Thank you, thank you very much Times of India, and journalists Jayashree Nandi & Aarthi R for highlighting the water woes of Bengaluru right atop your Sunday frontpage, bang next to that thing called IPL. Water shortage and quality issues came up high in Jaagore-Praja-SmartVote election issue survey here, which was a bit surprising (yeah, we know and care!). But no candidate has shown serious interest or understanding - forget solutions - for the looming water shortage faced by Namma Bengaluru.
Interested members who want to take this further, please sign up for this BWSSB tracking project which is running slow for lack of volunteers (just leave a comment there to say you want to help). We must track and understand BWSSB's projects and constraints, the understanding and impact of their initiatives (or delays) has to be taken beyond just some dedicated NGOs working in this space.