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August 2007

Bangalore Airport: The CRS Option

With the new airport set to open, ideas on how to get there have flown thick and fast. Here are some thoughts on leveraging the existing rail network.

Delhi Metro - Things to be learnt from it

After watching the program on Discovery on Delhi Metro, I was really amazed the way in which it has been done within India and an international channel like discovery has appreciated it. Vision of one man - Shreedharan is amazing. Following are the things I felt that should be incorporated in our Bangalore Metro.

Date: whats the point?

What is that? A board proudly displaying information about a public project at Marathahalli. Work detail says: "construction of approaches to road over bridge". Does that include the bridge work as well, or only the approach roads? Where does the approach road start, and end?

Airport expressway update

We have all been screaming on the subject for a while now. But this business-standard update on BIAL expressway is interesting, because it talks dates:

... sources said many powerful politicians also owned land along the alignment ... and wanted it changed ... “We changed the alignment five times unofficially before freezing it. But they are still not satisfied. If the land acquisition process is completed by July, the expressway will be ready by March 2009 but that appears improbable. As things stand, the expressway will not be ready even by 2009-end,” a source said.

Bangalore We Love

akshath a pic that brought a smile to my face.

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