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July 2013

Traffic Woes - near Tin Factory

We find on and off some time strict implementation by Trafic Police No Parking of Private Buses, BMTC Buses at the entry point of  K.R. Puram TIN Factory Hanging Bridge. There is no seriousness to control and regulate the Trafic. More worst is the Private Buses and fleet operators who don't care about anything except their " Money collection ".

Possession Letter Legality

What is the Legality iinvolved in the Possession Letter which are being issued by the Builders .

Can A resident can occupy the Apartments, if Possession Letter is issued by the Builders.

Is there any time limit to occupy the Apartment, since issue and receipt of the Possession Letter.

Otherway, Is it Legal to occupy the Flats without occupancy Certificate ?

My experience with car pooling

I have been living in Bombay for the past 15 months.  Chose a place to live close to my children's school to minimize their commute.  A number of my (now ex-) colleagues live in the same area - some in the same building, some within 5 minutes walk.   I changed jobs in Jan and my new office is about 1.7 km from my old. 

Signal-free corridors for arterial city roads - advisable?

What would be better is to complete the ongoing strategy of BBMP to make the Big10 roads and the Outer Ring Road signal free. This will create a preferred mobility corridor for movement in and out of the city, and also around the city.

Bangalore East Station

"Despite recent renovation, much remains to be done to make Bangalore East station passenger friendly. Notwithstanding regular use by the city’s eastern residents, the station, located on Pottery Road, falls short in the basic infrastructure department."

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