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October 2010

The everyday assassination of Gandhi

Recently the country celebrated Gandhi jayanti. This day hardly meant anything to many of us. Most students and professionals enjoyed their day with friends or watching a recent film. But, don’t you think, it is high time we sit back and think his principles and ideologies and what this man stood for?

Water water everywhere and not a drop to drink!

Why are we scared of drinking water? Everytime, when we travel, why are we afraid to drink water from railway station filters? Why do we so often come across shouts of “Don’t drink that water!” ringing in our ears?

'BMTC tweaks fares to fleece commuters'!?

Vasanth, Pathy sir and some others have always complained that BMTC fares are too high. Two senior citizens from Marathahalli claim that BMTC is charging far higher than prescribed fares. From the Hindu:

G1/Old Airport Road - corridor detail, files

See leading note (below) from earlier discussion, and also the attached files on corridor detailing, and signal cycle times.


Exclusive bus lanes might not be necessary on old Airport rd because :

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