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cvikash's blog

Is Bangalore a city with a soul?

 “Men did not love Rome because she was great. She was great because they had loved her”. He said “Love must be encrypted into the DNA of urban planning… and transmitted into the artifices, buildings, road systems and hardware, which then tells the people that this is a city that you can love, and one that loves you back.”

Countdown to Copenhagen

Earth as a Whole

Towards a Win-Win Outcome at Copenhagen and beyond

I. Background

1. No G-8, No G-20, No G-77. We don't need another way to divide us. Human development is not a zero-sum game. We need the Earth as a Whole. For each one of us.

What the "public" doesn't get about "transport" ?

What the public doesn't get about transport is similar to what the public doesn't get about "climate change" or many other problems which seems to be drowning us with  their increasing complexity.

Smart Cities Put People Before Cars - Lessons for Bangalore

It is no wonder then that the most vibrant cities in America — New York, Boston, San Francisco and Washington — are ones that have been able to curb the voracious appetite of the car for space. The cities we love around the world are the ones that have been able to devote more space to people and less to cars.

Sustainable Prosperity, Climate Change Mitigation and Cultural Change

Hi! Here is a primer for a proposed world seminar series to create awareness and mobilise support for action about a new thinking for sustainable prosperity through the 21st Century and possible solutions that we shall need :

Finding A Higher Comfort Zone: Solutions for A Small Planet and A Big Family

Indian IT professionals among worst paid globally - What does it mean for Bangalore ?

"While Indian IT managers stood fourth on the ten lowest paying countries with an average salary of $25,000, Vietnam topped the list with a meagre average salary of $15,470, followed by Bulgaria and Philippines averaging at $22,240 and $22,280 respectively.

Do blogs also need to be marketed ?

With a horde of blogs competing with each other for attention, they need some kind of marketing. This is necessary not only for retention but also to attract new ideas from more people.

Don't just be the change, mass-produce it...

What does it mean to : "Be the Change, we want to see." Many of us grapple with this advice, so did Pranav (Silkboard) and I, when we recently met. Alex Steffen at goes a step further and applies it to our present context: "If our world is really looking down the barrel of environmental catastrophe, how do I live my life right now?” asked an email I got recently.

What's so awfully wrong with Bangalore Metro design ?

The basic problem with Bangalore Metro Rail design, which is a "carbon copy" of the Delhi Metro Rail design is: i. its failure to define a catchment area and ii. design for seamless integration of feeder services and metro rail system (with seamless ticketing and intermodal synchronization) - RIGHT AT THE INCEPTION.

Metro Rail too much to handle - Can we leapfrog...

Where as the need of a high capacity transit system for our cities is beyond any doubt,at a cost of Rs. 16000 crores for about 33 kms., as it stands on this day and further escalation anticipated, Bangalore Metro looks pretty expensive. Can Bangalore leapfrog into a next generation public transport system ? The answer today is a resounding "YES".
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