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December 2009

MSIL liquor shop a HIT to many

 The MSIL liquor shop recently opened in Belgaum city is the talk of the town amongst drinkers and teetotalers as well.


Metro : Perspective

Summary: I came across a nice article supporting Metro and I started analysing my stand where I oppose Metro unless it proven satisfactory in all dimension which are basically 

  1.  Direct Cost Involved
  2. Indirect Cost Involved
  3. Direct Savings
  4. Indirect savings


Urban Disaster/Risk Management Workshop, ESG

19 Dec 2009 14:00
19 Dec 2009 18:00

Environment Support Group  invites your participation in a workshop on Fundamentals of Reducing Risk and Managing Urban Disasters

1000 Cr free of Cost

 Summary: If one has 1000 Cr per annum, can he/she help to improve the traffic chaos of the city. Let us just explore what all can be done to improve the traffic chaos. An important point we have 1000 Cr free of cost to do that. Read more to find out how.  


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