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My experiments with lane driving

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After we saw good inputs on this post , I was really interested how would it really look like if some one practised lane driving. So I have given a try in my own way in Hosur Road, which has now clearly marked 3 lanes from Silk Board to Electronic City. So my experience may not be relevant to other roads or any other contexts. 


1) Made sure that I have enough time to make this experiments. Usually I used to take 25 mins during offpeak hours to travel. I have made sure that I have 1 hour for this experiment on daily basis for a week and now continuing.

2) Made sure that experiment is done during off-peak hours only, so that I dont create chaos in road, just because of one person.

3) I made double sure that all my lights work correctly.

4) Prepared myself to subject to face harsh/bad words from public, still to maintain peace, or loose out if any arguement happens.

5) Took the experiment  when signals where on. (Say 11am to 6pm)

6) Made sure that avoided *really* rash auto/cab/bmtc/van which might be scary.

Preparation were to be more than real experiment due to risk involved :-). And it may not be called experiment in a sense, may be called as learning best practice at risk

Method and observation:

1) Took middle(leaving 1 foot from lane marking) of middle lane and drove at almost constant speed of 60-65KM. I presumed that speed was justified for middle lane of Hosur Road during that time and condition. 


- Drivers honked me to give way to them when the right lane was blocked due slow moving vehicle. I respected and gave way. But reaction was not good, drivers used to stare at me and continue. Some drivers honked me even if right lane was free to overtake me. They wanted me to give way, just not overtake me for whatever reason. Some drivers even got angry, overtook me just keeping a very short distance to "teach"(threaten???) me, how to "behave" in road.

-Some autos thought it was really "safe" to in middle lane, kept going in 40kmph in middle road. Got really tempted to honk at them, but sustained for a while and overtook from rightlane. Once I overtook, I made sure that I when went back to middle lane and reduced my speed to 35kmph and kept position at just safe distance from them just to "teach" them. Out of 3 instances, 2 auto drivers sensed the logic and took left lane promptly, the third one happily kept same lane, might have thought I am sane:) 

- Some motor bikers, kept speed of almost 60kmph and kept their position at left of middle lane. For most of them when I approached, I was at their blind spot. I was not sure if they want to really keep the position or to change lanes. Got really confused, this time I briefly honked at least when I am 5 meters away from them. Out of 2 instance, one guy changed lane to left and continue,another guy followed "auto" patterns, means they reverted once I passed.

2) When nearing signal continued to keep same lane, as I dont need to turn to any other road. Situation is very bad there.

- As I followed middle lane most of the times I was last in que. So most of drivers overtook me from both side to advance.

- When I stopped keeping a safe distance from vehicle in front: A heavy vehicle driver from back felt, I am wasting "space". So kept honking consistently to move me out of his way , but in vain.

- When I stopped keeping a safe distance from vehicle(Lorry) in front: A small car driver felt so happy . Overtook me from left slowly using his full driving "skills" and just managed to keep his/her "nose" in front of my car, so that he "reserved" lane to him. Why not right side? Another instance, same "skill" was shown from right side. Urgency mattered. I was prompted to honk to show my gesture, but sustained and gave way. But see , there were que of small cars and cabs and who aligned and made a new row :). So just manged to "break" row by moving my "nose" "skillfully". You know the result? Their que merged in my (middle) lane. 

- When I stopped in front as first vehicle in waiting and kept my position in middle of middle lane: I had a *real* impact, specially when my left vehicle and right vehicle also kept them middle position of their lanes. Most of following vehicles followed lanes, nicely, though I didnt get full view of back positions. Interestingly, all two wheelers happily managed to come forward and postion themselves in racing positions in "zeebra crossing" in front. But when green signal was on, they went ahead immediately without causing any blockage. 

- When I stopped in front as first vehicle in waiting and kept my position in middle of middle lane: second scene. I kept my vehicle 2 meters away from signal. You guessed right, driver behind me honked wild. But for a short life, two wheelers covered space, then happy happy. 


- To be continued as experiment continues (not intending to extend much)

Update: I have posted picture of my car which is pasted with plain paper banners.Pardon me for simple implementation, its not a sticker. Planning to get a colour printed sticker after sometime. I thought its enough for time being. Is there a better way to implement?





afalak's picture

Good try

173 users have liked.
I normally drove like this when I returned back from US. I still drive like this, change lanes when needing to turn. Have become deaf to honks and do not make eye contact and also fake dumbness. Earlier I had issue, even had argument inside EGL but nowadays have become defensive, give way to drivers with suicidal tendencies (am sane/intelligent enough to save their lives without them being aware of it) and if they still want God to drive their vehicle I keep myself in the right place to at least be a witness so that insurance companies do not pay out for them needlessly for their fault. I have driven in Odissa/Mumbai too and people are more disciplined there and overtake properly on highways. Not sure why even on NH4/Mysore road people overtook from left even when you are at max speed posted there. Maybe enforcement is not enough here. At least BTP has started posting posters about lanes and turns in many places that will make some people realize that discipline make travel faster. Mumbai speeds really scared me once I move to Bangalore and then went to meet my bro. Its a lot faster there and that is because of more compliance and enforcement to lane discipline I guess. In Pune I once saw a cop penalizing a driving for turning right from the left most lane. She made sure that the driver did not turn (even threatened to put a dent with baton) and at the end he had to turn left as he was blocking the whole left turn lane. But then Pune has its own problems due to two wheelers. Here I saw the same and the Meru just drove off, cop did take down his number. As a rule of survival do not try to enforce lane discipline with BMTC/BUSes, Any company cabs, Autos to some extent and two wheelers. Also keep note/careful of people talking on cell phones while driving, not wearing or strapping their helmets or not strapping seat belts (difficult to see), not fixing break lights or headlights/indicators. Remember He/She who breaks 1 rule can break another and he/she who does not care of his/her life does not care about yours too.

-Falcon of India

Vasanth's picture

Good Experiment - I tried on Bangalore - Mysore Highway

189 users have liked.

 I tried a similar thing on Bangalore - Mysore highway. I kept at constant 70 and was on the left lane throughout. It is 4 lane road, 2 on either sides.

Centre lane / Fast lane was really crazy when I used to drive early. Even if we are at 100, some crazy guy will come from back at 120 and honk to change the lane for allowing him to go. How I can change lane at high speed just to 'patronize' back coming car. He has to change lane and overtake me. But people do not understand and everything is murphy's law.  Also, there are 'U' turns from where people approach suddenly. Visibility at Centre lane is very minimum and I have seen plenty of accidents taking place. Also keeping pace at 100 kph needs too much concentration on the road. With whole Family in the car, it is always totally unsafe.

So I thought of experimenting to  try constantly at 70kph on left lane. It was safe, can relax and drive without have to concentrate hard on road. All the bikers were sticking to left lane. Few were 'educated' travelling towards Bangalore (I was also travelling towards Bangalore) and were sticking constantly to left most path of the lane. Few local rural guys travelling nearby (usually triple ride without anybody wearing helmet) were the problems. Their path and pace was totally unpredictable. 

Road width is not good enough. To overtake bikes, you have to take a small portion of the car to fast lane. This is the problem area. Although I had put indicator and shown hand also, none of the drivers coming on the fast lane oblige. They will try to squeeze in almost touching my car. But felt much safer than on the fast lane.

Overall, people do not oblige or respect other driver on the road and that is the problem in entire India whatever road infrastructure we might get.


Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture


196 users have liked.

 Observations after a week of trial:

a) It seems *all* drivers are looking for just minimum space where they can "position" themselves to race ahead.

b) It seems really there is no difference between "so called" educated and other people. I have seen several drivers who seems owning high-tech vehicles and (seem like big shot IT guys with thier company logo), drive in same way. Mostly they think lane marking is only for plane take off :) They are concerned their Toyotas, Hondas may take off if they aligned properly to lane.

c) It seems owners and drivers of more sophisticated cars are more ignorant as they have more "pride"(stupid) and have better control. Yes, they have better control and bound have such egos. Note: Mine is old car, hence risking a little :)) I am jealous about their modern cars :)

d) People thought I am "wasting" space when I align to middle of lane and keeping a space between my car and front vehicle. Moreover, it seems they felt angry when two wheelers are easily escaping(not really, I just left space for my imaginary two wheeler lane line). Happy two wheeler drivers easily passed through to signal front(which looked like war front).

e) It seemed few of our small car/auto drivers are have inferiority complex. Even when they had no competition and had full lane to occupy, they tend to make space for other small cars. Thus unknowingly and with courtesy breaking lane driving. Felt pity for such drivers.

f) As I have become selective deaf (Kannada: ಜಾಣ ಕಿವುಡು) for honking, no note about it, as I would be loosing good spirit of experimenting.

But a positive note : I dont see signal light because fellow drivers, the last vehicle tells me signal is on. Mostly all of you follow same this undocumented signalling. Crowd-sourced signalling - we must invent some good gadget out of this behavior of people, to be patented in my name :)

g) Drivers are really consider even seconds in driving. They want save seconds in road even if they are fine to scheduled meeting half an hour late. They want to save few seconds, and occupy few meters - time is money, space of course a real estate near signal !!! They want to save few seconds , but its ok to loose it in next signal, be first to be there :))

 h) It seems Indian psychology (not sure) that we should never have any vehicle in front of our vehicle at least upto a distance of 10 meters. I have seen even though the poor driver moves same as our speed, we tend to increase speed and chase that lane driver out of the way. Even I had inner push to do the same, somehow controlled (required Yoga control !!!). So this is where I became point of observation myself. So dear soul, improve yourself first !!!

i) I have shown courtesy to few drivers who wanted to overtake me in a legal way - knowingly or unknowingly. As per US practice, if someone tail-gaits , we are supposed to leave way. When I tried the same, few drivers face expression showed I have lost competition. In two case, I have got happy faces looking at me with "thank you" smile. Very rare !!!

This post will be continued, till experiment/observations/feelings continue... 



" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

Lane planning

204 users have liked.

 Added to above observations I have seen our drivers do not seem to plan exits either in single or in multilane roads. You know BMTC drivers already, very common to see them in extreme right lane, when they reach bus stop they will slowdown and take sharp cut towards left to make a stop (sometimes near bus stops and other times on the middle/left lane itself). Other drivers too seem to have same tendency. Even though some drivers want to take right in coming signal, they will be in extreme left and when stop at signal, they want to change lane, immediately after green light is on.

" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
idontspam's picture

Good One

208 users have liked.

They want save seconds in road even if they are fine to scheduled meeting half an hour late

Both are hallmarks of our culture!

Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

@ids added to that..

199 users have liked.

... mentioning "due to traffic" reason for delay in attending meeting. What a contrast !

" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
nl.srinivas's picture

People can create messy

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People can create messy traffic jams and lose time than wait for a few seconds to allow other vehicles to pass. Beats me really.

I also stick to my lane as much as possible ignoring all the honks and stares and being tolerant towards idiots who keep jumping lanes for no reason. And it doesn't really slow me down. May be I may take 5 more minutes to reach my destination.


I aslo travel by mysore-bangalore road quite frequently and very rarely I cross 80kmph. Sticking to this speed limit makes driving a pleasure. Again all it costs me is 10 or 15 minutes.

And if you have traveled by mysore-madikeri road, there is 3 feet wide lane on either side of the road for the bikes. I very rarely saw a biker straying outside this lane and bigger vehicles trying to hog this lane. Safe and fast for everyone. 




Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

I have pasted banner

192 users have liked.

 Today I am putting a simple white background banner which says "Happily LANE DRIVING" at the rear glass of my car. Anticipating some driver is going to fight with me as I publicly displayed message. May remove if such situation arises. I propose to create a Google Group for this purpose:

1) Create a Google Group namely  "Happy Lane Drivers".

2) Create few banners like which I created today, to paste in rear window of cars.

3) Try to implement lane driving in select roads as Praja group. If drivers sees a group of people with same banners at the same time, I think some drivers may catch the message.

4) Same lines of bus-day/drivewell day one time/ frequent events can be organized.

Inputs and efforts are welcome, while I will continue this practice independently.

" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
idontspam's picture

Praja lane drivers group

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You dont have to start a different group, We can print a Praja bumper sticker. Why dont everybody here come up with a good slogan and we pick the best one which says we belong to a group of drivers who follow lane discipline?

Here are the commandments people have to sign upto to get a Praja bumper sticker. You can add to this

- I will not go on the wrong side of the road or squeeze into gaps other than the marked lanes to get ahead of the queue selfishly

- I will not depart from my lane when I approach a signal but will continue to remain in my lane even if I see gaps on the sides and in between. If my being in a lane at the signal obstructs straight through traffic I will move with the flow and take the next turn instead of blocking traffic behind.

- I will not blindly follow the car in front and straddle lanes but will leave sufficient gap to be able to see the lane markings on the road and stick to my lane. (regardless of uneven and obscene lane widths being marked by so called engineers)

- I will look for signs & direction boards on the road/roadsides and follow the information on it including adhering to speed limit signboards/information posted where available. 

- At an intersection if there is no space in my lane on the other side of the intersection. I will not move ahead and block the intersection even if the light is green for me.

pathykv's picture

Lane Drivers

188 users have liked.

A simple sticker in bold letters-

'I am a praja Lane Driver' may be apt.


silkboard's picture

Bheema, very good thread, and idea!

197 users have liked.

Reading all of it Bheema. Banner is a very good idea. We can design, I am willing to pay for printing and couriering first 50 of them to people.

idontspam's picture

 Here is my slogan

190 users have liked.

Lets collect some more and put them up to vote for a week on the site.

Meanwhile lets finalize the commandments also that people have to read and agree to. I hope the admins/tech can make an I agree button which when clicked will mark the user eligible for a Praja sticker. 

rackstar's picture

right lane easy

181 users have liked.

right lane easy to drive cars, since u dont have to see both sides of car. but middle line u reach faster.

Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

Here is what it looks like

190 users have liked.

I have posted picture of my car which is pasted with plain paper banners.Pardon me for simple implementation, its not a sticker. Planning to get a colour printed sticker after sometime. I thought its enough for time being. This may be immature/rude/childish way of implementation. Is there a better way to implement?


" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
idontspam's picture


206 users have liked.

We will need a proper bumper sticker. I have sent you an email pl check.

Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

Two more banners

203 users have liked.

Inputs welcome


" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
idontspam's picture


196 users have liked.

 The idea behind the bumper sticker is to make people who want to display the sticker agree to the commandments on our site where all the information on disciplined driving will be provided to them. The commandments will also focus on the bare minimum required to make traffic orderly on the streets. If it becomes too detailed they will blindly click agree like the EULA we sign up for when installing software.

The sticker will not be able to convey all information without cluttering or becoming too big. And even if you managed to squeeze all information it will be a one way communication without an incentive for them having to display one themselves. You will end up being the only one having the sticker. 

srinidhi's picture

use automated testing tracks?

185 users have liked.

 Heard there was this first of a kind, automated driver testing facility in blr...maybe it would make sense that any one who puts on the bumper sticker should pass through that test successfully..

Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

Thanks for input

192 users have liked.

Will try to add few more designs with less cluttering. I too agree that more mess we have less will be influence. Request to more PRAJE(A)galu to come in !!! 

" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
idontspam's picture

sticker first or license first?

193 users have liked.

maybe it would make sense that any one who puts on the bumper sticker should pass through that test successfully

I would think they had a license when they bought the car to put the sticker on.

Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

More experience...

182 users have liked.


During last week I kept my observations focussed onto above areas. I am aware its nothing new and everyone knows about it. But wanted to document it.

INCHING : "Inching" is a common practice to move vehicles in a very slow motion to a very narrow space using full "driving skill"s to adjust positions to prepare for racing ( overtaking from drivers perspective). This occurs specially when green light is few seconds away. Sometimes it occurs when the driving in front has jumped signal due to "ambulance emergency", this creating space for "swalpa(little) adjustment". So, though there is clear >80 second red lights all drivers (who have switched off engines) are forced to start vehicle and inch to make  "swalpa" adjustment. Many times, good lane formations have been disturbed due to this inching motions. In another occation a driver who was at left most lane realized when he/she was waiting for green, that he wanted to take right at signal !!! So he/she started inching to align.

SQUEEZING:  Squeezing is process of occupying small left out gaps which are not really comfortable sometimes illegal gaps(like drainage covers/manholes) again to be first in race. Squeezing is achieved via inching. All drivers can not afford it, due to several factors.

unwanted COURTESY:  All of us respect who show courtesy in a traffic situation, sometimes we show gesture to show respect, sometimes not. Then what is this unwanted courtesy? You guessed it already. Take the example the same driver above who wanted to take right turn. Ideally (if you think of US roads) he/she is supposed to continue to next signal and take U turn. But we have "courtesy" to respect/save his/her time, which I hate and call as unwanted. Am I rude? I always pity for 2/3 wheelers who show "courtesy" by keeping always in extreme positions to allow respected "biggie" drivers. I suggest two wheelers to keep in middle of the lane , but with a CAUTION with respect to safety.

All the above factors have disturbed my lane driving efforts. Hence this post.


" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
Ravi_D's picture

One message at a time

187 users have liked.

How about a campaign?  Something similar to our drive well day concept. This would lower the entry barrier and possibly encourage more participation. We all know the reality on the city roads today. If I follow all the commandments IDS listed, I might double my travelling time.

Let us pick the list, order items in some fashion, assign one to every calendar month, and ask the group to follow. If someone is willing to stick to all of them, welcome!

Think of a pack to go with the bumper sticker (a holder and a set of signs with months printed on it). Holder goes inside the rear window, and you change your sign every month.

idontspam's picture

How about a campaign? Yes the

181 users have liked.

How about a campaign?

Yes the campaign will start once the club becomes functional and a bunch of us sign up to it. Waiting for the sticker design for a poll (due this weekend) and the signup webform (tech will updqte status)

Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

One more banner type

210 users have liked.


 Update: I realized there is spelling mistake for "disclipline". So just take above as illustration, not a real sticker.


" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

Lane changing indicators

193 users have liked.

 This is week I have across a problem related to indicators. 

a) Some drivers switch on indicators saying they want to change lanes or turn. But it blinks for ever, letting following drivers confused. 

b) Some other driver changed lane without indicating, forcing me to honk(for my own safety). In such cases, honking was inevitable? This is one of route causes for legitimate honking, where our safety is at stake.

c) Another set of drivers changed lane switching on indicator but before wrongly overtaking. This is very dangerous and detrimental to lane driving practice. So DDC members, be cautious! I lllustration given below, though everyone might have across such situations.

Bangalore Car Overtaking

d) Drivers do switch on indicators for few seconds then change lanes/turn abruptly. 

All the above situations created problems even though I was at normal speed of 60 km/hr in middle lane.

So, though we practice honk discipline, we must honk when our safety is at stake.


" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

Further reading and...

184 users have liked.

 Readers who have read this thread would also be interested to read this wiki/gyan in DDC project. Feel free to add value ! 

" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

Another experiment

192 users have liked.

Last week , I got to see a driver who drove constantly at 40kmph at left most lane, tempting me to study how it works. So I did try for 2 days (4 trips). I chose slow speed of 40, because I thought it was optimum for leftmost lane at Hosur Road. Here is my report on that.

1) I got many honks from following driver who were trying to overtake from wrong side (left side). They saw me as an obstacle. Even if I wanted to allow them to pass through, how would I? Only way was to to speed up in leftmost lane !

2) Many two wheelers had same trouble, they wanted zoom, but I was "too" slow at that lane for them. But many of them overtook in legal way , perfect.

3) Auto drivers were also trying to show me courtesy by pushing themselves further left by taking trouble. I showed no sign of overtaking them, they we were back to normal.

4) Last but not least, I took same duration to reach home !!! Usual 45 mins from E.City to Koramangala Maharaja signal via 8th Main Road. Reasoning is left to readers:)


 Sidekick : As I am also interested in carbon emission reduction using public transport, I am toggling between BMTC and car. I was trying to reduce few pounds of carbon , call it as Alilu Seve(Kannada: ಅಳಿಲು ಸೇವೆ)  . I am checking my saving here. I am trying to reduce at least 5Kg per week. So my lane driving experiments reduced.

" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

Imaginary Lanes !

189 users have liked.

 Wondering? Yes, After practicing a couple of weeks, I started drawing imaginary lanes in roads, wherever the lane markings absent. This helps me a lot in lane driving.

Also my imaginary lanes have shown me, how inconsistently and unscientifically Bangalore lanes are marked.

Many times, I think lanes are marked for beautification of road . When they are new they look good and bright. But after few months they are invisible due to:

a) wear and tear

b) decoloration due to dust and mud

This is another cause for using imaginary lanes.


We know these lanes are real in advanced infrastructures.

" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
idontspam's picture

Imaginary lanes

210 users have liked.

 I started drawing imaginary lanes in roads, wherever the lane markings absent. 

This is important especially at curves & turns where most people cut you on the inside instead of taking a wide turn. Its frustrating really. 

Transmogrifier's picture

This is important especially

182 users have liked.

This is important especially at curves & turns where most people cut you on the inside instead of taking a wide turn.

Wonder when namma BBMP will figure out that we Indian drivers, are no more gifted than our contemporaries globlally. If other drivers need guidance on travel paths through major intersections, maybe we do too.

source: MUTCD



Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

Bommanahalli Signal

192 users have liked.

 Have anyone seen signage of "Merging Lanes"? Thats where I imagine a road sign too :)

Now even dangerous, there are few barricades in zebra crossing, no hint in advance.  I know its punishment for non-DDs :), but should have a sign - "Barricades ahead, slow down now ", at a logical distance.


" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

Lan Driving or wrong overtaking?

193 users have liked.

 Today I had a situation at the spot given in picture. Unfortunately, it ended up in having quick session with the "Boss" shown in picture. 

The situation/sequence is like this. When left lane traffic got a green at main road, traffic started moving. I too followed traffic in front of me( allowed the auto which is left side of me to go in front of me). Then the "Boss" was trying to squeeze in. When there was a deadlock, we opened the window glasses to have some "discussions". His arguement was I was overtaking him from left. I did not agree, I pressed that he did not follow the lanes while I followed left lane. No outcome, though. Finally he showed "courtesy" just by waiting for me, of course inches(millimetres?) away, while mirrors were just about to touch. My daughters were scared, I too lost some control, burst finally :(. 

 Was I overtaking from left? Apparently his argument true from a rule book, correct?  Was I supposed to show courtesy, as a disciplined driver? So DDs, tell me your openions and thoughts on this.

You know it,  there was a music of honks around, which I "enjoyed" :), while made my daughters wonder whats happening around plus they gave me remarks as rude too.

Note: I have cross posted in DDC Project too . Admins ! Can we move this thread to DDC please.


" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
dvsquare's picture

I don't understand which lane the Boss was in ?

202 users have liked.

From the picture it seems so simple that Boss was not in a lane but on the other side of the road, he should be first of all fined for that. And to come out of the problem, the only way out is to request the people on the lane to let him come in between.


Vasanth's picture

Wrong Side Driving Should Be Penalized -Who will bell ring

178 users have liked.

 Overtaking by going on the wrong side is quite common for 4 wheelers, but, no one taking action.

Yesterday I was crossing the road with my son in my hand. I was in the middle of the  Bank Colony main road. 2 lane road marked with markers. One Alto who didn't allow me to cross the road even when I requested him to wait for me to cross the road, rushed in just to wait behind a city bus. He waited there blocking me for 10 secs or so, suddenly turned right onto the wrong side. Back wheel of alto was about to flow on my feet, I had to jump back with just recovered fractured feet holding the kid in my hand.




Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture


206 users have liked.

 The "Boss" was in half right lane(marked in red) and I was on left lane, continuing in lane. All vehicles shown as red boxes where half in right lane. When we got green signal naturally I was moving in my lane, which is felt by the "boss" as "overtaking in wrong side", as he was  right to me. 

He is being called as "Boss" as he is not ready to accept the fact that he is not following lane, but forcing me accept that I was overtaking from wrongside. He could not drive, as a truck was blocking him :)

" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"

you said people honked at you

216 users have liked.

you said people honked at you when you were in the centre of d road and adjacent sides were blocked. how can you be sure if they honked at you?. people honk to urge the parallel vehicles to slow down a bit to create an opening and also to announce they are about to maneouver with inches of bangalore they dont expect any blocking vehicles to accelerate out of the way.if you leave an inviting space in front of your car, our drivers are aggresive and so will definitely come in front of you.the concept of passing on the right simply does not exist here in bangalore.n its not customary to move over to d left to let anybody pass.driving here is all about giving way to everybody else,otherwise expect a scratched car and abuses :-)

Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

Shade driving !!!

187 users have liked.

I have seen many time the deciding factor for lanes is shade ! Naturally everyone wants to drive in comfort, so many driver ignore all signages just to drive in shade. I have so many bikers and auto-rickshaws going on rightmost lanes with least speed(where relatively high speed vehicles supposed to travel). Specially in the noons its common scene. And in rainy season too. No one to blame, but fact is it creates hinderance to correct lane drivers. 

" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

Bad lane marks

188 users have liked.

Well, today I was trying lane driving at Bannerghatta road a short strech of Gottigere to "Koli Farm" gate(Link to location). I have posted few pics of lane marks. When I followed a lane, it lead me to a road divider. "Appreciated" lane marking authority's engineering common sense.  See the pictures below. Did you see any signboard which says "Road divider ahead" or "Keep left"?


" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
idontspam's picture

Misfits or Engineers?

204 users have liked.

There is no engineering in BBMP, they are just a bunch of misfits. Would they build their own house with so little planning as they do our roads? Of course not, they "care" about their house.

Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

Experiment continues...

184 users have liked.

...but now is Anjanapura-Gottigere-KoliFarm-Wipro Gate-E-City Phase 2. As this is kind of rural road, slightly road culture differes:). Still I follow lane rules though its only one lane each side. Is there any need? Oh, yes ! Even though there is clearly marked (with central marking) lane, people usually drive in middle of road. So this creates necessity for lane descipline.

As seen in other blog most of people are not educated/cultured to merge to main roads. I am sure no person knows "Stop and Proceed" principle while crossing/merging where is there is no traffic signalling/cop. 

I have seen showing courtesy not only makes me stop forever but also other drivers getting wild. So I have started my own set of courtesy precedenses.

I show courtesy in order shown below:

a) Kids/Senior  Pedestrians : Beep Honk from a distance and stop if required(like they didnt see me) , then slowly pass.

b) Animals : Beep Honk from a distance and stop, then slowly pass. Sometimes I dont care for small animals like squirells, cats crossing suddenly though.(Specially when I am above 40kmph)

c) Pedestrians : Long Honk and establish eye contact to convey message for those who cross even after realizing that I am at high speed and road is straight. 

d) Drivers who follow lane  and desciplined drivers

e) No courtesy who break descipline and rudely overtake in squeezing manner.

f) No courtesy for those who honk at me unnecessary.

I think i have more rules, unable to document all scenarios though. 






" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

After a long time I took car

217 users have liked.

After a long time I took car to office. After this rainy season its new world of Bangalore. This time pot holes, partly washed away roads took major part in diverting me from lane driving. The best(worst) example is in front of Wipro in electronic city. ELCIA, are you listening?

" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

Another signboard which helps

201 users have liked.

Because of go-green tendency, I started borrowing my daughter's electric bike for even long commute of 50km each day. But as a 2 wheeler driver, I still practise lane driving. As this vehicle reaches 30kmph, many people honk from behind. As this vehicle does not need number plate(why???) I replaced with this signboard (this time not a stickit, permanent one). This has helped. Does it look like offense to paste this signboard in place of number plates? I am little confused :)

Initial feel: Even 2-wheelers drivers can practise lane driving, happily. You are not going to loose any time duration, because you follow lane driving.

" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

No, its not and kicking

171 users have liked.

I presume, people are are thinking this experiment of mine is dead and failure !


But behold !!!  "sorry" to say that this ***WAS/ IS /WILLCONTINUE TO BE A*** success and changed many things in my life habbits. The date of first post is 10-11-10. But missed on 10-10-10 (wov, a nice sequence). Coming November, its going to be solid 4 years of the practice of lane driving...

For those who forgot this thread, time to re-boot :) For those who have not read this , time to glance (a long thread)...

So why this sudden "enlightening" to me? Good question !

Its simple: After four years of hard driving with strict descipline and bad roads, I am thrilled to drive(rather ride in my  electric bike) the newly asphalted roads almost everywhere(where I do ride electric bike) in the city. And now having developed so called ugly hobby to talk to strangers in city drivers, I share the joy of every fellow driver/rider/cyclist whom I have "pinged" regarding road condition.

Lane driving is far easy now, specially when extreme left side of road is in good conditions.




" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
xs400's picture


166 users have liked.

And not to leave out the professional behaviour modifiers, thank you for creating all the monsters on the road, hats off to you and your kind!

HI Bheema,

Good to see you do a little DIY driver education, your response to the 'uneducated' drivers is most heartening.

What would you suggest on a straight road with no oncoming traffic and no cross traffic and two lanes? I see problems almost everyday (most of the accidents here are not reported, I think). I am talking of the BETL; any sane  person would think that driving here would be simple and without incident.

Two lanes: one for 2 wheelers and those driving below 60 and the other for driving between 60 to 80. Any solutions?

(thank you again spin doctors, Modi is bound to give you guys a good reward, just create an Africa like situation here and blame it on him) comment guidelines

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