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Commuter Rail System - for us?

Commuter RailPublic Transport

Hello All, I've been regularly peeping into this site to see what’s going on, my interest began with the launch and delay of BIAL and I’ve been hooked on, KBsyed, idontspam, A mahesh, devesh and others ...i know all of you by reading your thoughts over the last year and hopefully you will continue to add your ideas.

Big-10 Feeder Services

BusPublic Transport

Prof.Ashwin Mahesh,

It had been a great opportunity for us to hear your views last Saturday. You had mentioned that contributions for the development of feeder services were welcome.

Retail chains - good or bad?

Are hawkers losing out to corporate and chain stores? India FDI Watch and Action Aid, which studied the immediate and future impact of corporate and chain retails on hawkers, showed that hawkers' business is declining in areas of Bangalore they surveyed.

BMTC buses on traffic police radar

The BMTC is ending up filling the Bangalore City Traffic Police’s coffer. In February 2009, the traffic police has collected Rs 3.17 lakh for various traffic violations involving BMTC buses.

Shut up and Vote Bangalore Concert

28 Mar 2009 19:00
28 Mar 2009 21:00

Watch out for this concert by Thermal And A Quarter - a Bangalore based band. Posting from a mail from Jannagraha.

Global Warming - Local solutions?


The 2007 Nobel Peace Prize was given to Al Gore Jr (b1948) and IPCC of Geneva Switzerland for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change. A must Listen 20 minuets “Al Gore Nobel Speech” 

Garbage Recycling: a myth or hard reality?

 Lot of garbage is recycled. That is the reality.

Voter Harassment Centres

I am really disgusted with the month-long running around I have had to do. You are almost tempted to exclaim, as one 70-year-old gentleman in front of us did, "If this is what I have to undergo to register...and then vote for some rowdy-sheeter who is standing for election to make money, why should I bother? "...and go home.....

Survey results - cleanliness, pollution top local issues!?

After about 3000 responses, here is how the results look like. The results are a function of how the poll was structured, and remember, this reflects the sentiments of urban, online populace of the city. Regardless, instead of analyzing this in various ways ourselves, why don't we leave it to readers and members to make sense of thes numbers. In case you are not very good with numbers, we have highlighted the top 3-4 items in each category :)

BMTC-RTI Meeting Minutes and updates

Public Transport

Meeting minutes - April 25, 2009

Participants - rithesh, kbsyed61

Points/Action Items-

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