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December 2010

Recipe for completing public utility projects successfully!

If one looks at BBMP, BMTC, BDA and the works they underatke each one tells a tale of how not to execute the projects in the right manner. Magic boxes, MMTC's, flyovers without service roads all are examples of our state/city bureacrats professionlism and talent. Looking at these projects one would wonder if at all we as Indians do know how to build things right.

Karnataka State Highway Improvement Project

On 29/Nov ADB approved a $315 millon loan for Karnataka State Highway Improvement Project (KSHIP II). Amounts to 68% of estimated total ($463 million). 

Main goals: Improve over 600km of roads in the state. Due for completion by Dec 2014.

Projected Outcome:

Report on B/P-ToI Mobility event

Though announced to start at 10 AM, the event (Times of India’s ‘Bangalore Patrol’ public meet held at Shree Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain college on J C Road, on Sunday, the 28th Nov - ToI report may be accessed

KSRTC outsourcing O&M of Mysore & Shimoga bus terminals

Check this report in today's ToI. And, the tendering is being handled by Earnst & Young.

Kirtana Krishnan

 As any normal citizen of Bangalore I was horrified to read to days Bangalore

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