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March 2013

Third CCRWA grievance meeting - Defense Colony, Indira Nagar. A report

This 3rd grievance meeting of CCRWA for Defense colony [DECORA] Indira nagar was held on Wednesday the 27th Mach 2013 at 16:30 hrs. Residents of other nearby RWAs also attended. From BBMP side John the Executive engineer and his team were present. This included Horticulture and sanitary departments.

The questionable Food Security Bill

The food security bill will condemn India’s poor to perpetual poverty. The bill plans to distribute grain to two thirds of India’s population at a 90 per cent subsidy costing over Rs 1,00,000 crores.

Is there hope for the 300 odd trees on army properties along Hosur road?

Following are the excerpts from mail exchanges in the HasiruUsiru Y-group, in the subject connection:


Citizen's Charter of Demands for State Elections - 2013

It is 2013 and time for elections to Karnataka State Assembly. Certainly time has flown so fast that, the state elections of 2008 appears as if it happened yesterday. 2008 elections are history now and whether like it or not, 2013 state elections are around the corner.

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