidies needs targeting. Targeting needs to be coupled with direct cash transfers or use of vouchers. Aadhaar, smart Kisan credit cards, no-frills bank accounts, NREGA  job cards are all making targeting easier, and less costly.

For the full column by Sri Ajit Ranade, in the India Today, click here.

Fairly convincing logic. It'll be good to see AADHAAR's effects starting to show on the ground now.

Muralidhar Rao
Public Agenda's picture

no lullaby for UID required

230 users have liked.

We the citizens dont need no pet project of the IT czars to be funded by the govt.

All the warts of the UID and the NPR were on show over the last few months 

and the Ist step created by the CZAR himself was to create an ECOSYSTEM of entrepreneurial profiteers who will keep a tab on the UID app

some of them dont  even think like a citizen blinded by the greed for profits    unleashed in this ecosystem ( which has nothing to do with the envrionment by the way)

So let us question the need for India to start living the multiple lies of UID.

We do need IDs ( it is because of this that people are lining up) but not biometric id

These are both projects picked for their inbuilt failure

It is picked for its ability to usurp powers from panchayats and urban governments which could do a much better job of providing IDs.

Misleading the   people about final costs by not even preparing a feasibility study and then not allowing an indepedent evaluation but doing in house reports to prove whatever they want against all counter evidence.



kbsyed61's picture


248 users have liked.

Source - E-Gov

Topic - "Biometric identification is here to stay", By Aman Kumar Singh, Secretary (IT & BT), Chattisgarh,

Are biometrics more secure than other systems of verification?

Biometrics is the only identification technology that can verify with near absolute certainty the identity of an individual. Biometric authentication strives to make systems more secure. They eliminate the risks that come with using password, PIN’s and other normal authentication methods.

How can biometrics be used for investigations by the police?

Chhattisgarh Police has started using ICT for Automatic Finger Print Identification System (AFIS) and some citizen centric modules through CHOiCE project which is a flagship project of IT department & CHiPS. Making best use of biometrics will also involve relationships outside of the Police Service. However, the Police Service cannot rely solely on the commercial sector to meet all their needs. A detailed roadmap for Biometrics in Policing needs to be worked out. In Chattisgarh, Biometrics Technology for Person Identification within the Police Service is being discussed with the Police Department.

Public Agenda's picture

citizen or subject

239 users have liked.

before the need for a particular "flagship scheme" whatever alphabet soup it be called RTI act states the very need for taking up such a scheme should be discussed and debated 

RTI treats Indians as citizens but IT schemes treat them as subjects

biometrics are wrong identifiers, MORALLY and ETHICALLY and are failing in the Indian field

Many Naxalism affected states consider evreryone as dangerous subjects who must be monitored 

We should tell them to grow up

No lullaby required for UID

Anithasunil's picture

Biometrics : Uses and Abuses

237 users have liked.

Biometrics are good way of identification.. But, it depends on how well the identification system is implemented. 

There are too many holes, and unless you try to close them quite early inthe collection stage,  easpecially in project like Aadhar, a lot of money would be wasted... I hope with eminent people on board, they have considered all these factors before putting the biometrics to use...

Example, Biometrics are forgeable to some extend.. A high definition photocopy of a finger print, used over a fingerprint scanner , might pass of as a recognised fingerprint.. Or a rubber glove imprinting of a finger print.. If the reward of forging the fingerprint becomes quite high, I am sure, there would be lot of people working on these technologies..(to forge a fingerprint).. 

In most places, like election, where you are verifying that I am indeed using my fingers for fingerprint, it might be a good idea. But using it for verification over a mobile device, or an ATM machine, will sure attract a lot of attackers..

Please find a commentary on using biometrics for identification in the following link...

murali772's picture

Alibi for the babu's and neta's?

242 users have liked.

It is picked for its ability to usurp powers from panchayats and urban governments which could do a much better job of providing IDs.

Also, amongst other things, it will ensure 100 % delivery of benefits (like in PDS) as compared to the notorious 15% level conceded by none other than Rajeev Gandhi. Naturally, the many at the Panchayat and urban government level, who had been cornering the 85 %, are not going to be too happy. And, since they can't seen to be openly objecting to the scheme, they seem to have outsourced the job to their alibi's.

PS: I couldn't figure out the usage of the word 'lullaby' in this context. Perhaps, what was meant was 'alibi'

Muralidhar Rao
Public Agenda's picture

Will you also support aadhaar given to Kothimeer ?

233 users have liked.

The UIDAI have outdone themeselves this time and are the laughong stock of all  Without verifying anything (as the Home ministry said all along) now they have caused the highest security risk for all the coriander plants since the post man is searching for the one to give the aadhaar card bearing number  4991 1866 5246 to. Pl see the video attached

Now we know for all the loot being done before our eyes who needs the alibis being given ?  the the UIDAI

Just imagine the kind of dedupuplication done when a mug shot of a mobile phone was pasted in the card. And also all the 10 fingers and the IRIS scan of Kothimeer would have been the best for deduplication and authentication for bank transfer etc

There is a no brainer and all the high tech will not be able to detect this. Its not worth spending such money  crores of it while people dies of malaria and elephantaisis . Illiteracy and lack of awareness is recorded on the census esp in AP

UID should be put  to sleep with a single dose of kothimeer aadhaar, for all the bunkum lack of confidence which the Son of Pulav dont have in it (because all the other villagers in Jambuladinne village are still waiting for the card

let the Nannies sing UID no lullaby and put it out of such misery

Public Agenda's picture

the next Aadhaar Scam to top them all?

247 users have liked.

In Hyderabad old city 30000 people were resgitered by a supervisor of a enrollment company for UID

These are fake IDs

so after Kothimeer last week it is this huge scam with national security implications and after Tripura aadhaar scam which CBI is probing it will be either NIA or CBI doing the same in Hyderabad

Now at least supporters of UID will see what a hurry there was top get the sanction from Union cabinet and go ahead, to give IDs to Kothmeer and many others who dont have eyes or fingerprints (no hands) 800 such people were found

The loopholes are many and the people who are being paid know how to use them

This is definitely worse than a laughing stock

Not only such IDs but all the data of the 20 crore already enrolled should be taken out and destroyed to mark  the gross abuses of entrepreneuirial power by the higher ups in UIDAI.

Super efficiency and no effectveness just like we know the mess which centralisation of data, power and resources causes, huge scams and all kinds of mindless and mind numbing debilitating corruption.

let the Nannies sing UID no lullaby and put it out of such misery.



kbsyed61's picture

Dont't throw the baby out?

241 users have liked.


If the arguments present here is to oppose UID only because doesn't suit ideologically and we don't like the fact that a corporate Honcho is leading the effort, than there is no point even making an attempt to put forward any counter arguments.

Discussion on UID should be away from ideology, our prejudices and personal likes and dislikes. Sorry, all the arguments that you have presented gives that impression. I had hoped you would have brought facts to fore along with ideas for course correction. But every wrong doing (scams in your words) according to you is because it is done by private entities and is bound to happen. The only way out that is suggested by you is that all the public works be carried out by govt agencies only. No place for private enterprise in nation building?

Provision of Identity Cards to all the citizens has been attempted by GOI many times in the past. If I remember it, UID was fourth or 5th such attempt.

Election Commission, even today tries to enroll the electorate. If I am not wrong that exercise is 100% carried over and supervised by EC Officials. Isn't it every election is marred with controversies of names being deleted, fake entries and colossal inaccuracies.

Problem is not about shortcomings in EC and UIDs enrollments. Any system or a process doesn't become perfect on day 1. It is made perfect after tries and retries. Improved by instituting mechanism to study the shortcomings and making corrections.

Just to clarify, no system or process can be 100% full proof or correct in all aspects. Likewise, if we could look at the current UID enrollments process and concepts, without any prejudices, will agree that it is better than we had tried in past.

Large bungling in enrollment, enormous inaccuracies in data compilation, fake entries and enrollments, scams and security loop holes can only be addressed by first knowing the reasons behind each of these shortcomings. More importantly thereafter, instituting changes, process improvements and course corrections wherever necessary.

Lets not fool ourselves that UID program would have been 100% successful, Secure and accurate if it had been executed under any other Babu or Ministry. If that was so, activist would not have been crying foul about colossal pilferage in programs like PDS, MGREGA, NRHM.

Biometrics may not be the best marker of unique identity, but at present there is none better than biometrics as the identity markers. Let us know if there is any other alternative? DNA Match?

I am not discounting any of your facts about glaring loop holes in UIDAI works. We should be making it UIDAI work and make it work right not wanting to replace by another program run by another agency.

Public Agenda's picture

dont oppose on ideology

227 users have liked.

Is Asish Nandys statement on UID that it is a national prisoner number for Nandan Nilekanis facelss Indian  based on ideology?

Is Mahatma Gandhis action opposing the IDs started by the South Africa regime in the 20 th century based on ideology?

No they oppose it on the grounds of principle

And we should oppose it because the collection of biometrics is a gross violation of personal and private space and there is no law backing it. so it is illegal ?

and to respond to others about how good biometrics as an identity marker is

the answer is No it is not a marker but an Identifier

and the only legal instrument in the country which allows for collection of biometrics is for PRISONERS going to jail. and the same law says that the collected biometrics will be destroyed once the prisoner is released.

so pl give up your own ideological blocks supporting this on some vague concepts. PRISONER NUMBER is equal to branding cattle. and that is why Chairman UIDAI has asked those who cannot read and write to tattoo the number ...... instead of Govt spending money to teach them to read and write there will be another huge underground indsutry  for everybody who is illiterate to be tattoed their aadhaar number. absolutely shameful

But you have a choice since it is only optional right now. and the scams are happening for us to wake up from our ideological corruption and think clearly.

It is the ideological noise of the Nannies saying the UID / aadhaar is good that is confusing everybody

Let the Nannies of aadhaar / uid sing no lullabies for it and put it to sleep permanently

we need IDs yes but not biometric ones for reasons listed above

use of biometrics for ID is for branding the illiterate and the poor, by misleading them and then later for monitoring, surveillance, and further harassment for them when the biomtrics dont match at authentication time, and then they are deprived of foodgrains, income, pension and other benefits. therefore excluding them. the point being that the technology is not foolproof not only in enrolment or registration and the inbuilt failure is bound to come up at the last mile. - AUTHENTICATION

abidpqa's picture

Aadhaar card in the beginning

226 users have liked.

Aadhaar card in the beginning was not compulsory. Now, the goverment is trying to force people to take aadhaard card by misleading people to believe it is compulsory. The people are denied subsidy if they do not have aadhaar card like in the case of gas connection. Maybe they can deny us subsidies, even then it is not compulsory. We can say no to subsidies afterall it is only about 1% of GDP .

kbsyed61's picture

You are at liberty !

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You are at liberty to not avail any of the government's largesse and IDs. Same way nobody is forcing anybody at a gunpoint to get subsidies.

You are absolutely right, though by the govt notification availing "Aadhar" ID is not compulsory. But that doesn't mean any of the govt agency can not insists on it. Don't we buy Motor Vehicle Insurance? Is it it mandatory? No. But if you want to own a vehicle, you must buy an insurance. Is this any different than Aadhar number becoming a norm for any govt service?

This a constitutional question? Whether a government can force citizen's to buy or enroll in the nation's interest? Though this hasn't come before our Supreme Court, but has been adequately dealt in USA.

President Obama through Health care reforms had made mandatory for citizens/residents to buy the health insurance, failing which they will be liable for penal action. Quite interestingly, the right wing groups and the Free Market Economy proponents opposed it and many states ruled by Republicans filed a writ petition in SC challenging Obama's health care. The question before US SC was, can state force citizens to buy something? The US supreme court gave ruling that, yes the state has the power and it is constitutional. Though it was not a unanimous decision, but a Majority decision written by the Chief Justice Roberts, who was the Republican appointee. One of the underlying principle taken into consideration was mandatory purchase of Motor vehicle Insurance which has been upheld under US constitution.


Vasanth's picture

Huge Crowd - 7 hrs spent to get UID registration

225 users have liked.

Today myself, wife and kid went to get the Aadhar in KEB Layout, Kattriguppe. So much of crowd. Morning we had to stand in queue from 7 am to 9 am to get a token.

Again had to stand from Noon 12 to evening 5 PM without lunch to get the card. Token is given only to count the number of people and to limit number of people per day to 250. 

Aadhar centre didn't had Generator / UPS backup and KEB was playing HIde and Seek.

We presented School Badge, Birth Certificate for my son who is studying in LKG. Still it was not sufficient and the verifier said get a letter from his school in school letter head. Verifier is standing at the end. One has to wait for 5-8 hrs and then the verifier will say that this is not OK , that is not OK. Victim has to get the right documents and again stand for the same hours another day.

Overall very poorly organized. 


kbsyed61's picture

@vasanth, pls file a complaint with UIDAI !

224 users have liked.


Really felt pain to read your 'Aadhar Enrollment' experience. I would recommend that you lodge a complaint with UIDAI directly and present your experience especially the documents that local registration center refuses to accept. Pls follow up after you have filed the complaint.

Here is the contact list for Karnataka Region:

S. No.
Name Designation Tel No. E-mail
Ashok MR Dalwai Deputy Director General 080-22341622
Enquiries and Grievances - Contact Center
The UIDAI has set up a Contact Centre.
The users of this system are expected to be residents, registrars and enrolment agencies.
Any resident seeking enrolment is given a printed acknowledgement form with an Enrolment Number, that enables the resident to make queries about her/his enrolment status through any communication channel of the contact centre.

Voice – 1800-180-1947
Fax – 080-2353 1947
Letters – PO Box 1947, GPO Bangalore - 560001
Email -
abidpqa's picture

Not mandatory, at last

228 users have liked.

Aadhar cards only for Indian nationals; not compulsory: SC. UID authority has been saying Aadhaar is not mandatory, but the state govts have been forcing people to obtain the cards by restricting access to services. Hope this will put a stop.

murali772's picture

Doomsday scenario?

224 users have liked.

The ruling is particularly welcome as it tends to endorse serious objections to the legality of the scheme raised by experts as the parliamentary standing committee on finance. The committee, which looked at the National Identification Authority Bill introduced in the Rajya Sabha, had regretted that despite serious differences of opinion within the government on the Aadhaar scheme, it “continues to be implemented in an overbearing manner without regard to legalities”.

The court’s directive that the government should not issue Aadhaar cards to illegal immigrants underlines the apprehensions expressed by the home minister that it could also have sinister implications for national security. The UPA government should not allow electoral imperatives to ignore the patent illegality of the scheme that forces people to part with sensitive private information such as biometric data or finger-prints without having any law to protect their rights. As the parliamentary panel has recommended, the government should scrap the scheme, which is a drain on the exchequer. Instead, cards issued under the National Population Register should be made the only legal identity card for government schemes and transactions.

For the full text of the editorial in the New Indian Express, click here.

When mainstream media editorials start writing this way, it's perhaps doomsday scenario for the scheme. Its survival is in question now. The mistake perhaps was in trying to push through the implememtation even without a parliamentary sanction, the prospects of which, ironically, were sabotaged from within the Congress itself.

Even considering the national and personal security angles, which I would like to believe are more hyped up than real, the scheme provided an ideal vehicle for ensuring direct transfer of entitlements to beneficiaries. Well, if a Modi becomes the PM after the elections, may be he'll want to revive it. Otherwise, it's all going to land up as another huge waste.

Meanwhile, alongwith it, Nandan Nilekani's electoral prospects also appear doomed.

Muralidhar Rao
kbsyed61's picture

SC's observation flawed!

224 users have liked.

Source - Indian Express

"...The Supreme Court also missed the point when it spoke of the need to verify that those enrolled were citizens. Aadhaar is not meant to sift bona fide citizens from the others, but to to provide demographic and biometric information. It is meant to make it easier to access subsidies and benefits by removing the single biggest hindrance of implementation — lack of ID. For many people, especially the poor, it can be a struggle to furnish documents of identity required by public and private agencies, with their elaborate verification processes. It would finally create a precise way to get social entitlements across, and be a full and valid proof of identity. It can be used for school enrolments, for rural banking, for MGNREGA payments, and much more — it will make it impossible to inflate muster rolls or attendance registers, cut down leakage and corruption, and allow direct transfers to replace indirect benefits. Aadhaar needs a fair chance to work, stabilise, and demonstrate its game-changing uses..."

Murali Sir, Gues who is rejoicing the SC's observation/interim order? Political class. You know the reasons far better than me. Not withstanding the real concerns in terms of security, privacy of the personal data, it is madness to assume that India doesn't need a Unique ID for its citizens. I would echo the same sentiments as Indian Express - Aadhaar needs a fair chance to work, stabilize, and demonstrate its game-changing uses.

Trying to connect illegal immigrants to AADHAR discussion is a step towards making it defunct. The standing committee recommendations are one such attempt. Guess who headed that committee? I can only laugh at the standing committee report and its reasons for rejecting the UID bill.

The illegal immigrant discussion has nothing to do with what AADHAR is meant for. If illegal immigrants is the issue go fix it - Stop infiltration, deport who are caught. No body stops the great Indian army and police to stop infiltration. If it is still continuing why blame AADHAR? No body will shed tears for deportation of illegals, if that is the worry for politicians. Illegal immigration is  a universal issue confronting every country including US. Guess how many Indian are living illegally in US and other Western countries? For some parties it is OK if Indians are illegal in other countries.


Naveen's picture

Govt may move SC

220 users have liked.

Govt may move SC for Aadhaar-linked welfare schemes

New Delhi: The government is exploring the option of approaching the Supreme Court for relief to allow Aadhaar-linked entitlements under UPA’s welfare schemes.

The government is worried as enacting a legislation to provide statutory status to Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) may take time which may delay rollout of its direct benefit transfer (DBT) scheme, touted as UPA’s game-changer for the 2014 general elections.


abidpqa's picture

Not defined

245 users have liked.

The constitution does not define the rights of the government to obtain biometric identity and does not provide any privacy safeguards. Only by amending the constitution UID is valid, not even act of parliament is enough. There is need to keep the private sector away from the biometrics and need to control the biometric id in the offices

ssheragu's picture


229 users have liked.


As usual, I am a late entrant;

I am one of he opinion, that AADHAAR is very much required, but I do not know, if I am correct; regarding privacy, I have  a few questions; if the storage of biometric data is enroaching upon privacy, then in that sense passport is also enroaching upon the privacy, since according to my memory, biometric data is also stored while issuing passport; so that may not be the basis of not having aadhaar; further if there is no act for aadhaar, it is time we passed one;

I firmly believe, if the aadhaar is honestly implemented (like proper storage of biometric data and other details of information obtained under aadhaar and physical storage of aadhaar data in multiple places to prevent foolproof mechanism) [I came across a news time sometime back that people need not have an apprehensions of privacy as the data collected for issuing aadhaar in some place was lost],it wil be reliable way of eliminating corruption and ensuring that the govt. schems reach the intrended benefiaciries;

also I think that almost all the developed countries do have a scheme like aadhaar scheme


Many thanks


SS Heragu

MaheshK's picture

Not just for entitlements

221 users have liked.

Countries such as Canada and USA have Aadhar type cards. In canada its called Social Insurance Number (SIN) and in uSA its Social Security number (SSN). Its been there for decades and doing well. In USA people are urged not to share their SSN. Its not just the qn of social entitlements. Once the number is typed by the concerned agencies, entire history of the person will be shown, including police cases, crimes, court orders, etc. Background checks are done using those numbers in both the countries.

The problem with lot of people in India is that they look how to misuse the system. It was shown on tv sometime back that someone enrolled for Aadhar card in Mysore in the name of Nandan Nilkeni. Are there any Nandan Nilkenis in Mysore? I guess not. If UID can be made foolproof, it will potentially prevent lot of fraud. 

ssheragu's picture


260 users have liked.



As Mahesh has rightly suggested, it is not about AADHAAR but how to make it foolproof;

I agree in our country it is difficult but not imposible to make it foolprof; one suggestion would be to take all precautions while issuing AADHAAR; next just as crores has been spent on AADHAAR, another large amount may be spent in its verification (a one time expenditure)

This way it will be foolproof & genuine and a very good tool for eradicating bribery & corruption.



SS Heragu

murali772's picture


238 users have liked.

There is need to keep the private sector away from the biometrics and need to control the biometric id in the offices.

The back-end work of the Passport department (including capture of biometrics data), is being done by TCS today. Likewise is the work being done by Infosys for the Income Tax department. So, do you want to recommend to the government to reverse all of that, and undertake all of that work by itself? If yes, do you think they have the capacity to do it? See here as to what a mess the collective lot of the EC, SEC, and NIC have made of the electoral rolls in the state.

Muralidhar Rao
abidpqa's picture

Corporate methods

229 users have liked.

If you dont pass a test, CEO can fire you from a company. Ruling country is not like that. Corporate shortcuts wont work. Running a company is more easy and efficient if workers dont have rights.

abidpqa's picture

I have been criticizing. I

240 users have liked.

I have been criticizing. I would like to provide ideal ID, which is satisfactory, maybe not for others. The plan seems to be is not just someone impersonating you, but your imprisoned in your ID.

  1. Take only one fingerprint and use another document. Both these will be enough to create a unique ID. Name and fingerprint is unique enough. Never iris scan.
  2. Create multiple derivative IDs from UID which can be used in place of UID for different purposes like employment, driving licence, etc., so that we never have to disclose UID to anybody other than UID.  So that only the so called authority can connect the IDs.
  3. Pass privacy law which makes it illegal to demand UID for employment purposes by private companies and by financial institutions like banks, credit card companies, etc. Incude option banning UID to obtain iris scan.
  4. Provide an option to remove the name from UID database when we dont want it.
  5. Ban creating UID for children under 18.

Will add more when I think of something!

murali772's picture

how does it become "unique" then?

224 users have liked.

@ abidpqa - This is not about ruling a country, but governing it. The problem in fact is that there is excess of pandering to the rights, and no emphasis on responsibilities. The way we are going, we will soon land up like Zimbabwe with triple-digit inflation. What we badly need in this country is the "right to sack" recalcitrant employees, including of the government (happily, a lot many Prajagalu seem to endorse my suggestion).

Further, in today's world, privacy means very little. If UID has to limit itself within the the boundaries listed by you, it would be better not to have it at all.

Muralidhar Rao
abidpqa's picture

Responsibilities hmm

243 users have liked.

The constitution cannot define responsibilities of the people. This is misleading technique to make the people feel guilty, a technique of emergency era. We are the owners of the country, that is we created the country. We only have rights. Constitution can only define  rights of the people. Only the rulers appointed by the people have responsibilities. Their responsibility is to not making laws that restrict our rights.

murali772's picture


238 users have liked.

So, according to you, the elected representatives are there to shoulder all the responsibilities in order that you can enjoy all your rights (without any responsibilities).

Well, I wonder what Dr Ambedkar would have had to say.

Muralidhar Rao
murali772's picture


233 users have liked.

The Aadhaar project with its enormous potential of surveillance alters the relationship between citizen and state. It tilts the balance so steeply in favour of government that a citizen whose biometrics are controlled by the State is permanently condemned to submission.

For the full text of the article derived from a talk delivered by Adv Shyam Divan at the 7th NLSIR Symposium at National Law School, Bangalore on 21 December 2013, click here.

I read this article essentially to understand where exactly the opposition is coming from. Apparently, it's largely based on the citizen's privacy issue. However, I tend to go with the arguments placed by my friend Mr Abraham Kuruvilla (accessible here), when he says "They cite the examples of Germany and Spain, which they forget were once ruled by fascists who resorted to ethnic profiling leading to ethnic cleansing to serve their own begotten ends. In those countries public memory is strong. They fail to understand that an Aadhar based fingerprint or a retinal scan does not constitute any sort of profiling, let alone a linguistic, religious or ethnic one. In the larger context, the numbers of such antagonists is small but they are like ants in an elephant's ear. How could what is private and secure (medical legal, financial and filial) be jeopardized by Aadhar any more than what a DL, Passport, any other photo ID or Internet banking would"

On Saturday, on CNN-IBN, an eminent panel comprising Dr Dipankar Gupta, Dr Kiran Bedi, and others seemed to suggest that the benefits of going in for the UID scheme are far more than the negatives, over the privacy issue, of which too much was made out by the opponents of the scheme.

The biggest hurdle apparently is the sabotage from within the government itself by some heavy-weights, who are opposed to it for reasons of their own, quite like in the case of many other schemes too. That's the price the country is having to pay for having a weak prime minister, I guess.

Muralidhar Rao
abidpqa's picture

If DL and Aadhaar are

226 users have liked.

If DL and Aadhaar are equivalent, what is the need of Aadhaar? The differnce is that we have more control of DL. What is the guarantee that India won't ruled by fascists? Even now lots of dictators are trying to control us.

Then, does strong state mans people have no power and their rights are reduced?


murali772's picture

Is background check possible without Aadhaar?

167 users have liked.

The security agency, whose two security guards at Cubbon Park raped a 30-year-old woman on Wednesday, hired them without any background checks.

Confirming it, Mahantesh Murugod, deputy director, horticulture department, Cubbon Park, said, “No proper background checks of the guards were done by the outsourced company.”

According to the police, 24 security guards, employed by Pawan Security Agency,  work in three shifts in the park. They are paid `8,000 per month, and they work for  other companies after duty hours to make more money.

A senior police official said, “As per the norms, a security agency has to take the permission of the internal security department of the state. Only then will a licence be issued to it. Later, the company has to get an NOC (no objection certificate) of the employee from his town  and should produce it before the respective jurisdictional police where he works. The local police have to communicate with the police from where the employee hails from and check his background. The job aspirant will have to produce copies of both these NOCs to the employer. Only then can the employer consider hiring the person. But in this specific case, we will ascertain as to whether the background of these employees was verified after we receive the medical reports of the victim.”

“If it is found that the hiring agency has not checked the antecedents of the guards, we will write a letter to the internal security wing asking it to suspend the licence of the company.”

A security guard who was on duty said, “One person from Bihar has been working with Pawan Security Agency since two years. He has earned the trust of the company executives. He brings human resources from Assam, Bihar and other parts. No police background check was done when we joined here.

For the full text of the report (emphasis added by me) in the New Indian Express, click here.

Given the complexities involved, and the overall capacity limitations of the police force, is it even conceivable that this job can be undertaken at all? Which necessarily means that nobody is doing it, or, if someone is claiming to be doing it, it's got to be largely an eye-wash. But, more and more, it's becoming essential. And, the only way it can be done is through Aadhaar, and thereby the need for regularising it.

Well, it can be voluntary. But, those not prepared to submit themselves to the scheme, should be prepared to miss out on vaious benefits/ opportunities available to what has now become the mainstream.

Muralidhar Rao
vatsan007's picture

AADHAR should be developed as an ID on the lines of SSN in US

187 users have liked.

Aadhar -- should be developed as an unique ID for Indian citizens on the lines of SSN in US. Then, all other IDs can be done away with. Everything can be linked with Aadhar -- like Voter IDs (which is now stopped because of Supreme Court ruling), DLs, etc.. 

Govt. didn't have the foresight when AADHAR was issued (or deliberately left loopholes for political gains) to fix legal/constitutional issues.



- Srivatsan

murali772's picture

Some concerns

135 users have liked.

Techdirt has been following India's construction of the world's largest biometric database, called Aadhaar, since July 2015. Concerns include the fact that what was billed as a voluntary system has been morphing into a compulsory one, and evidence that Aadhaar simply can't cope with real-life biometrics. Undeterred, the Indian government wants to expand the system even further by opening it up for use by companies, as the Wall Street Journal reports.

- - - Without adequate privacy protection, the system seems ripe for abuse, both by unscrupulous companies targeting hapless consumers, and by state organizations, which might use it as a powerful surveillance tool. If the Indian government wants to become a world leader in using biometric-based digital identity for its citizens, as the Wall Street Journal article suggests, it should make crafting effective privacy protection laws a priority.

To read the full text of the report, click here.

I'd like to believe that correctives as may be required can be effected; but, I don't know.

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