Jairam for major shift at climate talks
Why the sudden change of mind? Is the US bribing India?
Whats with the secrecy and public posturing? Why sell out with no benefits?
What else are we committing to?
Jairam for major shift at climate talks
Why the sudden change of mind? Is the US bribing India?
Whats with the secrecy and public posturing? Why sell out with no benefits?
What else are we committing to?
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Are we fools?
Or is Jairam Ramesh and Manmohan Singh just spineless to stand up for our rights? Even today the layperson in the US cares a hoot to reduce carbon emissions. Conservatives in the US dont even believe there is such a thing as global warming. They have made very little attempts to make any reductions and now putting pressure growing countries to keep them in poverty so they can enjoy the fruits of gas guzzling automobiles.
And look at us, living a life like subsaharan Africa even in metros like Bangalore, yet sell the country for a security council seat? What good is a security council seat if you have Naxals fighting you to get out of poverty?
I Agree
Dear IDS,
I am in total agreement with your views. There is absolutely no need for us to kow-tow to the U.S.
I only hope all deals India Government strikes with America is not so all inclusive that the U.S. is able to twist our arm in all and every issue.
For a long time I have been suspecting the two M + C combination at the helm of affairs in our country deciding all crucial policies are actually on some kind of a pay roll of the World Bank as coincidentally both the Ms have been ex-employees of the WB! It may not be true, but the uncanny way in which ultimately the U.S. does have its way with whatever they want smacks of some sinister agenda the Indian decision makers seem to have. Putting on a clean image is part of the entire Shakesperean act!
Just my frustrated two penny bit!