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August 2011

Route Maps for BMTC - Phase I Open for discussion

Inviting opinions on Phase I - for Bus route Maps project.

What could we set as the criteria for selecting the bus stops for Phase 1 : Approx number of stops as per BMTC are close to 3000, ( might be approx figure)

Few ideas which were discussed on Saturday meeting were :

Praja Suddi - Issue 11


Parliamentary panel seeks public opinion on Lokpal Bill!

Here is an opportunity for Praja community to submit their anger/suggestions/opinions to Parliament standing committee on the hot subject "LOKPAL BILL. The petition can be submitted as follows:

1. Two Copies of Memranda typed in double space either in Hindi or English,

2. Address to:

Hoardings, Banners and Visual Pollution...

For the past 2 months banners such as the ones below have been very conspicuous by their size and nuisance value all over JP Nagar and parts of Jayanagar. I am sure other localities have their equivalents.


An FAQ - Anna's movement, democracy, revolution and blackmail

Bangalore is buzzing with it. Friends, colleagues at work, close Praja friends, everyone wants to either discuss it, or go visit Freedom Park. Watched a lot of TV, and read almost all major newspaper editorials last week.

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