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September 2008

Quick Metro updates

Prajagale' - two quick metro updates from last week.

1) Yeddy has asked BMRC to study extending Metro from Byappanhalli to BIA (airport at Devenahalli). Suhas sir had mentioned this in his review of CTTP here. Source: Express Buzz and other papers also.

NICE jinxed ?

Now its the state fighting against the NICE again. We thought it was all over but problems are back with some other reasons..POLITICS!

Bellary mine owners found it very lucrative to be in power and so does Kheny think. But then BSY felt threatened! 

Why doesnt Kheny fight from Bidar, his hometown!?

SH17 - road of death, need highway patrol

Bangalore Mysore HighwayA few deaths on Bellary Road, and it got so much attention. By the way, police's efforts to enforce are working, I hear that a good number of cabs keep themselves to 80 kmph, and drivers either buckle up or think about putting on seat belts on Nh7. So perhaps, the fear of punishment does work. Now, how about the Bangalore Mysore highway?

First of all, its foolish to build high speed roads that are not access controlled in whatever way, limited or full fledged. That road is literally hell right now, with death awaiting at about 50-60 points along the 100 odd km length.

Govt of India on Infrastructure

Keep digging Government websites and you come across lots of interesting stuff. Wonder if we should build a search engine dedicated to sarkaari websites. Anyway, here is an interesting site: Committee on Infrastructure. This committee was setup:

Mono vs LRT vs METRO vs Commuter vs Suburban vs ...

This is something I have been dying to understand better. What is the real difference between the various rail based transport systems ? That is, the engineering aspect. Fundamentally arent they all wheels on a track.

Is it just a question of capacity ? Just scaling the strength of the supporting civil infrastructure ? Do we call a higher capacity LRT a METRO ?

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