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February 2009

E-City Rail Link vs HSRL

Mr.Sreedharan made a few statements about

a, Metro being unviable to airport - needs 40000/hr traffic.

b. Private players who have come forward will get put off by talk of alternative plans

Here is a plan for the private players which will better serve Bangaloreans

Illegal driving

I have wondered many times how people drive in the opposite direction in one way designated roads un-punished. The following article may be of interest in this connection which describes a similar situation in UK.

Motoring offences are going unpunished across much of London because of an extraordinary loophole.


Traffic Management and urban planning

Urban Planning for sustainable transport Infrastructure is a challenging task in a fast growing population economy as ours.

BMTC - focus areas and recent initiatives


Taking things forward from our last Praja meet and to brain storm and plan activities on tracking BMTC initiatives, here's my bit to get things started on a few things that deserve note.

1. Big-10 and HOHO services - scalability and scope for improvements.

Benniganahalli bridge work underway

Finally!! http://timesofindia.india...

Any idea if the pedestrians are taken care of?? If not, we need to immediately get their attention on this!

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