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March 2008

CVS from April 1

BBMP's new property tax system is likely to raise a lot of storm. SAS to go; CVS from April 1 BBMP will introduce its new system of property tax based on the capital value of a building (CVS) from April 1.

Urban Transport in India : Beyond the Nano and Metro… and back to basics

Bangalore International Centre is happy to announce that it has arranged a Talk on "Urban Transport in India : Beyond the Nano and Metro… and back to the Basics" on Friday, the 14th March, 2008 at 6.30 PM at our Auditorium.

Prof. Madhav Badami, who is a Professor in the School of Urban Planning and McGill School of Environment, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, will deliver the talk on the subject.

BIAL opening delayed - why announce that now?

Yeah, we said so, a month ago (Feb 6), right here, about possible delay around ATC equipment. Newspapers are reporting this morning that BIAL will open 2-4 weeks late due to delay in geting ATC facility ready. The delay is either around installation of equipment or staff-training, depending on which newspaper you trust more (Hindu, Biz-Standard).

Bad News : ATC not ready, new airport will take off 2-4 weeks late

The Bengaluru International Airport (BIA) has hit a major air pocket. The inauguration of the new airport — scheduled for March 30 — will be delayed by 2-4 weeks as per recommendations of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA).

Sakrama and regularization

So the state government extended the deadline, and also reduced 'regularization' fees. The BJP wants the scheme to be put on hold, and I think we will soon hear more from the courts via some pending PILs.

Sakrama may not be a perfect scheme, but it is the only step government has taken towards solving the mother of all ills that plague our city - plan violations. I don't like the one time fee concept (why not make violators pay a fee every year, that way you will make them think of altering constructions). I don't see clarity on what will happen to the buildings with 'unacceptable' level of violations - demolitions or not? I don't see any talk of punishing the 'officials' who may have been involved in letting things come to such a state where 70-80% of buildings have violations. I don't see creation of new fund or special task-force (regularization fees can be used for this) to improve policing of building norms so that we don't require a Sakrama every five years. But, but, but.

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