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March 2009

Global Warming - Local solutions?

The 2007 Nobel Peace Prize was given to Al Gore Jr (b1948) and IPCC of Geneva Switzerland for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change. A must Listen 20 minuets “Al Gore Nobel Speech” 

The Political Compass - assess your political leanings

Found this on the net.  It assesses your political leanings along two axes - economic and social. 

Economic leanings form the X-axis going from collectivism (Pol-pot)  to neo-liberalism (Friedman).  Social leanings go from Libertarian to Authoritarianism. 

Mixing "what" and "how" - Mysore water supply protest example

Not writing this to take sides in the recently lit 'protest' over supposed privatization of water supply at Mysore. Good friend Vinay forwarded this article from Star of Mysore which goes by the title "Intellectuals oppose Tata deal"

Survey results - cleanliness, pollution top local issues!?

After about 3000 responses, here is how the results look like. The results are a function of how the poll was structured, and remember, this reflects the sentiments of urban, online populace of the city. Regardless, instead of analyzing this in various ways ourselves, why don't we leave it to readers and members to make sense of thes numbers. In case you are not very good with numbers, we have highlighted the top 3-4 items in each category :)

BMTC-RTI Meeting Minutes and updates

Meeting minutes - April 25, 2009

Participants - rithesh, kbsyed61

Points/Action Items-

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