If you have not already heard about the Bangalore Transportation Summit being organised by BMLTA and Transinnova, please refer to the announcement on BMLTA's site. The program for the event is available here.
BMLTA has been kind enough to give us an invitation to the summit. They have extended the invitation to 5 members from Praja. Please leave a message if you wish to participate. As usual, if there are more interested people than places, we will give preference to active praja members. The event is scheduled tomorrow so please act quick.
I will go
Can I join?
I will be there representing BCIC and supporting Praja
Hi All
I do not want to use up valuable slots of Praja. I will be there representing BCIC, and supporting Prajagale.
Devesh R. Agarwal
Visit my aviation blog at http://aviation.deveshagarwal.com
Bangalore Aviation
Enjoy life, destroy FUD
I am interested
I am interested. I dont know if my previous message reached. Apologise for the duplication
Would like to be there
I would want to push for bifurcation of South Western Railway into an exclusive Zone for Bangalore and it's surrounding region, called "Bangalore Metropolitan Railway". The idea is to have an exclusive railway zone catering to the needs of Intracity and Intercity and suburban rail for Bangalore. The main intent is to campaign for establishment of Commuter and Circular Rail for Bangalore.
I am interested. Please let me know if i can fit in.
Excellent! Can come Thursday if there is a slot.
Final list
Transport Summit
what are the timings on 11 th
I may try to join in the evenings if possible
Srinath Heragu
Comments on Day 1
I just came across this