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July 2008

HAL: invest before re-opening?

Just for a moment, forget those debates around whether HAL should re-open or not. Lets say a re-opening is coming (via court order, govt forcing its will, or whatever). Then, in the Praja spirit of positivity and high expectations(!), what would be the best ways of re-opening and operating this airport?

Bangalore Needs DIMTS like BIMTS

I was just going through DIMTS website. It is indeed a good move by Delhi Government irrespective of critics. I felt we need a similar organization in Bangalore (BIMTS). You can go through

Bike rentals, a fashion in Paris

In my schooldays in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, bicycles were the prime mode of transport for the middle-class. The affluent among my class-mates came to school in own bikes. My parents didn’t get me one till I joined college in New Delhi. By which time (this, in late 50s) bicycling went out of fashion.

With aggressive marketing of Luna, scooty, and other two-wheelers bicycles became a poor man’s vehicle. We, who considered ourselves better-off on the social scale, preferred the rush, long wait and uncertainty of public transport to a bicycle for travelling to work.

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