CM requesting Planning Commission to sanction Commuter Rail on cost sharing basis

With reference to Bangalore, Mr. Yeddyurappa said the Railways should take up Commuter Rail Project in partnership with the State Government on a cost-sharing basis.
The project would provide connectivity on the north-south and east-west access of existing surface rail lanes in Bangalore, he said.
He suggested that cities like Bangalore, which have built “brand India” globally through information technology should be given Central assistance for infrastructure development as they had made their own investments on infrastructure to support IT growth
With CM himself requesting Planning Commission Dy Chairmen to provide Commuter Rail project on cost sharing basis with Railways should ensure that things start moving further. Its now Railway should come forward with full heart on Commuter Rail for Bangalore.
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Tumkur MP requesting PM to look into the Commuter Rail for Ban
While talking to Tumkur MP office, they confirmed that Mr Basavaraj MP has written letter few weeks back to PM ( after he took over Railway Minister portfolio ) to look into the injustice done for Commuter Rail Bangalore.
Now PM has forwarded the same to Railway Board for further action.
Now its high time so called Elected Representatives and Citizens demand strong for Commuter Rail.
Awareness on Commuter Rail project
We feel more and more public should make demand to DRM / SWR to Commuter Rail for Bangalore, so that we get this facility.
Now it is high time so called Elected Representatives and Citizens demand strong for Commuter Rail
Yes, more and more public should make the demand for Commuter Rail Project. How do we go about it? Do you have any specific plans?
Requesting other MPs also to write to PM.
I have sent an email to 4 MPs representing Bangalore and the surrounding areas as given below. I suggest that each of send emails to these MPs. This can build up the support. The email-ids are given below.
1. P C Mohan : pcmohan@pcmohanbjp.com
2. Ananth Kumar : akumar-alpha@sansad.nic.in
3. Chandre Gowda : chandre.gowda@sansad.nic.in
4. K H Muniyappa : khmuni@sansad.nic.in
(Note: All the MPs email addresses are available at the parliament website)
Its good suggestion every one of us should write to concerned
Every one who have been affected by Traffic problem should write to all concernd MP's from Bangalore.
Write to Suth MP to following mailid :
Ananth Kumar : ananth@ananth.org / secretary@ananth.org
Already few of us like Mr Syed have written letter to Veerappa Moily : vmoily@kar.nic.in, Venkyia Naidu, Rajeev Chandrashekar to put pressure on Center.
But none of them speak out or write letter to PM or Railway Minister to look into the Demands of Bangalore.
Citizens should demand to Railway Board and MP's so that things will fall in line soon.
All, Attached is the email I
Attached is the email I have sent to various railway board members.
( Chairman: crb@rb.railnet.gov.in, Secretary: secyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in, Member Engineeting: me@rb.railnet.gov.in, Member Traffic: mt@rb.railnet.gov.in, Financial Controller : fc@rb.railnet.gov.in )
I suggest all those who are interested pls send this email to the above again.
---------------------- Email --------------------
From: Bhushan Matad <amnbhushan@yahoo.com>
Subject: Local Trains For Bangalore on existing tracks.
To: crb@rb.railnet.gov.in, secyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in, me@rb.railnet.gov.in, mt@rb.railnet.gov.in, fc@rb.railnet.gov.in
Date: Wednesday, June 29, 2011, 4:55 PM
CM reminds Planning Commission
Other demands the CM made (to Mr Montek Singh Alhuwalia, Dy Chairman, Planning Commission) during the meeting include: providing coal linkages to state's power plants, speedy implementation of railway projects, amendment to Article 371 D of the Constitution for providing reservation in education and government jobs to the people of the backward Hyderabad-Karnataka region, approval by the ministry of railways for the commuter rail system for Bangalore city.
For the full report in the New Indian Express, click here.
Can we sau it's on the front burner, after all?
But GoK has not sent any proposal even after 2/3 years over
GoK is sleeping on the proposal Commuter Rail and keep on pointing at Center. With such good mechanisam exists in Govt, for proposals approval, why is GoK is not forwarding the proposal to Indian Railway and following delaying tactics on this.
With current poltical situation in Karnataka, their is hardly any accountability for the progress of METRO, HSRL, Mono rail, Commuter Rail, BRTS, Cycling & others.
Commuter Rail is other name for METRO?
"The Hindu" reports this in little different way
This makes it little hard to accept that GOK has actually planned for commuter rail as we have envisioned it to be.
Facts on ground actually points to METRO, not commuter/suburban rail - RITES is yet to submit the report, DULT is yet forward those recommendations to GOK for further action. May be all this done in background without public notice, but hard to believe.