Pasting the diologue I had with Katte Sathya (mayor) just now. Shall we join hands? RSVP once date is fixed.
MrBhagya Raju Dear Katte Sathya sir why does bwssp bescom etc dig roads after the new road is laid?this happens all round blore. . . since bbmp claims they are short of fund can't these types of thin things can be controlled. ? Morever its very painfully for common people like us who pay hard earned money as taxes which it utilized in this way..
Katte Sathya Bheema Upadhyaya: you told us you will attend market cleaning but you disappeared that day! also you only appear of facebook.
MrBhagya Raju Thank you sir we expect you to be a role model for future Mayors .All the best wishes.
Bheema Upadhyaya Yes you are right, we had clean-up round at our own lay-out Classic Pleasant Ville Community, Bangalore. So I must apologize for that. But also I presumed you will not take a note of an ordinary citizen like me. But you proved it wrong. Now, I will be more positive ! Thanks again for that note.
Bheema Upadhyaya I will watch for your notice of next action at nearby location or KR market itself and *make sure* to attend
Katte Sathya Bheema Upadhyaya: why dont you make a team with fb frends and bring those people in Madiwala Market soon??
Bheema Upadhyaya What a nice thing a to have a direct one-to-one chat with a mayor. Yes, of course, I will come to Madiwala *for sure* and bring those people who are good to come with me.
This time Madiwala is being
This time Madiwala is being proposed. Indicated by mayor that this drive may happen after 2 weeks.. Lets see
Its on Friday..
It seems Prajas are not much interested in this. However, to bring a logical conclusion to this post, I am posting the date of action at Madiwala Market. Though this may be a politically motivated event (For Loksabha election 2014) at the background, no harm in joining hands, as action is for public good.
I remain...
There's no market in Madiwala
There is no market in Madiwala. It is just one stretch of road that has been occupied by vendors. I can't see how a one-time cleaning of it can help any, and hence the lack of interest on my part in joining in.
The "Ugly Indians", on the other hand, are doing a fantastic job in various corners of the city. I would be willing to join them if they are taking up something close to where I live.
No issues murali772. Depends on one's view. However as Kannada proverb goes "Hanigoodi halla..". All start with one, some go long, some succumb :)
Anyway, I joined as a token of respect to the inititiave and because of tont by Katte Satya, spent 2 hrs, with whatever I can offer, though I dont stay anymore near Madiwala.
Just for those who want to view, updated the same post with some picture comments.